
Aegean Tower, Death Notes and the Chief of Detectives

Seochol was approaching while he was biting.

‘Calm down.'

It is not something that is easily discovered in the human mind. Minho greeted the captain, exhaling evenly while maintaining the most stable atmosphere.

“Good morning, Captain. ”

He points to the VJ's camera that follows him.

“I was filming in this hospital. Do you know Medical 24: 00? ”

Min Ho encouraged himself that he was calm.

“Oh, the pro? I've heard stories from Chief Inspector Lim, who likes TV. ”

Seochol didn't look so shriveled up in front of the camera like a parent who had a celebrity as a child. Rather, in the barrel of looking at the photographic steps with a sharp eye, the steps that were vaguely looking forward to the unfolding of unscripted real craftsmanship stopped.

“So I'm on the air too? ”

“Unless you edit it. ”

Seochol said, “I don't want to come out.” I said briefly, and I encountered VJ filming himself. And there was a gaze on VJ's sleeve.

“Camera guy's got blood on his forearms and chest. Who did you hurt? ”

“Me? Me? ”

“It's not your blood, is it? If the wound was this bloody, the opponent would be Mediterranean. Can you convince the common man everywhere that you're not the perpetrator? Or I'm gonna have to arrest you. ”

“I was filming the emergency room earlier.... ”

In an interrogation with a veteran detective who could best understand that he did wrong, VJ whistled about what happened during the shooting.

‘That's it. ’

A vague sense of anxiety when the police suddenly interrogate themselves. In Seochol, there was a strange charisma that amplified it. Minho felt sorry for not warning him beforehand when he saw the embarrassed VJ after making eye contact for no reason.

“An accident. The doctors must have suffered a lot. ”

Seochol hears from VJ about the details of the morning and nods.

Minho beat the player before Seochol was interested in him again.

“Captain, what brings you here? ”

“What's a detective doing wandering around at this hour? ”

You're not here to capture yourself planning a trip with the West Galaxy. Minho, who was stabbed slightly, asked in a low voice.

“Who are you here to catch? ”

“You can't leak the investigation to non-officials. Oh, do you know a doctor who works here? I heard it was Houston.”

“Professor Ha? ”

I wanted to ask why I was looking for him, but all I had to do was answer because of the words in the book, "unrelated."

“You can go all the way down to the main building on the third floor. ”

“One, the hospital needs to be bigger. Thank you. Good shot. ”

Crisis averted.

Minho sighed for relief, and he met his eyes as he walked down the hall.



“I suddenly remembered. Can we talk without that camera? Not that it matters, but I don't think I'll have time to see you now or ever. ”

“Well, of course. ”

Minho asked the production team to understand.

“I'll get the captain. Just hang up for a second. ”

A one-on-one conversation with Seochol. Hold on, no matter what.

The road to the 3rd floor of the main hall.

“My daughter only comes into the house once during the night. Skip family movie time. Even when I worked undercover for two months trying to catch a serial arsonist, I wasn't this obsessed. ”

“It's great to have drama in the latter half. especially if it's popular. The Milky Way drama now has the highest viewership rate during the week... ”

“Are you siding in front of me because my daughter is interested? ”

Minho gave me a reflexive excuse and kept his mouth shut.

“And when I came home at dawn, he said he wanted to travel to Jeju. That's also this Friday. ”

I have to flinch because I can't tell if I know what I'm saying or not. Minho thought about the text he received from the galaxy in the morning and actually said it first.

“It's not a trip, it's an official schedule from the station. It's like a prize awarded to a popular drama where actors Joo and Jo can encourage and unite each other for their hard work. ”

“Are you coming? ”


I almost got caught up in it. I was confused by the combination of dozens of answers in my head, but I opened my mouth calmly.

“I don't think everyone will be able to attend because of other events, but I think I'll only be with the drama steps on Friday. ”

“Do the many men who pounced on your daughter participate in this prize? ”

“That's... who are you talking about? ”

Seochol took out his cell phone in his arms. And I opened the SNS account of the galaxy that Minho had taught me before.

“Look here. Standing next to people who want to take a picture together. Aren't they all drama people? ”

“Huh? I see. ”

The lead actor also appeared and disappeared a long time ago in the form of the French model Louie. Minho's eyes flashed with jealous flames, but he felt a sense of why he took this picture.

“SNS is originally easy to show, this is a fan-service dimension that tells the galaxy's popularity... …. ”

“There you go. All the kids with black faces are aiming the same way, no matter what. ”

“I agree with that. ”

“You……. ”

Minho stopped walking and died as soon as he put his hands on his shoulders.

“... I'd rather have a splash on my face like you. ”

“Well, is it? ”

Later, Seochol's words were taken as a lament to embarrassed Minho.

“Anyway, you decided to leave the galaxy alone in a place like that, you. ”

“Out of the way. If there were any other guys in the galaxy who had feelings for you, I'd say yes!" ”

This was real.

“We'll see. ”

“Don't worry! I'll keep no one near the Milky Way! ”

Minho, who looked like a clenched fist, reflectively became a feeling that he had no idea why he was making this declaration.

I feel like I'm always getting smaller in front of you.


The third floor elevator door opened, and Minho walked to the diagnostic medical district at the end of the hall and stopped guiding.

“This is it, Captain. ”

“Good work. Come by our station sometime. ”

“The police station?”

“Surprised about what? Teach my youngest a lesson in driving. This so-called detective is the worst driver on the force. I'm embarrassed.”

That was the story I heard the last time I grilled meat with the broad shoulders of detectives. Minho said, "I'll find you in a moment.” I bowed my head and turned my back and walked in front of the elevator.


Then I turned my head to the voice behind my back. A woman doctor walked out of the diagnostic and clinic holding the patient chart in her chest.

“Chae Eun. ”

When Minho's eyes met, he came forward with a greeting face.

“How are you feeling? ”

“Yes, thanks to Min-ho. ”

She was dressed in a doctor's gown. Her face was so white that paleness was emphasized, but there were no signs of any abnormalities related to the disease.

“What about Joonseong?”

“My foster parents have arrived from France and are comfortable now. Minho wants to see you too. ”

“Anyway, I was worried about an emergency transfusion, but I'm glad Chae didn't have any side effects either. ”

At Minho's words, he stopped, then suddenly covered his mouth and carefully asked.

“Minho, are you filming right now? I can't see the camera. ”

“I met someone I know for a while, and they were separated. ”

“So do you have a minute to talk? ”

At Moon Hyo's request, which seemed more active than usual, Minho tilted his head.

“I think it's going to be okay. ”

The two of them went to the break room on the third floor and pulled out the coffee machine.

“Here you go, Minho. ”

“Thank you. ”

Sitting on an empty chair for a while, Moon Yin's words were enough to make Min Ho's mind go blank for a while.

“You know that day in the ambulance from the airport? You see any glitter on the optic nerve? Like, do you feel like you're shining on your own for me? The outer wall of the first O.R. is all orange.... ”

A few hours after her blood was transfused, Min-ho had to secretly swallow a grunt in her cautious confession that she had temporarily witnessed the light of her lovebirds.

“I didn't feel any more nervous when I woke up. I was worried that Min-ho might be in trouble. It's not a common symptom of what I'm going through. ”

“That's what happened……. ”

Minho secretly swallowed a cup of coffee, avoiding the burning of the tongue by moving it around in the heat.

“Here's what I think. It's probably a transient hallucination, a side effect of severe heat overlapping. I was fine.”

First, I took it off and examined the reaction of the door. Fortunately, you know why you trust yourself completely.

I can't believe the person who transfused the blood found a love item. This was unthinkable. The way it worked was somewhat convincing, but it was not surprising.

She nodded her head as the bear looked at Minho's opinion.

“Now that I think about it, I think I saw it wrong because I was so busy that day. It doesn't make any sense. It glows on its own. ”

“Something so shiny... Have you ever touched it? ”

“Your stethoscope was glowing, so I touched it, but it was no different from anything else. And the feeling.”

Yesterday, he laughed, saying that he had searched uselessly for cases of diseases that only confuse the visual nerves.

“I shouldn't have thought about contacting Minho first. ”

“Haha. I see. ”

"If you can only see it, you have to see it as temporary, right? ’

Minho recovered from the sudden shock, thinking he should ask his father about the situation once.

After a short conversation, Min-ho and Moon stood up.

“I got a call from the diagnostics department this afternoon. ”

“I think so. Chae was so popular with teachers that they couldn't get more writers to perform. ”

“No way.”

Shamefully bowing. Minho looked at her side and was confident that the male patient would increase to 100% if the actual picture was taken at the entrance of the hospital.

“That's right. The case of Junsung I've heard about is over. Is there anyone else with an uncertain condition? ”

“I do. That……. ”

She looks like there's something wrong with her face. In most cases, Professor Howson was the only exciting case.

“Whoever it is, I'll be there this afternoon to help. I don't know if it'll work. ”

“Thank you every time, Minho. ”

* * *

AN Hospital Library Entrance.

The "Medical 24: 00" cast who could not even get the right opening shot in the barrel that started early in the morning gathered together. Only PD's Kim Sang-man opened his mouth at those seated on the bench.

“The whole hospital has been unable to move at once because of the emergency screening step, unlike usual. The hospital also has permission to photograph only diagnostic and rehabilitative medicine, which is relatively affordable, so we're going to divide it into teams. ”

“Where is that twisted professor? I'll never make it. ”

The announcer grabbed his hand and took off first.

“I'm in the mood for rehab, too. ”

“I saw the broadcast and it really scared the professor. I can't handle being a Minho and dropping out of medical school. ”

In a row, the actress executive and model Ko Jin-su argued that they would go to the Department of Rehabilitation.

I looked at the two people who had Kim PD left.

“Are you okay, Kang Min-ho? ”

“Well, it doesn't matter. ”

Minho nods. The team split up as if they didn't have anything to think about.

While the crew were preparing for the afternoon shoot, the winner approached Minho's side.

“Kang Min-ho.”

Minho turns his head and asks the winner.

“You've prepared a lot, right? ”

“Yes? Ready for what? ”

‘Why do you know that?’ I wonder if Minho sensed excessive motivation in the eyes of the winning streak. Looks like he's using a microphone as well.

I understand. It is hard to respond to Professor Ha's logic even with Choi Hyuk's affections, but what answer can the master of dentistry give alone? That's why Minho prepared to shoot constantly with a comrade in mind.

“Seung Gi, have a good afternoon, guys. ”

“Let's do well. ”

“I'm going to shoot in three minutes. ”

On FD's voice, the winning machine checked for sensitive comms that airlifted it at AT Enter.

“Can you hear me?”

The assistant professor has decided to sign off on losing again.

“I'll take my time today. ”

- Agreed. Let's flatten his nose with a decisive blow.

Kang Min-ho threw away his pride for a long time. Instead of trying to pretend to know at that time because I was embarrassed as before, I decided not to face the poison situation, but to find out for sure whatever it was.

“Ms. Chae, are you here? ”

“Minho, you're diagnosing and experiencing today, right? ”

“Yes, me and Seunggi. ”

“Ah……. ”

He turns his head and greets the winner.

The Winner greets you, but somehow he seems to have slipped his tongue. The comfort is that most emergency room nurses encountered this morning showed great affection for their strong body and warm faces.

‘Physical is not something to brag about. ’

While the winner was making a bitter smile, the phone received a text message and vibrated.

[Brother, are you filming? Give me a picture of Kang Min-ho and I'll shoot Chicken Mac!]

‘This is real. ’

I asked him if he was my only sister, and he pulled my back bone very closely.

“Let's start filming. It's 1: 00pm, so help the doctor who is following you around until 6: 00pm! ”

The inputs have begun with the PD's instructions.

The Jeong Seung Jeong Jeon was following Kang Min-ho and the door that was walking ahead, and I was a little excited about what case I would take on. It was because I was confident that I could stand to excel as long as I could get help from all faculty at Samwon Hospital.

Professor Hauson's visit was held at the office of the diagnostic medicine department.


The skinny middle-aged man who was sitting at the center of the table burst a birthday firecracker as soon as he saw the broadcast camera.

“Welcome to the hero of Air France. Welcome to the door intern. Wait, who was this guy? ”

He received Professor Ha's gaze and said the nickname he had called himself the last time.

“It's Newface, Professor. ”

“Oh, I remember. Now for the second time, I can't call you Newface. ”

In the dry feeling from the beginning, the winner watched Kang Minho's side while keeping quiet. Already looking at the chart, the winner quickly sat down and read the patient's information on the table.

Professor Ha sat down and said.

“This is a patient's medical record that was running slightly this morning. There's Old Face.”

“Old? You mean me? ”

In the question of the winner, Professor Ha said, "That's right.” I pointed to Kang Min-ho on the other side.

“Can you say a few words to your hero rival? ”

“Th……. ”

Even though Professor Ha made a funny face, the Winner couldn't respond with laughter or jokes. It was because I had sensed the high calculated cynicism and ridicule in all of that professor's actions.

The winner said to Kang Minho, taking care of his face, thinking that conformity is the right answer for those who can't find the main discipline.

“Congratulations, Minho. I don't know what you've been up to, but you've gone from a young man to a hero. ”

Professor Ha gave out his thumb with the ‘Oh’ look.

“Old Face has calmed down quite a bit. Does the hero have anything to say before the diagnostic? ”

Kang Minho opened his mouth with a nice face.

“Am I not a young man, but a hero, now? ”

“Why? You don't like it? ”

“No, I'm just overwhelmed. ”

“You have to keep pressure on it. Today's case needs a hero. ”

In Professor Ha's heartfelt words, both Kang Min-ho and Jeong Seung Jeon looked at the chart carefully.

[Min-tae-hee. 37. After she fainted with a severe headache...... she was admitted as a celebrity beauty.]

The Winner rubs his eyes. The words on the end were words that could not be seen as symptoms. The patient picture on the chart was actually very beautiful. But the winner had to wonder why it looked so pretty.

“Hey, Professor. ”

“Yes, Old Face. ”

“Why are you keeping a record of being pretty? If you suspect a genetic problem, you should have a history of it. ”

“Read the next chapter. ”

“Next chapter? ”

The winner who saw the words, 'My husband is ugly,' couldn't help but be embarrassed.

“This is blasphemy, isn't it? ”

“You're the one who discriminates. I agree with you on an objective basis. Isn't she pretty? ”

The winning machine focused purely on analyzing the physical symptoms without answering why it decided to make an accurate diagnosis rather than playing around with Professor Ha's jokes.

“What do you think of the heroes? ”

“A good-looking husband and a pretty wife... would have a lot of money in common. ”

“Yes, brilliantly straightforward. But the husband wasn't born with a paddle in his mouth, a ninth grade government official. He's an old school clerk. Compared to that, she has excellent specs. Smart, good job, and hot. ”

“You think that living together is a mental problem because there's no connection between the two. I have a psychotic condition in mind. ”


The winner shook his head as the two conversations continued without any rest, even though his perspective was unusual. Just in case I thought I was strange, I turned my gaze to Rubberneck and her elder three fellows. It was the same with their faces that they were embarrassed. Rather, I did not look better than myself.

“But you know what? This isn't the point. ”

Professor Ha looked at the camera and the choreographer standing next to him and asked.

“If we record this broadcast, will we go out next week? ”

Jo only nodded at a distance.

“Then we can make it public. That detective didn't say much. ”

The winner looks like a detective.

“We have a suspect in custody at the Gangnam Police Station on suspicion of serial murder. ”

“What does that have to do with the patient? ”

When Kang Min-ho asked, who seemed most surprised by the story of the detective, Ha said with a ’caught' face.

“The suspect was caught trying to kill this patient. Now, add a final symptom here. The patient is being chased by a serial killer. ”

The winner opens his mouth and drops the chart on the table, and the familiar faces of silver and fellows turn to dirt.

Even though only Kang Min-ho was a little embarrassed, he looked suspicious and bowed his head to the chart again.

“The important thing is, if this patient wakes up and fails to testify properly, the suspect is released. You do know that the Bureau's time of arrest is 48 hours, right? ”

Professor Ha said with a penitent smile.

“You're protecting the life of a patient, both inside and out. ”

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