Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 158 Thirty-six heavens confront each other and blast the three-day treasure seal!


The three-day treasure seal released a monstrous aura, and the pressure filled the endless starry sky. Dao light spurted out, forming a shocking phenomenon, and the sky emerged one after another, turning into the thirty-third heaven.

Each of the thirty-three heavens is like a vast world, vast, vast, heavy and terrifying. They merge into each other and cover all directions above, below, left, and right.

A terrifying power of confinement was born, locking the ape fire, and in an instant there was endless pressure roaring, like hundreds of millions of ancient sacred mountains crashing down at the same time!

At the same time, the Three-Day Treasure Seal glowed and flew towards Sarushuo. With almost a flicker, it hit his head hard.

"too strong."

In the distance, Wangshu was frightened. The power of these three-day treasure seals was terrifying to the extreme. It had almost reached the level of an innate treasure, with a terrifying momentum that could crush everything.

Wherever it passed, nothing could bear it, the starry sky collapsed, the lunar stars trembled, and time and space became turbulent and chaotic.

However, in the face of all this, Yuan Huo's eyes were very calm. He just raised his hand gently and sacrificed the black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the pagoda hung above his head, and infinite black and yellow energy surged out, covering his whole body in a vast, thick and boundless way.

The Three-Day Treasure Seal hit the Xuanhuang Qi hard, and a shocking wave erupted, which severely made a dent in the Xuanhuang Qi, but that was all, and was knocked back the next moment.

As for the suppressing and locking power of the thirty-third heavenly shadow, the moment the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth appeared, it was completely crushed and could not affect the Ape Fire in the slightest.


At this moment, Santian was shocked. He never expected that the opponent actually had such a terrifying defensive spirit treasure, which was much stronger than the Qingtian World in Qingtian's hands.

However, soon, a ruthless look flashed in Qingtian's eyes, and he said: "Continue to attack, I will wait for three days to merge. At this moment, the power is equivalent to the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. If I don't attack, I won't be able to break through the opponent's defense!" "


After the words fell, the light around Qingtian became even brighter, and the source burned fiercely. Huang Tian and Cangtian also did the same, pouring all the boundless power in their bodies into the three-day treasure seal.

The power of the three-day treasure seal surged again, shaking the starry sky and slamming into the ape fire. The shadows of the thirty-third heaven were intertwined with it, forming a mysterious scene, as if the sky had collapsed and was about to come. Suppressing the killing has a terrifying power like a collapse of the sky, which makes people tremble.


However, the Xuanhuang Pagoda was shining brightly, and more Xuanhuang Qi surged out from it, like a vast ocean, endless and endless, almost drowning the Lunar Star.

The three-day treasure seal collided with it again, and there was another earth-shaking loud noise. The black and yellow energy only shook, but it was still extremely stable, without any flaws, and could not be broken.

"With this kind of spiritual treasure, doesn't it mean that you are invincible? How can you fight?"

Qingtian, Cangtian, and Huangtian all had shock in their eyes. They had no idea that they had burned their origins, condensed the three-day treasure seal, and used their strongest methods. As a result, they couldn't even break through the opponent's defense!

If this continues, it will be impossible to tell the winner.

"Forget it, let's admit defeat this time and let's go."

Finally, Qingtian gritted his teeth and said.

There was a strong look of reluctance in his eyes, but there was no way. The monkey fire's defense was too strong. If he continued to persist, what else could he do except waste his strength in vain?

In this case, it is better to leave directly, cut off the strong man's wrist, and wait until the cultivation level is stronger in the future to retrieve the intestines. Anyway, the Taiyin Star is here, and the opponent cannot hide.

"They're throwing in the towel."

Wangshu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. This battle should be regarded as a dead-end situation. Apefire's defense was strong enough that it could not be broken for three days, but after three days of fusion, its strength increased dramatically. , which is comparable to the level of the middle Hunyuan Golden Immortal. This can be called a giant among the giants. It is also the overlord of one party in the ancient continent. It is estimated that it will be difficult for Yuan Huo to suppress it.

"Did I let you go?"

At this time, Yuan Huo spoke calmly, with a calm voice that spread throughout the entire Taiyin Star.

"Your defense is indeed strong, but if we want to leave, what can you do?"

Qingtian couldn't help but sneered.


After that, the three of them got up at the same time. At this time, they seemed to be one body, and they were about to leave the Taiyin Star and return to the ancient heaven.

When Sarushuo saw this scene, he didn't say much. A terrifying and boundless aura suddenly erupted in his body. Behind his head, a mysterious divine ring appeared. It was thirty-six black holes connected together. Between each black hole, There is an aura of endless vastness permeating the air, which is impressively the thirty-six heavens.

Each of these thirty-six heavens has reached the level of the primary world. When combined together and sacrificed at the same time, their power is comparable to that of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

In particular, there are also the ape tribe and many affiliated tribes, more than 100 billion terrifying creatures, which is equivalent to a terrifying dynasty. The power of luck generated in it is so rich that it is almost concentrated into substance, vaguely, It can be seen that in the black hole, there are more than 100 billion living beings, all practicing solemnly, blessing these thirty-six heavens, giving them an extra layer of light of vast destiny.

At this moment, the ape fire activated it, and the thirty-six heavens immediately flew out and suppressed the three heavens.


Seeing this, Qingtian, Cangtian, and Huangtian all sneered. Although they could not break through Yuanhuo's defense, they had extremely strong combat power. It would be too naive for Yuanhuo to think that he could defeat them.


The three-day treasure seal glowed, and the vast coercion swept through the countless star fields. Most of the starry sky seemed to be shaking. The thirty-three heavens were thick and thick, flying straight out and colliding with the thirty-six heavens.


A destructive storm suddenly emerged. The moment the two collided, endless divine light rose up. The void exploded into pieces and turned into chaos. The strongest power collided, causing endless death. .

When everything calmed down, the three-day treasure seal and the thirty-six heavens were all shaken back at the same time.

"This treasure is not weak, but you are only one person, how can you fight with three of my brothers? Wishful thinking." Qingtian laughed. At this moment, they are even burning their origins, and their strength is pushed to the extreme. If they still can't resist the opponent's attack , you can simply die.

The only miscalculation was that I didn't expect that the opponent would have such a heaven-defying defensive spirit treasure in his hands!

Wang Shu felt regretful when he saw it. Three days was too strong and it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to get rid of it.


Yuanhuo looked down at the three days, just like looking down at the ants. His expression was calm. He didn't say much after hearing the words. He just raised his hand and pressed it gently to activate his many spiritual treasures.

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