Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 174 Thirty-six heavens, the apes have endless luck!

Boom! !

One after another, the peerless Tao appeared, densely packed, imprinted on this dry sky world, intertwined, making it even more terrifying. It suddenly swelled and swallowed the entire body of the monkey fire.

The scene changed, and a wild and vast aura swept across it. Yuan Huo turned his head and looked around, and found that he had arrived inside the Qiantian world.

Looking around, it seems that this place has turned into a real prehistoric world, with the sun, moon and stars shining, mountains, rivers and vegetation flourishing, and every inch of space is shining with brilliant Taoist patterns.

"I control the power of the universe, which can evolve the heaven and earth and open up the world. This time and space is condensed to imitate the prehistoric times and is indestructible. You can enjoy it here."

From outside the sky, the voice of Patriarch Qiankun came, and then the whole world was in turmoil, giving birth to a huge oppressive force, like the sky overturning, and like the pressure of billions of sacred mountains. Ape Fire's physical body instantly felt an extremely terrifying force. Constant roar.

Then, everything in the sky and earth, including mountains, rivers, vegetation, sun, moon, stars, etc., all glowed, releasing a terrifying murderous aura, turning into a peerless sword, slashing towards the ape fire.

Everything between heaven and earth is derived from the Tao, and has the most powerful attack power. If you fall into it, you will have to withstand endless attacks, and there will be no end!

Ape Fire's majestic body moved, punching out one punch after another, easily shattering all these attacks, but this dry sky world was extremely strong, without any damage. Even if Ape Fire continued to attack, it was still continuous, More attacks were born, pressing from all directions.

This is like a terrible cage. There are endless dangers in the cage. Even if you can withstand it at the beginning, as time goes by and the mana in your body is exhausted, you will eventually be unable to withstand it. At that time, you can only survive in the infinite Under the attack, he fell sadly and became a corpse in this universe.


Then, something even more terrifying happened. The whole world shook and burned. The terrifying flames of the dry sky emerged, burning forever, spreading across every inch of space.

Even more terrifying power was released, and this Qiantian world turned into a furnace, refining the ape fire in it and turning it into a ball of ashes!

This was much more terrifying than that of Kun Yuan. It was a secret method of a higher level. At this moment, it was fully activated by the ancestor of Qian Kun, and it immediately showed a lethality that shocked the past and the present.

Even though Ape Fire's body is incomparable, under the burning flames of the dry sky, the divine light that protects the body is shattered piece by piece, and then the skin is burnt black and falls off, and it is unable to withstand it.

His eyes were calm, and he mobilized all his strength to bombard a place, trying to create a chaotic passage and escape from this world. However, the power of this world was too terrifying. No matter how he bombarded it, it was still solid and immortal. It was stronger than before. During the battle with Santian, the top-grade innate defensive spirit treasures offered by Santian were ten thousand times more terrifying.

"The universe and the earth are the unparalleled laws. I have been practicing for hundreds of millions of years and have already understood it to the point where it is the power of creation. I can activate it with all my strength and even be able to mobilize the power of the ancient universe."

Outside the sky, the voice of the ancestor of Qiankun came, and then the void changed, showing a scene, which was the wilderness beyond infinite time and space.

Even though they are separated by countless starry skies, the vast and endless prehistoric wilderness still exudes incomparable magnificence. At this moment, there is a terrifying force in it that is being aroused and flowing continuously across hundreds of millions of time and space. It merges into this dry world, causing it to Every moment, there is endless blessing.

Such a scene is despairing!

Who would have thought that the ancestor of Qiankun could actually comprehend the laws of Qiankun to such a level, and that even in the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky, he could stir up the power of the prehistoric world!

In the prehistoric world, this was created by the great god Pangu. The power in it is terrifying and boundless. Even if it is just a trace, it is enough to shake the world.


In the world of Qian Tian, ​​the flames burned more intensely, like an eternal furnace. Even though the ape fire tried its best to attack, it still felt severe pain in the body and could not bear it.

However, his expression was calm. Although his physical strength alone could not bear it, he was not only that, he also had more methods!

Therefore, facing the endless flames, Yuan Huo just spat out a few words.

"Thirty-six heavens!"


There was a huge earthquake in the void, and thirty-six terrifying black holes appeared behind Sarushui. They were connected together like a terrifying divine ring, suspended behind Sarushui's head, making him look like a dark god king.

Each black hole is a primary world. Thirty-six primary worlds are connected together, forming a qualitative change. The overall aura has crossed to a higher level and is completely sublimated.

At the same time, there are densely packed and endless creatures in the thirty-six heavens. There is also a tree that penetrates all the heavens and elements, opening up the heaven, earth and universe. There is also a goddess with fluttering clothes and peerless grace.

"With the blessing of luck, all the heavens rise together and open!"

Sarushuo shouted loudly.

The endless creatures in the thirty-six heavens seemed to have sensed the will of the monkey fire at this moment, and they all sat down and prayed devoutly.

A vast force of luck emerged, like a vast ocean, merging with the thirty-six heavens, causing its power to skyrocket above its original level.


Then, these thirty-six heavens skyrocketed!

In just the blink of an eye, the world inside this dry sky expanded crazily like the Big Bang. In the blink of an eye, every inch of space was filled. Then, it continued to expand, rumbling, making the entire dry sky world expand. The whole world was shaken, and it seemed that it could not bear it.

This is the new method that Yuan Huo has realized now. The thirty-six heavens themselves are already very terrifying, and there are countless living beings living in them. He asked all his tribe to pray, gather the power of all living beings, and bless the world. In the Thirty-six Heavens, its power can be increased explosively.

In the majestic world, there is a goddess with stunning grace, fluttering clothes and peerless appearance. She is also sitting cross-legged and praying devoutly. She is the goddess of the lunar moon and the mother of stars, Wangshu!


A terrifying and boundless force of luck raged, causing the power of the thirty-six heavens to finally reach its limit. At this time, the monkey fire also roared, allowing all the endless power of the thirty-six heavens to bless him. , making his entire body feel as if it was on fire, his strength rising steadily, increasing hundreds to thousands of times, and then he punched forward. Finally, the dry world could no longer bear it, and exploded with a bang.


The ancestor of Qiankun vomited out blood and was hit by the backlash. His body was shaken out. Looking at the broken world of Qiantian, his eyes showed incomparable disbelief. He never expected that one of his most proud magical powers would be destroyed like this by Yuanhuo. Domineering break!

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