
Radio Day

5. Radio Day

AM 8: 00.

Minho was being dragged to work because he couldn't sleep well because of the ball manager who came to the lodge in the morning.

“We'll do interviews, private rehearsals, and custom coding. ”

He struggled for freedom as he went along.

“What are you preparing for in a 30 minute corner? ”

“Making yourself attractive is the foundation of celebrities. ”


Somehow I couldn't argue with this. It's annoying, but you're absolutely right.

“I looked into the schedule a little bit more. It's a special feature, and it turns out it's on the radio. Attendees will be accompanied by a large H rapper line. ”


The common denominator of academic bees and quiz show winners was a strange combination for Minho.

“It's hard for Min-ho to get attention because they already have awareness. DJs tend to only talk to people who are responsive to live audiences. ”

‘This is the competition, too. ’

The ball manager stopped the van in front of the traffic light and handed the envelope back to the driver's seat.

“Watch as you go. It's provided by the company. ”

“Yes ~”

Minho said he would relax and received the data while yawning loudly. The envelope was quite heavy.

From KG Enters' manual on interview tips and proactive questions to programmatic and facilitator-specific responses. There was very heavy data built up.

‘Prepare for anything. ’

When a league match is played, the opposing team's preferred strategic weakness seems to be the same as a knife to the opposing team's GG. It's not my preferred style of play, but as new as it is on the air, I have to follow it.

“Today's radio is called 'The Music Trip at 8: 00.’ You know Bae Cheolhwan.”

“Aren't you a singer with years? ”

“That's right. He's a professional, and despite being a longevity pro for over 20 years, the impact is substantial. And it's a feature today. ”

Minho was quite surprised after searching for a music trip at 8 o'clock on his cell phone. After a professional gamer played, there were only a few articles on the web, which was over 10 thousand articles from yesterday.

“Listen to the radio on the way. It's similar to an 8: 00 music tour and a DJ. ”

The ball manager who was driving pressed the button on the radio to adjust the radio frequency. A calm DJ's voice echoes through the speakers.

... The child who first saw the mirror is surprised. Who is it? ’When I touch my hand, the child in the mirror also touches my hand.

My mom is staring at this and pressing the shutter. The surprised child looks back, and the surprised child looks back. Huh? There it is. There it is. ’When he first saw the mirror, he was full of surprises, curiosity and wonder. It's the day I made a funny friend.

So, how was our friend today? Before work, before school, before opening the door to everyday life, there's a view of the bathroom, the crematorium and the car window. Did any of the strangers there seem a little grumpy to you?

Well, say hello. "Come on, tomorrow's the weekend." ’I'll laugh at you in a minute.

Friday morning, June 27th. Beautiful Morning.

Minho smiled as he looked at the car window, nodding at the subsequent melody and reading the document. And while the eyes were on paper, the ears were caught in the rhythm of the guitar, and fingers were snapped.

Minho asked the ball manager as the music stopped and the advertisement ran.

“I love this song. ”

The guitar was particularly attractive. The ball manager also said as if to turn down the volume.

“It's a famous singer-songwriter's knob in the Indian world called The Ideal Gun. It's called Dreaming Youth. ”

Minho was born, but it was a smart area for the ball manager.

“Do you know him? ”

“It's a narrow floor. ”

The ball manager looks like he's in a poor perfume and says:

“I used to dream of being a singer. ”

“Oh, you sing well? ”

I was a little excited to see him in a different way.

“So I folded it up. ”


So you're a good singer, and you fold?

“Tones are great, but they say they can't get a good tune. Well, why don't you play it for me? ”

The ball manager clears his voice. Min-ho smiled beautifully.

“Never, no matter what. ”

Minho had heard how his subordinate Karam used to sing along to the girls' group songs, so he did not eat the pole. Ga-ram, who is a tone-deaf person, said to me, 'I can sing really well if I just touch my tune.’

“By the way, while we're on the air, I hope he's on the sound recordings chart. ”

“The song looks good, but isn't it popular? ”

“Nowadays, it's not easy to satisfy the public with just music. because I want to see the light because it's not just the world that I work hard for. I'm just cheering you on. ”

Minho, who empathized greatly, waved a bunch of data in his hand.

“I don't think this is going to work out on your own, either? ”

“We will. Never, ever! ”

The ball manager said with full strength. Meanwhile, Minho tried to put down the data, but he swallowed a sigh through the rearview mirror in the eye of the ball manager.


It was clear in my heart that I was told not to sing. Minho looked back at the data.

AM 10: 00.

In a shared office on the 3rd floor of KG Enters.


Minho, who was lying on the chair, put down the last data and opened up a big base.

The ball manager was so eager to get this much data because he thought he was smart. Perhaps it was great to hear the unbroken conversation with the Western Galaxy.

Don't you think I'm a genius? ’

Minho smiled slowly and often thinking about what the ball manager would look like when he got a bigger schedule while smiling that he wasn't offended by such a mistake.

“Oh, you won't do that again? ”

It was when I fiercely denied the thought that came to my mind.


The door opens and the ball manager raises his head.

“You've seen it all, right? ”

“Big, roughly? ”

The ball manager said, "Yes! ’I showed a chunky document.

“Check this out, too. ”

The ball manager who gave me the radio script disappeared along with saying, "Suffer."

“ ……. ”

PM 01: 00.

Farak. Farak.

The finger that was handed over becomes empty. A bunch of money scripts finally showed the first page.

“I'm done! ”

Minho leaned against the chair with a deep sense of liberation. After reading all the reference material for falling asleep, he is remarkable.

It was then.


The ball manager walks in.

“Are you done?”

Minho, who was startled, quickly looked at the ball manager's hand. It was a trick to say I still read less when I was holding something.

Fortunately, there was nothing in hand. Min-ho calmed down, smiling comfortably and trembling.

“As you can see.”

The ball manager nods, looking relaxed and shaking like a debt.

“I see you have time. So I prepared.”

The ball manager walks into the closet and presses a button. Min Ho was overwhelmed with an unknown anxiety as his blooming voice began.

“Also check out the radio audiovisual material you see. ”

Soon, a white screen came down from the ceiling. The radio script fell out of Minho's hands.

‘…… save lives. ’

PM 03: 00.

It was a long time. Two hours to stand up like a reversing Defense Department clock.

“Haha... Hahaha! Did you see it all?”

Minho, who watched the 4 week radio show ‘8: 00 Music Trip' in a dazed state of mind, listened outside the door, even though the ball manager was not hiding.

The sound of footsteps followed. Every time I finish installing a surveillance camera, it appears like a ghost!

‘But it's over now. ’

A man has a conscience. He wouldn't do anything else. I studied the broadcast, read the script carefully, and revised it four weeks in a row. Now, "Well done. ’It's a recognition.

It was a very common idea of Minho.

Then the door opened wide.

“Let's go.”

This is ridiculous!

“Is there something else?! ”

The ball manager raised his thumb to Minho who was suddenly awake.

“You're so lively. I've arranged for rehearsals with two trainees. ”

“Hey, did you eat? ”

“It's a goddess, but it's not much, so I just want you to memorize it. ”

“… Memory? ”

Minho took the paper from the ball manager.

Chapter 2 of A4.

"Ten points full!" ’

The silent austerity followed. When Minho raised his head, the ball manager was already on his feet.

* * *

PM 05: 00

Gene is out. I feel like I'm burning my soul white.

Minho, who was dozing off sitting in the makeup room, lifted his head, feeling the touch of his shoulders. A beauty tied behind her head, wearing round glasses, was waving her hands.

‘… who? ’

Minho, who was refining his dazzling mind, laughed as he met the glittering eyes of the Western Galaxy. I used my brain so much that I was sleepy in my eyes.

“You must be tired. ”

Minho was also naturally rebuked by her dreamy face and story.

“Yes, I'm very tired. ”

I thought I wanted to curse the ball manager, but I endured it in front of her.

“Here, the ball manager wants you to take this. ”

The West Galaxy waved its hot coffee. I was just wondering if this would make me bluff, but the courier decided to stand still twice.

“I went to this cafe in front of me. He said he'll be back soon after the meeting. ”

“What weren't you holding? scripts and paperwork and so on. ”

“I didn't see it at all. ”

“You're welcome.”

Minho took the coffee and got up on the island. While tightening for a moment, the hair and makeup were finished. I didn't sleep, I didn't sleep, so I still felt weird.

I thanked the make-up man and sat in the back seat. The West Galaxy is also waiting for makeup, so I naturally sat next to it. The woman's side is a bit of a rope.

“You said you were going on the radio. ”

She sat tight, but Min-ho was very upset and said, ‘Aren't you interested in me? I didn't even imagine. It was just a dream, so I felt comfortable being with my friend naturally.

“Yes. Do you know the 8: 00 musical trip? ”

“That's what I hear sometimes. I love your voice, DJ. Warm, heavy. ”

“He's doing a good job. I was sleepy for four weeks, and I listened to it. ”

“Four weeks? Oh, ready for the broadcast? ”

“Don't say that. The ball manager was more dense than he looked today. Look at my condition. This is a decomposed laugh. ”

When he showed his hollow grandfather's smile, the galaxy shrugged. Maybe it's because of her smile. Every time I speak, she smiles, so I see a meaningful cute dimple on her cheek.

But he's here for the radio, so why is she here? I don't think you're here to deliver coffee.

“Do you have a schedule? ”

“I have an audition. ”

“Oh dear, the script. ”

Minho, who saw the drama script in the hands of the West Galaxy, shook his head. I've been doing this all day, and I don't think I should be studying implants.

Looking at the waitstaff sitting in line next to the woman, Seo Eun-sik checked the watch and got up from his seat.

“I'm a little late for class, and it's going to take a long time. I'm just gonna go with a little makeup. Anyway, have a good radio day. ”

“Roughly? I heard Seo Eun Joon auditioned. ”

“I'm fine.”

Seogyeong stood up with a smile on her face. Min-ho was troubled for a moment as she sat on an empty seat next to the man and watched her start her basic makeup all by herself.

"You said glamouring me was the foundation for celebrities, right? ’

It was because he admitted to following the ball manager around all day.

Minho approached where Chief Jay Kim's things were organized. Then I asked the person next to me.

“Can I use the scissors here for a second? ”

“Huh? You're done. You don't like it? ”

“It's not my call...”

Minho, who took out Jay Kim's scissors, slightly moved the blade. The soft sound of a rectangle and a desire to touch my head fluttered in my ears.

Minho couldn't even reach his own head in time, so he couldn't help but reach the galaxy. She was applying basic cosmetics in the order she taught me earlier.

I looked at Minho in the mirror.

“Yes? Why? ”

“Let me fix your hair for a second. ”

Her eyes are wide open.


Minho shrugged his shoulders and looked at the galaxy's head.

‘I don't want to wear makeup in plain clothes, so I want it to look adorable. Is your forehead thin or straight? ’

Unlike the anti-Semitic galaxy, Minho picked up the sprayer, sprayed it with shark, and started combing until it was dry and dry. The courageous hand was more proficient than I thought, so I started watching without saying a word.

You curl the iron to create a fuller wave and loosen it. I tied my hair loosely and deliberately left one or two strands of side hair to create a natural hair. When I rolled it up and finished, I finished with a cute tug of hair.

“Oh my…”

A ball manager appeared outside the make-up room while the West Galaxy was amazed.

“Kang Min-ho, you have to leave before the hour is too late. ”

Min-ho stepped away from the Western Galaxy's head due to the urgent gesture of the ball manager. Well, this should do it. Her background is so outstanding that even the slightest touch results in a 200% effect.

“Well, watch your audition!”

“Thank you, Minho. ”

The galaxy waves its hand toward Minho, who returns the scissors and goes out. And looking at his reflection on the mirror, Seogyeong was once again surprised.

I can't believe you created such a style in such a short time. It was like seeing Chief Jay Kim who could only see something very occasionally.

PM 06: 00.

The ball manager in the driver's seat turned his head and scanned Minho's body. Waffle knits with buttons, black jeans and perfectly groomed hair.


The ball manager turns his head and starts.

“Yes, the castle is doomed. Phew.”

Minho stared out the window with a hollow expression. I've been so busy since morning to hear that speech.

Ben leaves the building and departs for M station. The ball manager turned on the radio on his way. Minho, who was closing his eyes, couldn't sleep, listened to the silent flowing comment.

I was so sleepy earlier, but now I'm starting to feel nervous.

… the beginning of the end of the day. Everybody heading home? 4925. ‘I went out to dinner. I have to stay late and go back to work.’ Phew, you have work to do. Finish quickly and go inside, 7573. The subway is too small! You put five exclamation points on the back. There's no place more tired than a crowded subway. If that's the case, I'd like everyone to get off at the next station.

It seemed better to share his story by praying for someone's voice who couldn't even see his face. I was just reading and comforting someone else's story, and Min-ho felt comforted for some reason.

‘So far, I've got to do something. ’

I was only preparing for a broadcast that would take me 15 minutes if I thought about other people's footage for only 30 minutes, but I had no regard for it, so I was excited about the original radio.

Ben stops in the underground parking lot of M station.


I was on my way out, and I heard a text message. Minho picked up her cell phone.

[By the way, it's your first broadcast today, right? I'll listen to it. * ^ ^ *]

It was written.

You sure?

Something ambiguous. Earlier, she said she wanted to be close, but she never expressed exactly whether she was interested in being friends or not.

Minho thought of a major that he was using as a sleeping pillow with at the head of the bed. I gave up reading a few times, but today's Western galaxy was full of charm because there was a desire to read it again.

“My ball manager. ”


“Seo Eun, do you have a boyfriend? ”

The ball manager smiled and replied to his dark-hearted question.

“I don't know about that, but I heard you say you'll never date a man until you graduate. ”

I opened my eyes.

"Well, I guess I can be that hero. Since the Seo Milky Way is a third grader in the external school, if we maintain a good relationship for the next year and a half... ’

Minho waved his head after unfolding his imagination.

"No, they say women are pretty for three months. ’

What's important is the rumor that the conversation has to work. I feel tired every time I meet someone who is close to me because my interests are completely different.

Then I nodded my head.

‘Wouldn't three months of happiness satisfy you? ’

One conclusion.

‘I should order some more books to read. ’

If you're happy for three months and you can speak well, you can be happier. Minho smiles and leaves the ben after finishing cleaning up.

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