Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 175 Qiankun Dynasty, eighty-one destiny dragons!

"There is the breath of my Qiankun Ruler in this. You used my treasure to sacrifice and refine such a set of spiritual treasures." Later, the ancestor of Qiankun sensed the Qiankun Ruler among the thirty-six heavens. Suddenly, he was so angry that he vomited blood, and his expression suddenly became ferocious, cold and terrifying, like an ancient ferocious beast showing its fangs, and its ferocious aura was breathtaking.


Ancestor Qiankun roared, his eyes looking like he was about to burst out with anger.

He didn't expect that his most powerful magical power would be broken by Yuan Huo in this way. For him, it was a double blow, and he was filled with anger.

"It's my turn next."

Apefire's expression was calm, and the thirty-six heavens roared behind his head, making him look like a dark Taoist, unparalleled in the world, with endless power fluctuations surging around him.


He took a step forward. At this moment, the power was astonishing. The universe trembled and the starry sky exploded. The space and time were roaring. It seemed to be chaotic and turbulent for eternity!

Aru Huo landed a punch, and the ancestor of Qiankun was immediately knocked away, and his body exploded in the starry sky.

Then, the thirty-six heavens roared and shook at the same time, and a strangulating force was born, moving forward, covering all the broken pieces of flesh of the ancestor of Qiankun, completely obliterating it.

At the state of Qiankun Patriarch, even a physical particle the size of a dust particle can return against the will of heaven and directly return to its peak state.

The imprint of their lives exists in the smallest time scale, in the deepest depths of the void, all over the past, present and future. No one knows what means will be used.

Therefore, Saruhuo showed no mercy at all, and strangled with all his strength.


But at this moment, there was a low roar, and all the flesh and blood glowed, and a terrifying force came out, directly repelling all the attacks of the monkey fire.


Then, with a flash of blood, the ancestor of Qiankun appeared in the distance, reorganizing his body. Although his face was slightly pale, it didn't give off a serious impression.

In the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, the vitality is extremely strong and can be defeated, but it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill.

"If you think you can compete with me if you have a few spiritual treasures in your hand, you are too naive. You can't imagine the gap in combat power caused by the gap in realm."

The ancestor of Qiankun looked cold, like a peerless demon king, full of domineering power. Even at this time, he still had a great majesty that was breathtaking.

"You have luck, and so do I!"

After the words fell, there was a "buzz" sound, and the ancestor of Qiankun sacrificed a treasure seal. The light shone hundreds of millions of feet, shining on the stars, hanging under the eternal starry sky.


An ocean-like aura erupted, and endless power of destiny surged out from this treasure seal, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, flooding the starry sky.

Vaguely, in that universe, an astonishing scene appeared. It was a vast dynasty, with magnificent palaces, wild and primitive, an altar reaching the sky, and gods and demons exuding powerful auras, splitting the heaven and earth, and moving stars. The universe stretches to the end of the earth, and the territory is unknown how vast it is.

The mighty power of luck, like a torrent, condenses into substance, blooms with golden brilliance, and shines through the ages. It has an immortal charm and seems to break the confinement of time and space and become eternity!

This universe is in turmoil and is almost about to burst. The momentum is so powerful that it shakes all the wastelands. It is fully mobilized by the ancestors of the universe and appears in the deepest part of the universe, illuminating eternity.


The ancestor of Qiankun shouted loudly, offered his treasure seal, and the power of infinite luck turned into ninety-nine and eighty-one golden dragons that were billions of feet long. They bared their teeth and claws, and their scales were brilliant, and they rushed towards the ape fire.

This treasure seal, similar to the Kongtong Seal, is a treasure used to suppress luck, and it has also reached the level of the best innate spiritual treasure. At this moment, it has gathered endless power of luck, and when it is fully mobilized by the ancestor of Qiankun , that kind of power is simply earth-shattering and difficult to describe in words.


The star field with a radius of trillions of trillions exploded and was completely shattered. Unable to withstand this breath, the stars turned into ashes, the chaotic air flow collapsed, time was chaotic, cause and effect was distorted, and everything was heading towards the end.

In just a moment, the monkey fire felt unimaginable pressure. The thirty-six heavens crackled, and fine cracks appeared, which was unbearable.

His physical body was also roaring, and his energy and blood surged, as if he was being targeted by a chaotic beast. A strong vigilance was born in his instinct, and his potential was fully stimulated.

"Is this the power of destiny of the top innate gods and demons?" A trace of solemnity flashed in Yuanhuo's eyes. This kind of method was something he had not expected.

The power of luck is so strong that it shakes the past and the present, shakes the eternity, has unimaginable oppression, is breathtaking, and almost makes people's souls split apart.

Before, Yuan Huo actually looked down upon the power of luck, because he knew that it was impossible to achieve enlightenment and become a saint with the power of luck.

However, now it seems that the power of luck is not that simple. At the level of Qiankun Patriarch, creating an immortal dynasty with peerless brilliance, the power gathered is unimaginable, and it is enough to turn into The unparalleled killing methods that shattered the sky and shattered the earth, overwhelming the heavens.

"Ancestor Qiankun can do this, and so can I in the future."

Thinking of this, Sarushuo felt a sense of expectation and saw the potential of his own clan.

First of all, he holds the Kongtong Seal in his hand, which can be called the most powerful treasure to suppress luck. In later generations, this was used by Taiqing Laozi to suppress the luck of the human race, and the human race was the protagonist of the prehistoric world at that time. Taiqing Laozi did not Know how much benefit you get from this.

Secondly, now that he has established a relationship with the Witch Clan, he only needs to slowly manage the business in the future and hold the entire Witch Clan in his hands. It will not be a problem, and the luck that such a large Witch Clan can produce is simply unimaginable. , after all, this is one of the most powerful ethnic groups in the world!

By combining the two, the power of destiny he can obtain in the end will definitely be much more than that of the ancestor of Qiankun. I don't know what level he will reach.

However, this is a matter in the future, but now we need to deal with this terrible impact. Apefire's eyes are calm, and at this time, he no longer holds back, and directly sacrifices the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.


A dazzling pagoda emerged, and billions of black and yellow mother energy fell down. It was vast and thick, covering Yuanhuo's entire body and protecting it.

The Luck Golden Dragon bombarded the Xuanhuang Mother Qi, and the entire Xuanhuang giant tower shook violently, as if it was about to be broken down in the next moment.

However, the Xuanhuang Mother Qi was so powerful that it kept surging out. In the end, it was almost like a Milky Way, spanning the universe, so vast that no matter how terrifying the Qi Luck True Dragon was, it still couldn't break it.

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