Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 148 Three days of planning Wang Shu! Star Fruit Tree!

As soon as Huang Tian's words came out, a blazing light flashed across the blue sky, the sky, and his eyes.

"What a great idea. The vastness of the prehistoric starry sky seems to be no less than that of the prehistoric continent, and there are no living creatures in it. If we can unify it, we will gain endless benefits." Cangtian said excitedly.

"The prehistoric starry sky has endless stars. There are 365 main stars, 14,800 secondary stars, and even the supreme stars, the lunar star and the sun star. They contain endless power. If we can unify them, we can get all the energy The majestic luck is absolutely extraordinary." Qingtian also nodded.

Among the three days, he was the boss, with the calmest personality and the most powerful words.

At this moment, since he is affirmative, it means that this plan is indeed feasible.

However, Qingtian soon frowned, "If I remember correctly, at this moment in the ancient world, in the Supreme Star Taiyin Star, an innate god and demon named Wangshu was born."

"This Wangshu is the mother of all stars, and can be called the master of the prehistoric starry sky. In her hand, there is a lunar laurel with the best innate spiritual root, which is no small matter. If we want to conquer the starry sky, this Wangshu needs to pay attention to."

Huang Tian heard this and said with a smile: "Brother, there is no need to worry about this. I will wait for three days. He is one of the top innate gods and demons in the ancient world, and his power is terrifying."

"And that Wangshu is just alone. The third brother is the most handsome among us. We can definitely send the third brother to propose marriage and let him marry Wangshu. In this way, we can conquer this mother of stars without even a single blow."

"And, by then, our operations will be much smoother because of it."

Qingtian smiled and said: 'That's a good note. ’

Afterwards, both of them looked towards the sky.

Cangtian was not polite, laughed, and said, "Brothers, wait for my good news." After that, without delay, he took one step deep into the starry sky and proposed to Wangshu.

Looking at Cang Tian's leaving figure, a cold light flashed in Qing Tian's eyes, and he said: "If Na Wangshu agrees, that's it. If he doesn't agree, then when the time comes, the three of us will take action together and kill him. No one can stop the great cause of unifying the ancient starry sky!"


Huang Tian felt a chill and quickly responded.

Suddenly, the evil aura in the prehistoric starry sky became a little stronger.

On the other side, Yuan Huo left Huangzhou, activated the laws of space, and at the same time activated the magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, and returned all the way to the prehistoric starry sky.

However, just after he crossed half of the starry sky, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if something was calling him in front of him.


Apefire's heart moved.

He was too familiar with this feeling. He would feel this way when he encountered a great opportunity.

After all, over the years, his luck has improved to a very terrifying level, especially not long ago, when he was promoted to the heel of the Junior Chaos Demon God!

The stronger the heel, the more terrifying the luck.

The most typical ones are Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master. Before they were born, they had accompanying treasures. After they were born, they were able to get all kinds of great opportunities easily. In the end, they were able to achieve great things without experiencing any disasters. The saints who have proved the way of heaven are transcendent and indestructible for all calamities.

Now, Yuan Huo's heels are much stronger than those of Sanqing. They are completely superior to them. Their luck is naturally stronger than that of Sanqing. When they are on the road, if they encounter an opportunity, such a thing will happen. Nothing could be further from the norm.

Naturally, Yuan Huo would not waste the opportunity. He immediately followed this feeling and moved forward. Soon, he saw a huge and boundless star in the starry sky.

This is the Ziwei Emperor Star in the prehistoric starry sky. It is huge and boundless, surrounded by endless purple energy, and has a majestic meaning. It seems to be the master of billions of stars, like a great emperor standing in the starry sky.

Even though there is still a chance distance between them, there is still a majestic pressure coming, which makes Yuan Huo feel a burst of pressure. The power of this Ziwei Emperor Star is absolutely terrifying to the extreme.

In the prehistoric starry sky, there are two supreme stars, namely the Sun Star and the Lunar Star.

There are three hundred and sixty-five main stars.

There are also 14,800 secondary stars.

In addition, there are endless ordinary stars. I don’t know how many there are. I am afraid they have reached the level of countless large numbers.

This Purple Emperor Star is powerful among the infinite stars, second only to the two Supreme Stars. It has become a symbol of "Emperor" in later generations. A wisp of purple energy can easily create something when it comes to the human world. A peerless emperor.

Previously, Ape Fire had defeated an ancestor of the innate god and demon Ziwei. That Ziwei ancestor could use the power of the Ziwei Emperor Star, but it could only mobilize a small part of it.

"Go in and have a look."

Yuan Huo's heart moved, and he took a step forward to enter the Ziwei Emperor Star. This Ziwei Emperor Star was huge and endless, but when Yuan Huo stepped into it, he found that there was only surging purple air inside. Airflow, this is a power unique to Ziwei Emperor Star.

But apart from that, there was nothing, not even the breath of a living thing.

He continued to go deeper, and according to that induction, he soon came to the core of Ziwei Emperor Star, where he immediately saw a huge tree that reached the sky and moved the earth.

The giant tree covers the sky and the sun, exuding a vast divine power, and the whole body is filled with endless purple energy. There are 365 fruits between the huge tree crowns, and each fruit shines with strong stars. The light also exudes a strong aura of star origin, which is powerful and terrifying.

This giant tree seemed to be connected to the entire starry sky. Endless star energy came from all directions and drowned it.

"This is... the Star Fruit Tree."

The moment Saruhuo came into contact with this giant tree, information related to it appeared in his mind, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of joy.

Big catch!

This star fruit tree is an innate high-grade spiritual root.

The fruits above are the fruits of the stars. Each fruit corresponds to a main star in the ancient world, and contains the majestic origin within it.

These 365 star fruits take three million years to bloom, three million years to bear fruit, and three million years to mature. It takes almost tens of millions of years to produce a batch of mature fruits.

Compared with the innate top-grade spiritual roots such as Huangzhongli and Wu-needle pine, there is naturally some gap between such innate high-grade spiritual roots. However, other than that, looking at the vast world, this is definitely the top spiritual root!

With this spiritual root transplanted into the Chaos Bead, Yuan Huo doesn't know how many powerful ape tribesmen he can cultivate.

"very good."

At this moment, Yuan Huo was not polite, stretched out a big hand and grabbed the star fruit tree.

However, changes occurred suddenly.


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted, and endless starlight surged in the void, condensing into a giant sword and slashing towards the monkey fire.

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