Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 128 Dramatic changes! Ancestor Qiankun!

You must know that this ancestor of Qiankun has reached the terrifying existence of the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. He can be called one of the top innate gods and demons in the prehistoric era, alongside the ancestors of Taiji and Kunwu!

With Yuan Huo's current cultivation level, even if he were ten thousand times more powerful, he would never be a match for Qiankun Ancestor. If the other party wanted to crush him, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

"If he wants to deal with me, then he can only use willow leaves to escape. As for other things, he can't care about anything else." Saruhuo made an instant decision in his heart.

The strong man breaks his wrist!

His goal was to use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to refine the Thirty-six Heavens, incorporate the entire ape clan into it, and then escape calmly, thus transcending the many great forces.

However, Yuan Huo never expected that the ancestor of Qiankun would appear in advance. In this case, he had no choice but to abandon his own clan and escape from Weiwei first.

He has a rare treasure in his hand - a willow leaf, which can be teleported to any place in the ancient world. It is a trace of the origin of the Space Demon God's raised eyebrow. It can be used once in a hundred years. Even though the ancestor of Qiankun has terrifying strength, but with the help of Yang Liuye, if he escapes on his own, there is no problem.

"Well, no!"

However, just when Saruhuo was about to leave, something suddenly moved in his heart.

Previously, during the ferocious beast calamity period, he activated the Eye of Time and witnessed the battle between the Chaos Golden Immortals with his own eyes, so he clearly knew how powerful and terrifying the Hunyuan Golden Immortals were.

However, when he opened the Eye of Time and looked carefully, he found that the Qiankun Patriarch in front of him, although powerful and terrifying, was still far away from the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"This should not be the original body of the ancestor of Qiankun, but a Dharma body."

Yuan Huo made an instant judgment and was about to leave, but at this time he stopped. If it was just a Dharma Body, with his current cultivation level, he might not be able to deal with it.

Regarding Dharmakaya, Yuan Huo still understands it. It is a method similar to the three-corpse-killing method of later generations. It has part of the power of the original body, and it can also be regarded as a special way of practice in this era.

Just when Yuanhuo was observing the ancestor of Qiankun, the ancestor of Qiankun also noticed Yuanhuo's gaze, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and said: "My body blends into the space between heaven and earth. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to detect it, but you can actually detect it." To me, my perception is very good.”

Ape Fire said calmly: "I wonder what the ancestors are doing when they come to our ape tribe's territory?"

Ancestor Qiankun said with a smile: "Before, I sent an envoy to your ape tribe, wanting you to join my dynasty, and gave you a Yuanhui time to think about it. Although the time has not come yet, I want to pass it after such a long time. Yes, you should have thought it through, what do you think?"


Hearing this, Yuan Huo was surprised. He did not expect that Qiankun Patriarch sent a dharma body to recruit him.

Ancestor Qiankun is one of the top innate gods and demons in the ancient world. Even if this is just a dharma body, its status is extremely respected. Logically speaking, no matter what, he should not come in person.

However, from another perspective, if Qiankun Patriarch comes in person and Yuan Huo refuses, the consequences will be very serious!

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Yuanhuo's mind, but he still said calmly: "Ancestor Qi, I have thought about it for a long time, but I still haven't made a decision. Please give me some more time to think about it."

He doesn't want to have a conflict with the Qiankun Patriarch for no reason, but joining the Qiankun Dynasty is simply impossible. After all, once the catastrophe breaks out in the future, the Qiankun Patriarch himself will fall, not to mention his dynasty? Joining the Qiankun Dynasty may seem like you will get some benefits at first glance, but in fact it is self-destruction.

"I came here in person, do you still have to think about it?" Qiankun Patriarch smiled faintly, but everyone could see that there was already a trace of unpleasantness in his smile at this moment.

"Yes." Aruhuo remained calm.

Ancestor Qiankun suppressed his smile and said calmly: "I didn't expect that a small ape tribe would dare to refuse my invitation. Let me ask you again, join or not?"

Sarushuo shook his head, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. From this look, there was no possibility of compromise on this matter. This ancestor of Qiankun was very powerful and came in person. It was obvious that he would not give up until he achieved his goal. If he still refused, I am afraid that the next step would be There is only one battle.

"If the ancestor must force me like this, then I have no choice but not to join." At that moment, he spoke calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the ancestor of Qiankun became completely gloomy. Originally, he came here because he heard that the ape fire was acting against the heavens and wanted to bring it into the dynasty. As the ancestor of Qiankun, he came to welcome it in person, regardless of the other party's original intention. Whatever he thinks, everyone should be happy to join his dynasty!

As a result, I didn’t expect that the other party simply refused!

This is unacceptable no matter what.

"Since you are unwilling to join, there is no need to continue to exist." There was a hint of indifference in the eyes of the ancestor of Qiankun.

Although Sarushuo has amazing talent, he is still like an ant in his eyes. It would be best if he could join the dynasty, but if he doesn't join, then killing him casually is not a big deal.


The moment the voice fell, the Qiankun Patriarch's body suddenly erupted with an earth-shattering aura, sweeping across the sky and the earth, shaking the territory of the Ape Clan Dynasty with a radius of billions of miles, and countless creatures simultaneously gave birth to a feeling from the bottom of their hearts. fear.

Then, a glimmer of brilliance burst out!

A small ruler, with a universe inside it, suddenly flew out, bursting with dazzling light, whizzing out suddenly, being sacrificed by the ancestor of Qiankun, and flew towards the ape fire, extremely violent.

A large black crack that was hundreds of millions of miles long was opened in the void. The ruler was so sharp that it could penetrate everything. The speed was also astonishing. In an instant, it penetrated endless time and space and arrived in front of Sarushuo.

"Qiankun Ruler!"

Sarufire recognized it immediately, and an astonishing brilliance suddenly burst out in his eyes.

He never thought that the dharma body of Qiankun Patriarch would actually carry the Qiankun Ruler with him!

For a moment, his whole body couldn't help but become excited and excited.

In that later life, the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls finally fell into the hands of Duobao Taoist. After he apostatized and entered the Western religion, they were combined with the Qiankun Ruler and sacrificed to become the twenty-four heavens.

Relying on these twenty-four heavens, Taoist Duobao has directly become an existence second only to Zhunti and Jieyin in Western religions, and is extremely terrifying.

Now, although Yuan Huo has obtained thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls, he does not have the Qiankun Ruler. Even if he can derive thirty-six heavens, it is a little less interesting.

He had no idea of ​​snatching the Qiankun Ruler before. After all, the ancestor of Qiankun was too powerful and had reached the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. With his current cultivation level, there was no way he could be his opponent.

But now, the situation has changed.

What comes here is a dharma body of the ancestor of Qiankun!

He only has part of the mana of the ancestor of Qiankun!

With his current cultivation level, he may not be an opponent, which means that he can directly take away the Qiankun Ruler.

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