Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 146 The Law of War, the Law of Creation!

"This is the heel of the Chaos Demon God."

Feeling all this, Saruhuo sighed in his heart.

If it were before, I don't know how long it would take for him to understand such a mystery.

The next step in this great unification, the Great Avenue Millstone, is absolutely terrifying in its power!

Although it is said that in the battle at the beginning of the sky, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods simultaneously sacrificed this avenue millstone, and it was completely annihilated by a light touch with the Great God Pangu.

However, that is the Great God Pangu after all. The power of the Great God Pangu is always so unreasonable, and it does not mean that the Great Dao Mopan is weak.

On the contrary, this move is very, very strong!

It can definitely be said that apart from the Great God Pangu, it is the most powerful magical attack that appeared in the Age of Chaos. After all, at that time, even the Demon God of Time and the Demon God of Space trembled under this great millstone.

Now, the great millstone condensed by the ape fire is just a degraded version, and its power is naturally very different from the real original version.

However, being able to imitate it is already incredible. It is hard to imagine how terrifyingly powerful such a law fusion technique would be once used!

"Next, understand the laws of war."

Afterwards, Ape Fire dispersed the great millstone and focused his attention on the law of war again. Infinite insights suddenly emerged in his mind.


Naturally, his body exuded a peerless fighting spirit, and behind his body, a terrifying demon ape figure was condensed, wearing a black gold armor and holding a black gold giant stick.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the incarnation of battle, filled with boundless fighting spirit, and his understanding of the laws of war continued to improve.

Fifteen percent.

Twenty percent.

Twenty-five percent.

Thirty percent.

The difficulty of the Law of War is much lower than that of the Law of Force. In addition, there is the origin of the Chaos Demon Ape in the body of the monkey fire, so at this time, it will be much smoother for him to comprehend it.

As time passed and he reached the 30% level of understanding, his speed gradually slowed down. Countless battle-related insights emerged in his mind.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to reflect billions of battles, bringing his fighting skills to the ultimate level.

"The law of war is the pursuit of ultimate combat power. Everything in the world and everything that can increase one's combat power can be studied, learned, and incorporated into oneself."

Apefire said to himself.

At this moment, he also had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

When the Chaos Demon God was first born, he was actually very weak. Logically speaking, he could not grow into the last giant of the Chaos Sea.

Because generally, once the Chaos Demon God is born, the level to which he can practice is fixed and determined by his skills, talents, etc.

The law of war is different. To practice this law is to be able to constantly figure out, learn strength, and integrate it into yourself, so that you can constantly break through your limits and break your confinement.

Therefore, in the end, the Chaos Demon Ape, who was born weak, can become the giant of the Chaos Sea.

After practicing this law of battle, Sarushuo's perception of battle has improved several levels. At the same time, with a single thought, he can develop endless attack methods.

"The next step is the fortune cauldron."

After understanding the law of war, Yuanhuo took out the fortune cauldron with a thought. This fortune cauldron is an innate treasure, with a total of forty-nine innate restrictions inside!

The moment the small cauldron appeared, there was an explosion of infinite mother energy of creation, boundless, falling down, exuding a shocking aura.

At the same time, there is a long river of good fortune flowing upstream of the small tripod. Endless vitality emerged from the beginning. It seems that everything between heaven and earth, birth, old age, sickness and death, and all good fortune are contained in it.

"This fortune cauldron has two uses."

"The first one is to return the spiritual roots from acquired to innate after refining. At that time, I will be able to have almost endless cultivation resources to support my entire tribe."

"The second one is that the energy of creation contained in it can help me understand the laws of creation. The laws of creation are also among the top ten existences among the three thousand avenues. Once I understand them, the benefits are endless."

Sarufire's eyes are deep.


His soul glowed, and a vast force surged out, pouring directly into the cauldron of creation, and immediately collided with the innate restrictions inside it.

For this scene, Yuan Huo is also familiar with it, because he has previous experience in cracking the chaos restrictions and innate restrictions inside the Chaos Orb and Hongmeng Sky Ruler.

Therefore, the whole process went quite smoothly. Under the refining power of the soul, the innate restrictions in the cauldron of creation collapsed one after another.

As time passed, a total of thirty-six innate restraints were finally refined, and the Cauldron of Creation suddenly shook, releasing a terrifying and boundless aura that shook the entire Huangzhou.

And Yuan Huo also felt that there was a sense of harmony between himself and the Cauldron of Creation. With a thought, the Cauldron of Creation suddenly roared, and the infinite Mother Qi of Creation surged out crazily, flooding the world.

Originally, this space was in chaos, and the evolution had not yet been completed.

However, when this mother energy of creation appeared, sudden changes occurred!

In an instant, the heaven and earth roared, and the chaotic chaotic air flow accelerated at this moment, turning into spiritual energy billowing from heaven to earth.

Dots of green appeared on the earth, and they actually had spiritual roots. They began to grow and were still growing, filled with astonishing spiritual energy.

In just a few breaths, this area became lush and green, with countless plants, spiritual roots, etc. growing crazily, like a primeval forest, surrounding the Ape Fire.

"Is this the secret of creation?"

Sarufire was slightly startled.

He didn't expect that this power of creation would be so miraculous that it could accelerate the evolution of this paradise in the early stages of development!

This means so much.

He has now found several top-notch cave heaven paradises, such as Yingzhou Immortal Island, Abbot Immortal Island, Penglai Immortal Island, and Huangzhou.

However, due to the times, these top cave heaven paradises have no spiritual energy inside. They are all chaotic airflow. As for spiritual roots, spiritual veins, etc., they naturally have no spiritual energy.

Therefore, although Yuan Huo got the top-level cave heaven paradise, he was unable to use it and could only wait slowly.

If so, he will practice the laws of creation to a certain level and accelerate the evolution of these cave heavens and paradises and complete them ahead of schedule. How many benefits will he gain by then?

For a moment, Aruhuo's eyes became hot.

"The law of creation, understand it!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Huo no longer hesitated, and infinite Tao charm burst out all over his body. His spiritual thoughts penetrated into the main fragment of the jade dish of creation, and began to comprehend the laws of creation.

Among the fragments of the Master of the Jade Disc of Creation, the top ten great laws of creation were recorded, and the Law of Creation was one of them. Immediately, distant insights poured into Yuan Huo's mind.

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