Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 147 The Law of Creation! The evil spirit in the starry sky!

At present, the cultivation conditions of Sarushuo can be said to have reached the peak of the ancient world. The elementary Chaos Demon God Heel, the twelfth-grade perfect three flowers, and the jade plate, the most precious treasure of enlightenment, combined together, have improved his enlightenment efficiency to the extreme.

In addition, he refined the Cauldron of Creation and created a mysterious and mysterious connection with the Mother Qi of Creation. Therefore, as soon as he started the Law of Creation, he quickly got started and then quickly improved.

One percent.

Two percent.

Five percent.

Ten percent.

Twenty percent.

Thirty percent.

As time passed, Sarushuo directly comprehended the laws of creation to 30% in one breath, and then his speed gradually slowed down.

With a roar, the endless energy and blood in his body surged, and endless vitality emerged from the deepest level of his body. The energy and blood in his entire body became much stronger, revealing the endless secrets of creation.

At the same time, the heaven and earth resonated, and during the ape fire practice, the body seemed to have stretched out dense and endless tentacles, easily grabbing the billions of vitality in the ancient world and inhaling it into his body.

Even, this kind of tentacles of creation have explored the innate restrictions of Huangzhou and reached the prehistoric starry sky. The endless star energy boiled, roared and rolled, and poured into the body of the ape fire.

For a moment, the ape fire seemed to blend into the world, the starry sky, and the ancient time and space. A long river of creation could be vaguely seen, running through the heavens and the universe, rushing mightily in the ancient world.

"This is nature."

Yuan Huo muttered to himself, and at this moment he understood the mystery of the laws of creation to a very deep level.

The so-called creation represents the extreme mystery of the evolution of life and its infinite uses. Once it is activated, even if you are seriously injured and near death, you can stimulate infinite vitality and recover instantly. This is the potential of discovering the divine hidden treasure in the physical body.

At the same time, good fortune can also be directed outward, absorbing the endless good fortune between heaven and earth into oneself, greatly improving the efficiency of practice.

Of course, this is of little use to Yuan Huo, because he does not lack cultivation resources, but they can be used within the thirty-six heavens to activate the Great Way of Creation and improve the environment there to a higher level.


Suddenly, at this moment, Sarufire frowned.

He discovered that among the billions of vitality absorbed when he activated the Great Way of Creation, there was actually a strong evil spirit in it, which seemed to contain endless blood and killing.

"The prehistoric starry sky is outside the prehistoric world, and there are few living creatures. Even during the period of the fierce beasts' calamity, there were not many battles in the prehistoric starry sky."

"In that case, why did the evil spirit within it suddenly become so strong? Could it be that there is about to be an earth-shattering bloody battle between the strongest men in this ancient starry sky?"

Sarufire thought in his mind.

Looking at it like this, with the passage of time and history, the situation in the ancient world has become more and more complicated. I don’t know how many dynasties are standing in line, and all kinds of top powers, innate gods, demons, etc. are all gearing up to fight for more. Territory and luck, and Rahu is secretly adding fuel to the fire.

This prehistoric period, which has been peaceful for a period of time, may start to become chaotic again.

"Once the Dragon-Han catastrophe breaks out in the future, its scale will be ten thousand times more terrifying than the catastrophe of the ferocious beasts. At that time, not only the three dominant races, dragon, phoenix and unicorn, will engage in fierce fighting, sweeping the entire prehistoric world, but also many ancestors. Gods and demons will also end up fighting each other."

"At that time, I didn't know how magnificent, how bloody, and how tragic the scene was."

Sarufire sighed in his heart.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a magnificent era, but it is also a cruel and bloody era, and it is unknown how many creatures will be annihilated and perished in it.

Thinking of this, Sarufire couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart. Although he had led his tribe to escape, no one could say whether an accident would happen.

Only absolute strength can guarantee your absolute safety!

"In the following time, I will return to Pangu Palace, where I will continue to improve my physical realm through the blood essence in the Wu Clan's blood pool."

"At the same time, I also want to think about whether I can use some means to control the twelve ancestral witches who have not yet been born and turn them into my tribe!"

"If the Twelve Ancestral Witches can be turned into my clansmen, then even if Hongjun becomes a saint, he will probably not be my opponent."

Several thoughts quickly passed through Sarushuo's mind.

Then, he continued to search in Huangzhou for a while, but found nothing again, so he got up and left, returning to Honghuang.

At the same time, on the other side, next to the membrane of the ancient earth, a majestic and extremely majestic heavenly palace was suspended, exuding an ancient and simple atmosphere that shook the infinite world.

This heavenly palace is the ancient heaven. It was discovered by the three powerful innate gods and demons of Qingtian, Huangtian and Cangtian. Since then, they have been entrenched on the ground and become the masters of the ancient sky!

These three innate gods and demons can be said to be uniquely endowed. After occupying the entire ancient sky, they gathered endless luck, and each of them has cultivated to the early stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Moreover, with their three innate gods and demons joining forces, even the strong ones in the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal can fight. Looking at the entire prehistoric world, with such strength, they are definitely considered the giants among the giants!

At this moment, the three days were spent sitting cross-legged in the ancient heaven, discussing important matters.

"The luck gathered from the ancient heaven has reached its limit. If it continues, it will not grow. We need to think of a way." Qingtian said calmly.

"That's what the elder brother said."

Huang Tian nodded, but soon sighed, "However, the entire ancient wilderness has been occupied by the Three Ancestors, as well as Qiankun, Taiji and other powerful people. If we go down, we will inevitably conflict with them. Not only will we not be able to gain luck, but There is also the possibility of damage.”

Three days of joining forces, enough power to reach the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. This kind of power can be called a giant among giants.

However, existences such as Zu Qilin, Zu Long, Yuan Feng, Qiankun Ancestor, and Tai Chi Ancestor not only have powerful men under their command, but their own realm is at least the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal, which is the highest level that truly stands at the pinnacle of the ancient world. Strong.

If they go down and compete with them, they won't be "possibly damaged" as Huang Tian said, but will definitely suffer heavy losses!

"In that case, what should we do?" Cang Tian asked.

For a moment, the hall fell into silence, but after a while, Huang Tian's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "I thought of a way!"

"Say." Qingtian said.

"We cannot develop into the prehistoric continent, but we can conquer the prehistoric starry sky. If we can unify the prehistoric starry sky, we will definitely be able to gather endless luck!" Huang Tiandao.

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