Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 183 Chaos Storm, Intermediate Avenue Increase!

"When you return to the ancient world, you must study this matter carefully." Yuan Huo recorded this matter in his mind, then turned around and prepared to leave.

There are countless treasures in the inner chaos, but no one knows how long this blessing of the avenue can be maintained. Apefire decided to be more prudent. Now that he has found the target, he will return quickly.


He was surrounded by a dazzling light rain on the avenue, and he walked through the chaos without any hindrance. But when he was halfway there, the inner chaos suddenly began to turbulence.


Chaos shook throughout the area, creating a terrifying storm and huge waves. The endless chaotic air flow became violent and wreaked havoc in all directions.

Amazing visions emerged, the scene of the opening of the sky appeared in the chaos, the birth and annihilation of the universe, and at the same time, the phantom of the Chaos Demon God appeared, looking up to the sky and roaring, exuding an unparalleled aura, shaking the entire Chaos Sea, but the next moment The body suddenly collapsed again and turned into a flow of air.

The time and space here are all confused.

Things in the past happen in this world.

Scenarios of the future also emerge here.

Time intersects, space overlaps, endless light and shadow shine, the avenue fluctuates horribly, and even when a picture flashes by, a scene of a battle appears.


The entire inner chaos darkened, as if a heavy rain was about to fall, destructive energy was surging, and huge roars spread throughout every inch of space.

"What is this?" Sarushuo was frightened and quickly backed away, but soon found himself trapped in the center of this chaotic storm. Up, down, left, right, and in all directions, there were violent chaotic airflows, colliding with each other, and dazzling... The thunder of chaos travels hundreds of millions of miles and cuts through eternity.


He received a huge impact, as if he was hit by a chaotic boulder, and his body immediately flew out. His whole body was roaring, and it seemed that it would be broken into pieces in the next moment.


The next moment, the storm became extremely violent and became a true tsunami of chaos. A huge wave took shape, overwhelming mountains and seas, hundreds of millions of trillions of miles high. It surged from the end of chaos and struck head-on.

The ape fire was shrouded by this huge wave, as small as an ant, just like a mortal creature without any resistance in the face of the real power of heaven.

"Chaos is really dangerous! Even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian cannot withstand such a chaotic storm. I am afraid that he will be strangled in an instant."

At such a moment, Ape Fire was unusually calm, his whole body roared, and his whole body glowed. He activated his power and did not use other means. Even the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth did not continue to activate, but instead used all his strength to run his own blood, completely immersed in it. Come down and activate the power of the great avenue in the inner chaos.

In this chaos, the avenue is the only thing that can protect him.

In just a moment, Sarushuo felt a close connection between himself and the avenue, feeling that the avenue was sleeping in the deepest part of the chaos.

He issued a call to awaken the sleeping avenue and seek support.


In just an instant, in the deepest part of the chaos, a monstrous force surged up into the sky, penetrated the entire chaos, and illuminated the boundless time and space.

A magnificent long river emerged, vast and endless. Around it, there were three thousand avenues of long rivers rising and falling, all blooming with dazzling brilliance.

This is a projection, manifested above chaos.

A magnificent and boundless force crossed the boundless chaos, surged out from the long river, and descended here, pressing in all directions and sweeping every inch of space.

This terrifying and boundless tsunami of chaos suddenly calmed down, and the giant waves that were trillions of miles high also collapsed and returned to chaos.

The ape fire was dazzling all over, and the light rain on the avenue was ten times thicker. In that terrible storm, it seemed to be detached and no longer affected at all.

After doing all this, at the end of the chaos, the vision slowly disappeared.

"I can actually mobilize the power of such a magnificent avenue?" Even though he was prepared in his heart, Yuan Huo couldn't help but be shocked and extremely surprised.

He never expected that his mid-level Chaos Demon God's heels would have such terrifying abilities.


At this moment, a piece of information appeared in Sarushuo's mind, related to the avenue.

"Intermediate avenue increase?"

Yuan Huo's heart moved. He had just used his bloodline power to the extreme, activating the strongest power of the avenue. Naturally, he realized a new method.

As long as you activate your own blood and feet, you can resonate with the Great Dao. Even in the wilderness, you can mobilize the power of the Great Dao to bless yourself and form an increase in the Great Dao!

There are several levels of avenue growth, namely primary, intermediate, advanced, and top.

The increase in the primary avenue can increase one's own strength tenfold!

The increase in the intermediate avenue can increase one's own strength by a hundred times!

The increase in the high-level avenue can increase one's own strength by a thousand times!

The increase in the top avenue can increase one's own strength ten thousand times!

Now, Ape Fire directly possesses the power of the intermediate avenue amplification. Once activated, no matter where he is, his power can increase a hundred times.

"What a great harvest."

Sarushuo exclaimed that during this trip to Inner Chaos, he just wanted to find the treasures recorded on the map, but he didn't expect that he finally came up with a powerful method.

This means so much.

Just imagine, if at the critical moment of the battle, the Great Avenue Amplification was launched, and the strength suddenly increased a hundred times, wouldn't it be possible to easily turn the tide of the battle?

"It's better to go back quickly."

After sorting out the harvest, Sarufire glanced at the surrounding scenery. Although the chaos had returned to calm, he did not want to stay any longer.

He had just experienced a chaotic storm. If he hadn't been amazing with his feet and was favored by the great road here, the consequences would have been disastrous.

No one knows what else will be in this chaos!

It would be dangerous if you encounter some dangerous situations where even the road cannot rescue you.

"Well, this aura seems to be the origin of chaos!"

However, just when Apefire turned around and was about to leave, the tide of chaos receded, and suddenly several groups of things appeared in front of Apefire's eyes, which were clearly the origin of chaos.


Incomparably terrifying power fluctuations emanated from the source of chaos, shaking all directions. It was extremely terrifying. It seemed that there was a Chaos Demon God standing on top of the chaos!

The origin of chaos, Yuan Huo has encountered before, is an omnipotent thing similar to the merits of the Great Dao, at least comparable to a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

At this moment, the chaotic origin of Chengxian in front of the monkey fire is more powerful and terrifying than before, and seems to be a higher level existence.

"These origins are at least intermediate chaos origins."

Sarushuo marveled, and without hesitation, he reached out his big hand and grabbed all these sources of chaos. This was definitely a heaven-defying gain!

The origin of chaos is also divided into primary, intermediate, advanced and top levels.

The power contained in the intermediate Chaos Origin is unimaginable. At least it was only after the death of the top one thousand Chaos Demon Gods that such a mass of Origin could be formed.

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