Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 163 The members of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Clan, the Wu Clan’s Yuanshenfa!

When Yuanhuo saw Wangshu's look, he knew she had misunderstood, and said with a smile: "I mainly want to invite you to become a guest in my ape clan. I have no other ideas."

After hearing this, Wang Shu's face suddenly turned redder, and he couldn't help but give Yuan Huo a rollicking look, showing a bit of coquettishness. She was already extremely beautiful, so such a small gesture would naturally make her more attractive.

"I agreed."

Finally, she said softly. She didn't know why, but at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt faintly disappointed. It turned out that he had no idea of ​​proposing marriage.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host. A powerful man of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level has been added to the clan, and he will be rewarded with a set of witch clan's soul skills."

And the moment Wangshu agreed, the voice of the system sounded in Yuan Huo's mind, and immediately a skill was condensed and formed, filled with the glory of the avenue, and appeared in his mind.


The ape fire was excited. His guess was correct. The Hunyuan Golden Immortal was the most powerful person in this ancient world. Joining the ape clan would naturally make the ape clan stronger. The system was also affected by this. Out of rewards.


At the same time, almost instantly, Wangshu's body, cultivation, luck, etc. were all added to his body simultaneously. The ape fire aura surged all at once, and he felt as if there was an ocean-like power. , surged forward, causing his cultivation level to improve a bit, his heels and feet to become slightly stronger, and his luck to be stronger.

However, for non-ape creatures, only half of the system's blessings are included. In other words, only half of the origin, cultivation, etc. in Wangshu's body are superimposed into Ape Fire's body.

But even so, it is extremely terrifying. You must know that this is a Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Placed in the ancient continent, it is enough to establish a powerful dynasty!

With this kind of blessing, it would be enough for Yuan Huo to practice for hundreds of millions of years.

However, as for the improvement of his own cultivation level, Saruhuo didn't care too much at this time, because his attention was attracted by the rewards of the system in his mind.

"The Witch Clan's Primordial Spirit Method!"

After the ape fire was digested, a look of shock could not help but appear in his eyes. Without him, this step of the technique was too outrageous.

As we all know, in the later generations, although the Wu Clan was the overlord of the prehistoric times, they did not condense the soul in their bodies, so they acted very violently. They often fought to the death with other living beings, and in the end they even started an unprecedented holocaust with the Monster Clan. A large number of tribulations, perished together.

Without the soul, the physical body alone is already so powerful. One can imagine the terror of the Witch Clan!

I don’t know how many people have thought about how great the achievements would be if the Wu Clan did not have this flaw, had souls, and could practice cultivation to become wise and clear and not fall into killing?

But, this is impossible!

Because, there is actually a reason why the Wu clan does not have a soul. It is not that they really do not have a soul, but their physical bodies are too strong, crushing the soul and integrating it into their limbs and bones.

The soul is shattered and merged into the body, blending with each other and inseparable. Even if the witch clan has great abilities, they cannot condense the soul. Naturally, they cannot truly transcend and realize the Hunyuan.

However, the laws of the witch clan’s soul are different!

What is recorded above is clearly the method that helps the Wu clan gather their soul!

"This is so scary."

Yuan Huo did not expect that the system would reward him with such a heaven-defying method. If the Wu Clan could practice and condense the soul, the strongest physical body, and the strongest soul, how terrifying would it be? Can't even think about it!

Sarushuo's eyes couldn't help but shine.

He knew where the Wu Clan was now, in the Pangu Palace. He had planned to return to the Pangu Palace after visiting Wangshu on the Taiyin Star and continue practicing there.

The twelve ancestral witches and hundreds of millions of witch clans were all nurtured there!

And if he planned in advance and found a way to control the entire Wu Clan and make them a member of his own clan, and then let these Wu Clan practice Yuanshen Law, then how powerful the complete version of the Wu Clan would be, How terrible?

Thinking of such a scene, Yuan Huo was so excited that his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. It was so tempting. If there could be such a powerful force, it could easily overwhelm the entire prehistoric world. Neither Hongjun nor Luo Hu would be an opponent!

"This soul method comes at the right time!" Yuan Huo was excited. After returning to Pangu Palace this time, he must find a way to control the witch clan.

He was just a Wangshu. After joining his tribe, his strength increased greatly. How terrifying would it be if all the twelve ancestral witches and hundreds of millions of witch tribes joined his tribe? How powerful will the blessing it brings him be?

When he reached the realm of Ape Fire, many thoughts flashed through him in just one millionth of a second. He soon calmed down, looked at Wangshu, and said with a smile: "Everything is ready now, let's leave now." Bar."


As he spoke, Ape Fire thought, and the thirty-six heavens emerged, faintly manifesting the infinite figures inside, "This is my ape clan and many affiliated clans. Next, I will rush back to the prehistoric world. You You can go in and take a look and stroll around.”


Wangshu now has great trust in Yuan Huo, and without thinking too much, he takes one step and enters the thirty-six heavens.

Then, she saw the dense and endless universe, planes, voids, and a huge tree that penetrated endless time and space, holding up the sky and the earth, making this space extremely stable and vast and terrifying spiritual energy. , galloping in every inch of time and space, it can be called an excellent place for cultivation. In the endless universe, planes, and voids, there are many powerful creatures who are struggling to practice.

"Fellow Taoist Ape Fire actually put his entire tribe into this spiritual treasure!" Wang Shu was shocked again. The shock that Ape Fire brought to him was too much.

Such an idea is simply unimaginable, bringing a huge group of people with them, and the cultivation environment inside is better than most places in the prehistoric times.

"Go and take a look."

At this time, Wang Shu also became interested in her heart. She had been alone on the Taiyin Star for countless billions of years, so she was naturally a little lonely. When she saw such a lively scene, she wanted to take a look.

"Why are these ethnic groups" Wangshu couldn't help but blush slightly as he traveled from universe to universe. Seeing the many situations.

The entire ape clan and many affiliated clans are extremely diligent in practicing, but at the same time, they are also extremely diligent in another thing, and that is giving birth to children.

This was the first time for Wang Shu to see so many scenes so densely.

"This Fellow Taoist Ape Fire... is not serious." She said secretly in her heart, her face turned red.

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