Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 129 The fierce battle begins! Small Zhoutian Star Array, the Law of the Universe!

"How dare you be greedy for my spiritual treasure, how brave you are." On the other side, the ancestor of Qiankun was shocked.

Naturally, he clearly saw Saru Huo's emotions. Facing his Qiankun Ruler, the first thing he felt was not fear, but excitement and excitement.

The ancestor of Qiankun never expected that the other party would react like this, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart. It was really unreasonable. This ape had no respect at all for innate gods and demons like him. He was simply looking for death!

Thinking of this, the Qiankun Patriarch's eyes became even colder, and with a "boom", the powerful mana in his body poured into the Qiankun Ruler, suddenly causing the power of the Qiankun Ruler to increase dramatically.


The Qiankun Ruler burst out with endless brilliance, surging out like a vast ocean, sweeping across the boundless time and space, filling the world, and at the same time showing an amazing phenomenon. Outside the Qiankun Ruler, the sky shook, the earth shook, and at the same time there were thick lines. Essence continues to flow into it, making it stronger.

Qiankun represents heaven and earth.

At this moment, this Universe Ruler seems to be blessed by the world, and it is terrifying to an unimaginable level.

Its speed also suddenly increased sharply. In almost a billionth of an instant, it came directly in front of Saruhuo and stabbed him hard between the eyebrows.

However, in the face of such an attack, Yuan Huo was very calm. With a thought, he activated the exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth. In an instant, a pagoda floated above his head, and the boundless black and yellow air fell down, illuminating the mountains and rivers.

The Qiankun Ruler stabbed the Xuanhuang Qi hard, and a terrifying wave erupted, cutting off dozens of strands of breath. However, this Xuanhuang Qi was thick and boundless, with billions of endless strands of breath intertwined together. The injury is almost the same as a scratch.


At this time, the ancestor of Qiankun was once again surprised. His eyes were wide open. He did not expect that it would end like this. The Qiankun Ruler was extraordinary. It was an innate high-grade spiritual treasure, and he had been practicing it for countless years. It can be said that its control is very handy, but now it is completely unable to break through the opponent's defense!

"A defensive spirit treasure of this level is at least the best innate." Ancestor Qiankun made a judgment in an instant. In his eyes, he couldn't help but show an extremely jealous look. Even a top innate god and demon like him had in his hand. There is no such defensive treasure, but a small ape tribe can actually possess it!


The Qiankun Ancestor's whole body was violent, with aura of law permeating the air, and he was immediately ready to activate the Qiankun Ruler again. Although the opponent had top-notch defensive spiritual treasures, how long could he persist under the premise that there was a gap in realm? When the time comes, he will still be beheaded by him, and the spiritual treasure in his hand will also belong to him!

"I didn't expect that when I came here this time, I just wanted to recruit a genius, but in the end I encountered such a treasure." The ancestor of Qiankun showed an excited look on his face.

At this time, Ape Fire also took action. With a calm look on his face, he sacrificed the Chaos Treasure, the Chaos Bead, and activated it. In an instant, endless chaos brilliance suddenly erupted, sweeping across the sky and the earth, filling all time and space, and engulfing the world in one fell swoop. Change turned into another space.

Chaotic space!

The endless chaotic mist is steaming. At a glance, it seems to be endless. It is vast and boundless, and the void is extremely solid. It seems to be many levels higher than the prehistoric space.

This is exactly the ability that the Chaos Bead has after Ape Fire breaks through the first Chaos Restriction. It can form a chaotic space, trap the enemy in it, and isolate all heavenly secrets.

Although this chaotic space can only last for three days, it is enough. During this time, even if the ancestor of Qiankun is his body, he cannot contact his body at all and can only fight alone! Even if it is a complete failure and the body dies and the Tao disappears, the body will not feel anything!

"What kind of method is this?"

The ancestor of Qiankun was once again surprised, but as a top innate god and demon with rich experience, he quickly calmed down and sneered: "It seems that you have many secrets, but if you think you can fight against me with these things , that would be too naive, I will teach you a truth today, in this ancient world, absolute strength can crush everything!"


Along with his words, the Universe Ruler erupted into monstrous fluctuations, becoming more and more brilliant, causing the endless chaotic mist in the entire chaotic space to surge violently.


Yuanhuo's eyes were extremely calm. Since he had decided to fight, he naturally had no reservations at this moment, and the pressure of Daluo Jinxian level exploded around him.


He took the lead in launching an attack, raised his hand and shot into the void. In an instant, one star banner after another flew out of his body, a total of three hundred and sixty-five, and they were inserted in various locations.

Every big flag is making a sound, blooming with bright light, stars are flowing, and lines spread out, intertwined with each other, forming a terrifying formation, descending here.

It is the Little Zhoutian Star Formation.

An invisible force was born, rushing out of the chaotic space, straight into the sky, breaking into the prehistoric starry sky, and stirring up the endless power of the stars in the starry sky.

In the universe, there are countless star fields, and in each star field, there are tens of billions of stars. The stars are densely packed, and they all have terrifying power.

At this moment, under the influence of the small Zhoutian star array, the power of the endless stars came down mightily, reflecting in this chaotic space, especially the two supreme stars of the Lunar Star and the Sun Star, which were so dazzling that they filled the air. The extremely scorching aura, the one that was bone-chillingly cold, both exuded vast power.

The star power is like a sea, flooding this space. It is driven by the ape fire and merges together to form a terrifying killing force, going straight to the dharma body of the ancestor of Qiankun!

Previously, when Ape Fire fought against Ancestor Ziwei, he had used this formation. After breaking through the Great Luo Jinxian, he used it again, and the power was much more powerful than before.

It is definitely an extremely terrifying method.


The ancestor of Qiankun changed his color slightly. Facing this terrifying force, he actually felt threatened. He hurriedly activated his magic power, and a terrifying wave suddenly burst out.

"The Law of the Universe!"

The ancestor of Qiankun shouted low, and in an instant, one side of the blue sky emerged, and the other side of the vast earth rose and fell. The two merged and directly turned into a world, thick and majestic. Then, one world after another was born, and in just an instant, Qiankun Around the ancestor's body, there are billions of worlds that have evolved.

The power of the Little Zhoutian Star Array violently impacted this endless world. In the blink of an eye, thousands of worlds were shattered and exploded.

However, the Ape Fire Ancestor stood where he was, still intact, as if he was far away from the infinite world. No matter how terrifying the power of the Little Zhoutian Star Formation was, it could not hurt him.

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