Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 150 A shocking collision, the first battle with the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

At this moment, even the extremely stable prehistoric void could not bear it at all. The space within the formation was suddenly annihilated and turned into earth, fire, water and wind, which continued to surge. In it, billions of worlds were born and destroyed, showing endless vision.

"Too weak."

However, Sarufire only uttered two words.


The exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth shines, and the infinite black and yellow energy surges, like a huge waterfall falling from the nine heavens, thick and boundless, colliding with the Ziwei Imperial Seal, in an earth-shattering roar, the black and yellow energy surges continuously, but it is full of resilience. It was only slightly dented inside, and then the Ziwei Imperial Seal was violently pushed back. Even this terrifying blow that gathered the source of endless stars was not enough to break its defense.


At this time, Ancestor Xingchen really lost his luster.

The Imperial Seal of Ziwei is an innate spiritual treasure of the highest quality!

Such a spiritual treasure was activated by him with all his strength, but it was still defended. What level did the opponent's defensive spiritual treasure reach?

Generally speaking, even the best innate defensive spirit treasures cannot be like this!

Could it be that it has reached the level of "treasure"?

"Emperor Star Origin, Bless, Kill!"

At their level, the thought process only lasts for a trillionth of a second, almost no time is wasted. In an instant, the Star Ancestor became murderous and attacked again. His whole body shone, and a breath of Star Law came out. came out, directly stimulating the origin of Ziwei Emperor Star.


In an instant, the color of the world changed.

The entire Ziwei Emperor Star shook violently, and a majestic and endless power seemed to wake up from an eternal slumber, roaring, and the extremely thick original power surged out from the deepest part of the Ziwei Emperor Star, blessing Ziwei. Among the imperial seals, its power suddenly increased thousands of times.

At this moment, the prehistoric stars trembled.

The Ziwei Emperor's Seal shone to the extreme, its light almost overwhelming the Supreme Stars, and it once again bombarded the Ape Fire with endless power.

On the Ziwei Emperor Star, the purple energy surged, and there was even a terrifying vision of a cosmic explosion and the evolution of endless stars, shaking the past and the present, and crushing the ages.

This is the true power of the Star Ancestor.

His origin is extraordinary. He is the reincarnation of the Star Demon God. He regards this Ziwei Emperor Star as his own territory and has already been able to mobilize the original power of this Ziwei Emperor Star.

The Ziwei Emperor Star is second only to the two supreme stars among the endless stars in the prehistoric times. The original power contained within it has definitely reached an unimaginable level.

At this moment, it was mobilized, and the earth-shattering power exploded, and the starry sky was about to be shattered.


However, the next moment, the black and yellow exquisite pagodas of heaven and earth glowed, and the boundless black and yellow energy surged, and once again resisted the attack of Ziwei Emperor Seal.

"This... this is impossible!" Ancestor Xingchen lost his temper. He has already reached this point, but the opponent can still resist it. How strong is this defensive treasure? ! !

But he didn't know that this black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth is the ultimate defense treasure of acquired merits. After the ape fire broke through to Daluo Jinxian, it broke more restrictions in it and became more powerful. At this moment, its defensive power is not to mention the most powerful in the world. The top level is almost there, so how can he break it?


But at this time, a cold look flashed in Ape Fire's eyes, and with one step, he disappeared from the spot and killed the ancestor of Xingchen.

He is never passive defensive.

"The Road of War!"

Ape Fire instantly appeared in front of Xingchen Ancestor. He stretched out his hand and shook it. Immediately, endless power surged out. There was also a majestic aura of the Law of Rolling, which condensed into a giant stick. He held the giant stick and pointed towards it. The head of the Star Ancestor was smashed down, and the endless starlight shattered under his hands.

"This familiar aura... this is the Chaos Demon Ape. Are you the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon Ape?!" Xingchen Ancestor was shocked, but his reaction was extremely quick. Without even thinking, a terrifying aura of law erupted from his body. , the starlight surged, and suddenly condensed into billions of beams of light, fiercely bombarding the giant stick.


A big explosion in the void, the annihilation of endless time and space.


Ancestor Xingchen took this opportunity to retreat, with a cold smile on his lips, "So that's it, in the era of chaos, the Chaos Demon Ape was also a giant and very powerful, but now the situation is different. In this Ziwei Emperor Star, I am Occupying the advantage of geographical location and having a higher level than you, how can you be my opponent? As long as I kill you, not only will the treasure in your hand be mine, but I will also devour your origin!"

The realm mentioned by Xingchen Patriarch is naturally the realm of Yuanshen.

Nowadays, Yuan Huo's Yuan Shen realm is the perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and has not yet reached the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Faced with the judgment of the Star Ancestor, Yuan Huo did not say much. The origin of the Chaos Demon Ape was just an insignificant one among his many means.


He took another step forward, the laws of war fluctuated astonishingly, and he used a variety of extremely sophisticated attack methods to swamp the Star Ancestor.

"Original blessing!"

The Star Ancestor roared loudly, and the endless stars boiled in the ancient starry sky. Three hundred and sixty-five main stars and nineteen thousand six hundred secondary stars all emerged and manifested in the sky above the Ziwei Emperor Star. The origin of the endless stars The power surged down and continuously blessed the ancestor of Xingchen.

His magic power reached an extreme, as if it were endless.

"I am the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Even if you can temporarily compete with me through many means, how can you compete with me because of your long-lasting magic power? You will die today!"

Ancestor Xingchen spoke coldly.

Boom boom!

When he raised his hand, the Ziwei Emperor's Seal glowed, almost burning, and turned into a purple dragon with a length of billions of miles, fiercely bombarding the ape fire.

At the same time, he himself also used endless fighting methods, the vast starlight condensed into infinite fairy swords, and there was also a star god, like thousands of troops, rushing forward to kill.

The entire Ziwei Emperor Star trembled, and the roar shook the sky.

At this moment, Xingchen Ancestor made up his mind to consume all of Ape Fire's mana through fighting. Once the mana is exhausted, even if he has a defensive treasure, it will have no effect and he can only be slaughtered.

"bring it on."

Sarushuo's eyes were calm, but there was also a fighting spirit. At this time, he also wanted to see where the limit of his magic power was.

After all, he is a being who has condensed the perfect three flowers of the twelfth grade, and he has also practiced the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, which is the first soul method in the world.

This makes his cultivation foundation many times more powerful than that of ordinary beings in the same realm. Even he himself doesn't know where his limit is.


A shocking battle broke out, and the two of them engaged in the fiercest collision. Endless light shot into the sky, and the Ziwei Emperor Star seemed to be boiling. The void continued to shatter and collapse, turning into chaos.

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