
Radio Day

PM 06: 30

Upon taking the elevator to the concierge desk on the first floor, the ball manager completed the visit log and presented it to the employee.

“Are you visiting the radio studio? ”

“That's right.”

After the verification procedure, the door that was covered with a transparent plate opened. Minho walked through a corridor where the station staff were busy moving through the lobby.

“This way.”

The ball manager pointed to Studio 3, which had the word "No Trespassing" on it.

“Going early can make a good impression. Radio writers like to relax and prepare. Don't be nervous, just do what you practiced today. I'll be back at the end. ”

The ball manager says, 'I believe you!’ I looked like I was clenching my fist.

Minho nodded and opened the door of the studio. When I hear you say, "It's the day before the plantation!", the two people inside are talking and turn their heads.

“I'm Kang Min-ho. Hello."

In the early forties, the young man was a cymbora writer, a woman who had a residence in the mid-30s in her binoculars PD.

“Kang Min-ho! Welcome. ”

The PD didn't get up and asked me to shake his hand.

‘Usually it's fun, but when you go on the air, it's a tough type to change. ’

Minho recalled the words of the ball manager.

“You're here early. Is your coffee okay?”

Min Ho bowed his head and thanked the writer for his question. This is the veteran who's been in charge of the program for 10 years, and he says he's a perfectionist who doesn't tolerate mistakes unlike a mild impression.

The PD took Minho to one side.

“The Answer report is strongly recommended by the Sim writer. I can't wait to see the handsome ones. ”

“Oh, I think my husband is the most handsome. ”

The writer behind the coffee, the PD, looked around and around.

“What? Do you have a wire? Ah, ah. Mike test, husband. Isn't she a little overzealous? ”


Minho smiled at the age of four at the PD, and his gaze stayed on the radio room.

Inside the half-extinguished booth, I noticed the DJ's position, which was tangled with various wires in the unknown audio equipment. Even though no one was sitting, I could see the light on its own.

That's where the radio that I heard comes from.


While looking inside, something flashes inside the cracks hidden in the audio equipment. It is now a young light with hidden power that has become accustomed to it.


Minho had a hunch that there was someone's affection there.

* * *

PM 07: 00

An impressive old man with a clean head and mustache walked into the entrance of the MBS station. The concierge who saw him said hello.

“Welcome, sir. ”

“Yes, it's been a long day. ”

The gentle waving hand. Even though I wasn't a station employee, the gate was blocked.

He was a popular group leader in the '80s and has been in constant service for 30 years after his debut, so everyone who encountered him greeted him first. At that time, the old man stopped and gave greetings with a loving smile.

“I heard you moved to Talent Country. How are you doing these days? ”

“Don't tell me. The Director is very upset that you're not getting any viewership. ”

“Work hard. ”

“Be sure to cast it soon, sir. ”

“Let's think about it. ”

After passing by the lobby and stopping in front of Radio 3, the old man turns his head to the noise next to him as he tries to get inside.

“Please. You know I only do this corner a week. ”

At the end of the hall, a man holding a guitar grabs the doorknob and assesses the inside.

“I don't know what to do to get off the roof. I like the concept of singing a song of memories, but the singer is a singer. Listeners are not responding well. ”

PD closed the studio door and disappeared.

“Contact us! I look forward to it!”

Even the man's cry did not lift the door. The man stood in the hallway and could not easily take a step.


The old man approached the side of the man. The man lowering his head was surprised to see the old man.

“Madam, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Bae Cheol-hwan. It's called an ideal.”

“Don't hang your head down. ”


He patted his hand on the shoulder and comforted.

“When you see the ground and sing, the listener recognizes you first. There are many virtues a singer needs, but you lack the most confidence. ”

The advice about stabbing him was that he didn't know what to do.

“Opportunities don't end once. Don't be disappointed. Keep singing. ”

Once more, the grappling arm disappears into the studio.

I leaned down and greeted you as if I would keep the matter in mind. And I looked at Studio 3, where the old man disappeared.

PM 07: 05

Equipment checks have begun while acoustic directors and constituent steps are in place. Inside the busy studio, Minho was fighting the urge to go inside the living room and check out the sparkles.

“Kang Min-ho, you're with me. Where did you go to college? ”

Another guest, checking the radio schedule, asked Minho. Minho shakes his head without thinking much.

“I didn't come out. I went straight out of high school and joined the gaming club. ”

“Hmm, really? ”

Rapper Jinqi came all dressed up, but he wasn't quite as glamorous as going to the awards ceremony. The radio that appeared reminded me of the ball manager who said it was better to find it in normal clothes than to dress in glamour.

Is it the minds of airport fashion fans? ’

Jinkyu stared at Minho and muttered to herself.

“What? Drop it. You should bring Yoon Jae-hoon from K or Jint from S ”

Minho turned his head to see if he heard it wrong. Jinkyu was whistling as she watched the radio progress chart pretending to be nothing.

Is that what you said to me? ’

No matter how many rappers you hear there are, I can't believe you're dismissing someone you've never met. I don't usually go around fighting, but I'm not afraid of the coming fights.

Minho recalled the information about the wrapper queue he had heard from the ball manager injectively.

“Is Jin Kyu's real name Park Jin-gyu? ”

“What's your real name? ”

“No, when I saw the frequent cafe humor board, I was exempted from rapper Park Jin-gyu, who was criticizing society severely. I have written curses." Are you in pain? ”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Foreigners, perhaps? Are you from Argentina? ”

Jinkyu blushed and pretended not to hear.

“Oh, here's a story. My shoulder hurts a lot. This is serious enough for you to take your medicine. Your teeth are fine, right?”

Min-ho smiled as she slammed her face on the radio progress table and watched the queue that wouldn't even give her a look. Everyone's resting. I guess no one's said it out loud.

‘If you go to a good university, you'll be fine. ’

Even though the shape of Jinkyu is trying to suppress it, Minho decided to end it here because it looks like it will explode if you touch it again.



The door opens and a middle-aged man with a half-white head enters. He was a DJ ventriloquist of a musical trip, with the impressive wrinkles on his eyes.

I heard that the ball manager is the best person to see, so I'm going to stand up and say hello to him, but the eunuch standing next to me shoots out and breaks his back at 90 degrees.

“Welcome, sunbae! ”

“Oh, yeah. Jingyu.”

Minho wondered if that was the right move for an exempt person with a bone disease in his knee.

“Smart guy special today, but did you come out? I thought you were rapping. ”

“Rappers are in the academic age, too, sir. Haha.”

Min-ho stood in front of Bae Chol-hwan, who got up late.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Min-ho, a newcomer who just started broadcasting. with a professional gamer. ”

“Oh, it's good to see you, too, Minho. What's my grandson called, a pentastar? ”

“You mean the Pentagon? ”

“Yes, that's a pen. I often talk about you. ”

Baek Cheolhwan tapped Minho's shoulder and handed the script to the writer. Then I headed to the radio booth.

Jinkyu lowered her lower back until she couldn't see her armpit, then lifted her head. He looked at Minho and said as if growling.

“Hey, high school. Let's have a good show. ”

I felt the military exempt hip-hop warrior had a dark look in his eyes. Minho nodded lightly.

“Good luck. ”

There are similar players in the professional gaming world. Rare players play aloud and have good mental skills. You win, you crush, you glow on the ground. When you go through it, nothing is the biggest characteristic.

Minho didn't worry about it.

“Thirty minutes ago! You're here, so I'll start with the sound check again! ”

Steps were in the voice of the PD.

Minho turned his gaze to the reindeer sitting in the DJ seat. The identity of the object that he had been curious about for an hour. Finally, the time has come to confirm it.

Baek Cheolhwan puts the script up and pulls something out from under the table. A box the size of a palm rests on the table.

What is it?

What came out of it was a huge pair of headphones with a bunch of mirror pieces that could run on a mirror ball or something.

Shiny headphones? ’

Next to Minho, who was amazed at the design that did not match the serious appearance of Bae Cheolhwan, Shim wrote. She looks inside the booth and smiles briefly.

“It's from when you first appeared on your music trip. Make sure you use that when you're on the radio. ”

“You've been using it for a long time since you first appeared. ”

“Of course, it's been over 20 years. ”

Minho wondered what the hidden power of those headphones would be.

PM 07: 59

The PD's finger went up over the glass in the radio booth.

“Sir, one minute ago. ”

Baek Chul-hwan put the manuscript in front of him quietly. And he wore sparkly headphones that were hanging from his neck. At the top of the manuscript with a comment that was going to start shortly, there was a corner title, "See you Friday, Part 1."

5, 4, 3, 2... The PD sent out a cue sign.

Lively music flowed for a few seconds. The vent lowered the volume and brought the mouth closer to the microphone.

“People who were suffering from awareness that they usually lack a sense of humor had a hard time learning and learning the formula of humor. ‘Indeed, even in the world of humor, there was life. There's got to be a funny pattern.’ They gather the Ice Princess princes and brag about their studies. ‘Let me give you an example. ’ ”

After the music started to flow again, the reincarnation followed the opening remarks rhythmically.

“'A newly married man confesses in the gathering of his friends. I just didn't know that marriage would change the way you see the world. So, what's different?’ ‘Before the wedding, all the women in the world liked it. But now... haha.’ Even though the world is falling apart, the groom sighs deeply. ‘There's one less girl I like. ’ ”

Minho chuckled, but Jinkyu was busy preparing her ambassador.

“The frozen mother ice princess, the frozen prince's face, is pleasant to the eye." What's so funny? Why are you smiling? ’ ”

Baekhwan, who gave me a little rest, said.

“Find someone who's ready to laugh first. To really laugh, you have to open the door to your heart first. I'll see you Friday. Today I'm going to take two very handsome young men and unhook you. Let's hear the first song. ”

After finishing his remarks in a polite voice, he put the music CD directly into tune with the signals from the PD and adjusted the audio volume.

[It's a three-and-a-half second song.]

Text was displayed on the monitor.

Minho looked at the sparkling headphones that were hanging with the reinforcements while watching the opening proceeding to the foursquare.

“I, sir. ”


“Do you love those headphones? ”

Baek Cheolhwan smiled and said.

“A memory of my youth. It looks ridiculous, doesn't it?"

“I'm rather familiar with it. In the early days of the game league, I used to wear the same thing, and I sat in the gym. ”

“No way.”

“It's true.”

Minho asked if he could try it on once. However, the warm atmosphere between the two of them was unacceptable as a shining hawk that was aiming for food.

“Sir, if you're in aviation college? ”

“I did. I debuted in a college band there. ”

I missed the natural timing because I came in cold. Minho shakes his head and looks for his next chance. This is because there are fewer than 30 seconds left on the timer on the monitor.

Immediately, the PD sent a cue sign. The reel has raised the volume of the audio.

“As I warned you, we have two smart broadcasters with us today. One is a well-known rapper for writing critical lyrics that stick to the tune. So I want you to introduce yourself. ”

“Hey, this is Rapper's euphemism for number one on the sound recordings chart for 'hate it or not.’ It's an honor to be on a traditional show like this. I'm so excited in front of you. ”

“That's very polite of you. Pretend you're nervous when you're not nervous at all. I can feel it.”

“No, sir! ”

Minho smiled deeply as he saw a fake expression that was not the same as before.

“The other person just won 500 million prizes on another station's quiz show. Introduce me.”

Minho held the clock under the table. Then I looked around for the listener's text reaction to be on the monitor for the next minute.

- Isn't professional gaming just a job? That's comforting, isn't it?

I found hostile words in OK reactions and kept them in mind. And I thought of one of the lines that I had memorized with the ball manager.

“I am Kang Min-ho, a professional gamer. I'm sure many of you have never seen this profession before. Gaming alone takes more effort than you think, because it requires a tremendous response rate and an open brain to be treated like an elderly person beyond the age of 23. If you train 16 hours a day, you can't learn without really liking this job. ”

Baek Cheolhwan asked, looking at Minho.

“16-hour training. I know Minho is 24 years old, but is he being treated like an elder? ”

“Yes, but I'm still a good fighter after I serve in the military. ”

Reactions began to rise on the monitor. Minho confirmed that the hostile reaction had disappeared and nodded his head. This is enough to accomplish something.

Baek Cheolhwan saw one of them and read it to me.

“I saw 3453 win last week's game. Fighting for old age! ’”

Minho immediately said to the microphone.

“Thank you, 3453. ”

Jinkyu did not hide her disappointment on the monolithic monitor of the story of the professional gamer. While Minho's eyes were burning with hostility, the Sim writer sent a signal to proceed the next order beyond the glass wall.

He puts on the microphone.

“Our writer has a fun corner. It's called," How to be smart. "”

Baek Cheolhwan once looked at the two beside him and said.

“Min-ho who won the quiz show. You know he's a Ph.D., but here's the young man. You may not know that Jinkyu was a graduate study worm who went to university. ”

Minho realized that the real beginning had come. It consists of 5 minutes of interviews, 10 minutes of counseling on study methods, 10 minutes of music quiz matches and 5 minutes of closing.

‘The rest is filled with advertisements and selected music to finish one part of the hour. ’

Here, studying is about eudaimonia and the music quiz is about you.

“I'll come back with an ad. It doesn't matter what concerns you may have about studying in the meantime, please use the bulletin board and text. ”

The reel lowered the volume associated with the microphone, taking off the headphones worn on its head, looking around, and slapping it.

“Is it because it's been too long? It keeps working.”

Baek Cheolhwan lowered his glittering headphones as if he had no choice but to wear the original one.

Minho stared at the sparkling headphones on the table. Headphones with mirrors that shine more quickly have been tempted to wear them.

“I, sir. ”

Minho was in a hurry when the three-minute timer started on the monitor and asked directly.

“Can I just try on those headphones? ”


Unlike Minho, who was a mile away from the biceps, the triceps held out their headphones rather unobtrusively.

“Try it on. ”


Minho was surprised when he handed the headphones over more easily than he thought. He smiled and mumbled ‘fake tremor’, but Minho didn't mind. All I cared about was the headphones.

I finally wore the sparkly headphones to my ears with trembling emotions in my hands. Light fades away, and Minho stops.

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