Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 151 The physical collision between the Purple Demon God and the Hunyuan Golden Immortal leve

Yuan Huo did not use many means, mainly using the Law of War, casually unleashing endless magical powers, and constantly clashing with the Star Ancestor.


He pointed like a sword, and his fingers were as crystal clear as jade, blooming with monstrous light. He slashed forward, and immediately turned into a soaring fairy sword, cutting off the giant star dragon.


He took a step forward, stretched out his palm and grabbed it forward. Suddenly the void shook violently, and a giant hand covering the sky appeared. He grabbed hard and exploded a star god in one fell swoop.


Then, the mana surged out of Yuan Huo's body, filling a radius of hundreds of millions of miles in the blink of an eye, turning into huge divine thunders, and suddenly exploded.

Terrifying explosions filled every inch of space, layer upon layer, and no one was missed, so all the starlight in this area was shattered and annihilated.

"This person is no more than a Daluo Jinxian, but his magical powers are ever-changing and have reached an extreme level. He is worthy of being a person who has practiced the laws of war."

The ancestor of Xingchen was secretly frightened. The law of war is to develop the fighting technique to its peak, and the combat power is the most terrifying. Even he felt a burst of pressure at this moment.

However, after all, he had the advantage over the geographical location, so he was not afraid. Suddenly he let out a long roar, and countless stars glowed in the depths of the starry sky, as well as the 365 main stars and 14,800 pairs of stars. The stars also burned at the same time, and the power of the endless source came in force and blessed me.


His whole body was shaken, and dense star essences unexpectedly evolved outside his body, surrounding his entire body. Every move stirred up endless star power, and his aura surged.

Then, the ancestor of Xingchen attacked violently, with endless mana in his hand, and he blasted at the ape fire like he was free of money.

Even if Ape Fire has a defensive treasure to resist it, it will definitely consume endless mana to activate such a treasure. His purpose is to consume the opponent to death!


Naturally, Ape Fire was not to be outdone, and the law of war boiled. He rushed forward, and behind him appeared a demonic figure standing tall on the sky and the ground, roaring up to the sky, shaking the starry sky.

Suddenly, the area was violent, the void exploded inch by inch, chaotic light surged, and destructive fluctuations swept across all directions, falling into endless chaos.

I don't know how long this battle lasted. The two men's bodies suddenly shook, and their mana was exhausted at the same time. The light of the Ziwei Imperial Seal and the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth dimmed at the same time, making it difficult to activate them anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ancestor Xingchen burst out laughing, "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, a mere Great Luo Jinxian, could persist to this point, but it's still useless. I'm afraid you don't know that my most powerful thing is not actually my magic power. , but the physical power, Ziji Demon God, open!"


As soon as the words fell, the power of endless energy and blood suddenly burst out in the body of the ancestor of Xingchen, sweeping across the starry sky. His body suddenly swelled, and in the blink of an eye he was hundreds of millions of feet tall, turning into a terrifying demon god with a huge body and a ferocious appearance. Exuding a strong pressure.

That kind of aura spread out, making the void continue to collapse, and the Ziwei Emperor Star also continued to tremble.

The Star Ancestor is the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, and his predecessor was the Star Demon God. Therefore, based on the remaining memories in his mind, he created a physical method called the Purple Demon God.

Once activated, the incarnation of the Purple Demon God can be revealed. Although it is far inferior to the original form of the Star Demon God, it is absolutely terrifying. The physical power is astonishing and dominates the world.

The ancestor of Xingchen looked down at the ape fire, with an extremely cold look in his eyes, and his body burst out with huge coercion. Without holding back, he directly made a fist and struck out at the ape fire. This time, the opponent's magic power Exhausted, without the obstruction of the Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, he will definitely die without a burial place.

He could even see the bloody scene of Sarufire's body being torn apart.

However, at this time, Sarushuo's eyes were extremely calm, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "In the flesh? It's unfortunate, but I'm actually quite good at it."

Having said that, facing the terrifying punch from the ancestor of the stars that dominated the world, Ape Fire made no other moves. He simply clenched his fist and moved forward to meet it and collide with it.

The size difference between the two is huge!

From a distance, it looks like an ant waving its forelimbs to shake the giant dragon.

But the next moment, when the two collided, with an earth-shaking loud noise, Saruhuo's small fist suddenly burst out with overwhelming terrifying power.


Even the ancestor of the stars, who is billions of feet tall, cannot bear this terrifying power. All the bones in his fists are shattered, and his entire huge body staggers back. Every step he takes will cause billions of people to be trampled on the Ziwei Emperor Star. There was a big crack in it, and it retreated an unknown distance before barely stopping.

"Your physical body is actually so powerful?"

Ancestor Xingchen was shocked.


This is incredible. Ape Fire is just at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. How can the physical body feel more powerful than the level of Da Luo Jinxian? This is definitely the level of Hunyuan Jinxian!

Even he can't compare.


At this time, Yuan Huo had already taken the initiative to attack. His body was still in normal shape, but with only one flicker and as fast as lightning, he appeared in front of the Xingchen ancestor and punched him on the forehead. Even though Xingchen Elder The ancestor's body was extremely terrifying, but it could not resist it at this moment. His forehead suddenly sunk, and a huge pit appeared.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Then, Ape Fire launched an attack like a violent storm, punching the body of Ancestor Xingchen. The speed was so fast that Ancestor Xingchen had no power to resist. In just a moment, countless wounds appeared on his body. At the end, Sarufire punched out hard, immediately piercing his heart and causing blood to surge.


Ancestor Xingchen roared.

Intolerable, unbearable!

He never thought that his strongest body could not resist the other party. I am afraid that if he continued, he might even fall.

"The origin of the stars, burn!"

Finally, the Star Ancestor was forced into a desperate situation and screamed miserably. The origin of the Star Demon God in his body suddenly burned up at this moment, turning into infinite power and blessing his body.

A terrifying and boundless aura suddenly erupted, sweeping across the sky and the earth. The entire Ziwei Emperor Star was trembling, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

The size of the Star Ancestor once again increased dramatically. In the blink of an eye, he was half the size of the Ziwei Emperor Star, standing in the starry sky. Those ordinary stars were as small as dust in front of him.

He roared, his pressure reaching the extreme, and he punched hard.

This punch blasted out, and countless stars resonated in an instant. Even if it was just physical power, it was still able to resonate with endless stars. The power of the vast source surged in, causing its power to skyrocket again, a violent and boundless force. Completely lock on the ape fire and come with a blast.

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