Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 157 Three days of burning the origin! The source of evil in the starry sky!

too scary!

The moment the avenue millstone appeared, overwhelming pressure surged out, causing the lunar star to tremble and the endless starry sky to shake.

As the millstone rumbled and turned, the void collapsed layer by layer, unable to bear it at all. It seemed like a terrifying thing that should not exist in the world.

This is exactly the magical power of the law that Yuan Huo comprehended from Pangu's essence and blood inheritance after he understood the law of power at a deeper level.


The great avenue millstone was huge and boundless. As it turned, destructive power came out. In an instant, all the restraining power of the plain cloud boundary flag was torn apart. The cloud boundary collapsed, and the entire chess piece screamed and flew horizontally. And out.

Then, it continued to rotate, and blasts of destructive power were blasted out one after another, landing on the terrifying spiritual treasures such as the Blue Sky Treasure Seal, Huang Tian Treasure Seal, Cangtian Treasure Seal, Xuanhuang Jade Slip, etc., and shook them all away.

For three days, the body was violently shaken at the same time, and everyone suffered a huge backlash. He vomited blood, his breath was weak, and his body staggered back.

"What kind of terror is this?"

The three days were filled with shock to the extreme. I never expected that the three of them would join forces and activate all kinds of terrifying spiritual treasures, but they would be repelled by the other party alone!

This is so shocking.

They themselves are strong among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals. Each of them is much stronger than the Xingchen Ancestor. At the same time, they have many spiritual treasures in their hands. If they attack with all their strength, even if the opponent is a strong person in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, I'm afraid it can be repelled.

However, with one move, just one move, the monkey fire blasted three of them away at the same time. What level of power is this? What level of magical power is this? The cultivation level of the soul shown by the opponent now is only the perfection of Daluo Jinxian. Can a Daluo Jinxian be able to achieve this?


Qingtian roared angrily. He couldn't bear such a failure. He rushed towards the ape fire again. With a wave of his hand, he activated the Qingtian Law. In an instant, layers of blue sky appeared one after another, layer upon layer, like the void of billions of planes. , heading towards the Ape Fire Suppression.

The same was true for Huang Tian and Cang Tian. Although they were knocked back, their injuries were not too serious and they still had fighting prowess that could not be underestimated.

In an instant, this area turned into a boiling place. The infinite law's light was so majestic that the Taiyin Star could not bear it at all. The earth sank inch by inch and fell into destruction.

Ape Fire's body was huge and boundless. He looked down for three days, his eyes were extremely indifferent, and he just moved the avenue millstone again.


Like the sky collapsing, the millstone of the avenue no longer rotated, but was suppressed. A terrifying energy was locked for three days, and then with an irresistible attitude, it hit them hard. At this moment, my body felt as if a boulder had crushed an ant.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

All the laws and magical powers that had been activated for three days collapsed at this moment. Their bodies exploded directly, unable to resist at all, and turned into a puddle of meat.

Even those spirit treasures were knocked away again, their light dimmed to the extreme, and even cracks appeared on the surface.

"Such power..." Wang Shu was stunned, his beautiful eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't imagine that the power of the monkey fire was so terrifying.

This avenue millstone is simply invincible.


However, at this moment, a roar like a beast sounded in the starry sky. At this time, the three days were still filled with majestic and terrifying life.

"Damn, damn!"

The blue sky roared ferociously, and the flesh and blood that had been blown to pieces all glowed. In the blink of an eye, they came back together again, but their faces turned pale.

He never thought that Yuan Huo was fighting one against three, but they would suffer such a big loss. They were the ancient Lords of Heaven, the giants among the giants!

"Don't hold back, show your true power. If you want to occupy the entire starry sky, you must get rid of this person, otherwise we will never be able to go further."

Qing Tian Han said.


Huang Tian and Cang Tian, ​​who had regrouped their bodies, nodded, with a hint of coldness in their eyes.


Seeing this scene, Sarushuo's heart moved. Looking at this, could there be other trump cards in Three Days? A cold light flashed in his eyes. Since it was a life and death battle, he naturally couldn't let them succeed. At that moment, he activated the avenue millstone again, crushed the void, and suppressed them.


The Taiyin Star directly opened thousands of terrifying abyss, and in the distant starry sky, trillions of stars exploded simultaneously, turning into stardust all over the sky.

The coercion emanating from the Grand Millstone was so terrifying that it was like a world-destroying thing. The strong law fluctuations came out in a mighty manner, and everything in its path ceased to exist.

However, Qing Tian, ​​Cang Tian and Huang Tian did not dodge!

They looked indifferent, sitting cross-legged in the void, their whole bodies suddenly glowed, a terrifying aura erupted in their bodies, and then shook endless time and space.

The endless source of power burst out from their bodies, burned up, and bloomed with dazzling light, almost lighting up the entire universe!

At this moment, even the light of the supreme stars looked dim under their reflection.

The three majestic and endless sources merged together, and a vast wave of waves spread out, colliding with the avenue millstone. There was a click on the surface of the avenue millstone, and a crack appeared, and then the cracks spread out like a spider web, densely packed. , covering everything, the entire avenue millstone could no longer bear it and exploded.

However, Saruhuo's eyes were calm, and he was not too surprised by this. After all, this avenue millstone had attacked several times before and consumed most of its power, so he couldn't bear it at this moment.

Obviously, these three days have been pushed to the extreme, so they used the ultimate method and started to burn the source. This will cost a huge price, but it can also be exchanged for boundless power. The next battle will enter the most intense stage. stage.


Sure enough, at the next moment, the origins of terror that had arisen from those three days were completely merged together, and a qi machine rose into the sky, filling the ancient starry sky, and even set off a cosmic storm, blowing through trillions of endless time and space. , even the fetal membranes of the earth in the endless distance are shaken.

In the prehistoric starry sky, countless stars were annihilated, and many places where life existed could not be maintained and were shattered under this destructive energy.

The evil spirit has become extremely strong!

Previously, when Yuan Huo was in Huangzhou, he activated the laws of creation and sensed that the evil spirit in the prehistoric starry sky had become much stronger, thinking that huge changes would occur in the future.

Now, such a prediction has obviously come true, and the only thing that is beyond Yuan Huo's expectation is that he is one of the beings who led the great changes in the entire starry sky.

Invisibly, Yuan Huo already possesses the power to shake the ancient world.


After those three days of origin were stimulated to the extreme, their accompanying treasure seals also shone brightly and merged with each other. Finally, they turned into a three-day treasure seal, and an aura that was almost comparable to the innate treasure burst out from it. .

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