Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 164 The Queen of the Twelve Ancestral Witches! The evil atmosphere in Pangu Hall!

On the other side, Apefire felt slightly regretful when he saw the Taiyin laurel on the Taiyin star. This Taiyin laurel was connected to the origin of the entire Taiyin star. Even he could not separate it. Forcibly transplanting it would definitely destroy it. .

It seems that we can only wait until the cultivation level is stronger in the future before trying to remove it.


He took one step and returned to the prehistoric world. He activated the great magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune and the law of space. His body passed through layers of time and space, passed through the earth's fetal membrane, and headed all the way to Mount Buzhou.

The area within Buzhou Mountain is the territory of the Qilin Clan. The Qilin Clan is now extremely powerful, especially Zu Qilin, whose current cultivation level is probably close to the perfection of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

However, Ape Fire arrived here quietly and did not attract the attention of any Qilin.

The main reason is that he has the magical ability to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, and can avoid risks.

Therefore, he went very smoothly on this journey. He went deep into Buzhou Mountain and reached Pangu Palace. When he stepped inside, a terrifying pressure suddenly hit him. The pressure in Pangu Palace was even more terrifying than that of Buzhou Mountain. , but now the monkey fire is too strong, and it can be resisted easily.


Then, he went deeper into Pangu Palace, this time faster, and in just a few decades, he reached the Pangu Blood Pond.


Twelve huge bloody cocoons were suspended in the Pangu Blood Pool. Each one was as high as a trillion miles, exuding a terrifying and boundless pressure, which was at least comparable to the level of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

They are the twelve ancestral witches who are still in the process of being conceived. They will be born during the Lich Calamity Period in the future. Once born, they will become the overlords of the ancient world, dominate endless territories, and create legends.

This is a terrifying creature derived from twelve drops of the essence and blood of the Great God Pangu. It has unlimited potential. Even compared with Sanqing, it is not much different. If it were not for the shortcomings of the soul, its achievements would be limitless!

"Next, we need to find a way to master these twelve ancestral witches, and then teach them the soul method. But if the body and soul are perfect, they will definitely be able to surpass all the forces in the ancient world!"

Sarushuo thought as he looked at the giant bloody cocoon.


Suddenly, at this moment, a strange wave came. Faintly, he felt a hazy wave of consciousness awakening in the giant bloody cocoon, which seemed to be conveying some message to himself.

And the blood in his body roared at this moment, making a thunderous sound, and the whole body glowed. The blood instinct was very excited, as if he had met his closest relatives, brothers and sisters.


Sarushuo's heart moved. He was now extremely wise. With just a slight change of thought, he suddenly understood.

He had previously refined a drop of Pangu's essence and blood in Huangzhou, and as a result, his own heel was upgraded to the level of the primary Chaos Demon God's heel.

In other words, the authentic Pangu bloodline flows through his body now, and these twelve ancestral witches are transformed from Pangu's essence and blood, so they can naturally relate to him. They are as close relatives as brothers and sisters!

"This is an unexpected bonus."

Sarushu couldn't help but smile. With such a relationship, his plan would definitely be carried out more smoothly.


The ape fire activated his mana, soared into the sky, and flew toward the hazy consciousness wave that conveyed the call to him, and soon came to a huge blood-colored cocoon.


Reaching the high altitude of the Wu Clan's blood pool, the pressure suddenly became hundreds or thousands of times stronger, pressing from all directions. It was extremely terrifying, but the ape fire body shone brightly, and the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level was operating, protecting the body. The divine light shines, easily blocking out all of this.

"elder brother……"

At this time, in the huge blood-colored cocoon, a cute little girl of ice and snow vaguely emerged, with a happy look on her face and an extremely intimate look. She stretched out her hands and ran towards him.

However, she was still pregnant, so naturally she couldn't run out, so she could only take a step or two through the giant blood-colored cocoon before being blocked. A look of disappointment and helplessness suddenly appeared on her little face.

"This is Houtu."

The ape fire divine thought came into contact with this bloody giant cocoon, and he immediately knew the identity of the little girl, and his heart was shocked.

Hou Tu was the youngest among the twelve ancestral witches. Finally, during the Lich Calamity period, he did a great thing. He transformed into reincarnation, allowing many living beings in the prehistoric world to reincarnate and die. , which has great merit for the entire prehistoric period.

Saruhui didn't expect that he would be able to see Gou Tu when he was still young. He was extremely cute. At the same time, because of the resonance of their blood, they were also extremely close to him.

Sarushuo couldn't help but reveal a smile. He also liked Houtu quite a lot.

" hurts..."

Suddenly, at this moment, the little girl's face showed an expression of great pain. She hugged her chest and squatted down, her whole body trembling.

Faintly, the scene inside the bloody giant cocoon seemed to have changed, with an unspeakable aura that seemed to be filled with endless ferocity.


Sarushuo was startled, and without thinking, he opened his pupils of time and looked forward. The scene in front of him suddenly changed drastically, showing an extremely terrifying scene.

From the deepest part of the Pangu Hall, endless prehistoric evil energy surged out. It was countless times more intense than the evil energy that reached its peak during the period of the fierce beast's calamity.

These prehistoric evil spirits were rushing through the entire Pangu Hall, and finally they all poured into the giant bloody cocoon and rolled in. It was unknown how many billions of years it lasted.

Those twelve huge blood-colored cocoons exuded a monstrous force of energy and blood, fighting against these prehistoric evil spirits, but they were still invaded into the body.

Now, the intensity of the prehistoric evil energy accumulated inside these twelve giant cocoons has simply reached an appalling level!

The Houtu was surrounded by the least amount of evil energy from the ancient times, so it could barely maintain a vague will. However, the other eleven giant cocoons were completely submerged, and they were all struggling to resist the evil energy.

"No wonder the Twelve Ancestral Witches in later generations were so crazy after they were born. They have been corroded by this endless prehistoric evil energy for so long, and they are not completely collapsed. It is considered a defiance of the heavens." Apefire sighed.

He did not expect that the situation of these twelve ancestral witches would be so bad.

In the ancient world, the Wu Clan had a mission, which was to suppress the endless evil and turbid air under the ancient land. Before, Yuanhuo thought that they only started doing this after they transformed. It turned out that they had already started to do this before they were born. Do this.

" hurts..."

The little girl started to cry, with big tears rolling down her face. Her thin body trembled, and her condensed consciousness became hazy and difficult to maintain. Only deep sleep could withstand such torture.

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