Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 184 The great trend! Return to Pangu Hall, the new state of the ancestral witch!

"I can completely integrate these sources of chaos into the blood cocoons of the Twelve Ancestral Witches and help them be conceived in advance. These intermediate sources of chaos are enough to greatly shorten their growth time!"

Sarushuo thought of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Before, he was worried about how to shorten the growth time of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but now he was simply dozing off and giving him a pillow.

This source of chaos is an omnipotent thing. With it, this goal can be achieved perfectly.

And when all twelve ancestral witches are successfully conceived, born in advance, and controlled by him, then he will have an unimaginable amount of power under his command!

Thinking of this, even Ape Fire can be regarded as a living creature with a lot of experience, and he can't help but feel a surge of enthusiasm. The Twelve Ancestral Witches will be the real dominant group in future generations. If they can master this, wouldn't it be possible in today's prehistoric world? Let him have his way?

Previously, the ape fire refined the thirty-six heavens and put the entire ape clan and many affiliated groups into it. They floated away and isolated themselves from the world. Of course, it was to avoid the calamity storm, but it was also a helpless result of insufficient strength. Lift?

Now, his own strength is already extremely strong. In the previous battle in the starry sky, even the ancestors of Qiankun were suppressed and killed. If the twelve ancestral witches are added to the mix, there will probably not be many forces that dare to provoke him in this vast world.

Even the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, as well as the truly top experts like Luo Hu and Hongjun, may have to weigh it!


Ape Fire put away the twelve chaos origins and continued to sweep towards the prehistoric starry sky. There was no other risk along the way, and he passed the crack smoothly and returned to the prehistoric starry sky.


After arriving in the prehistoric starry sky, Yuan Huo felt that the great power that blessed him was receding like a tide, and finally disappeared.

"Dao Dao retreats into inner chaos and will basically not interfere with matters in the prehistoric world. When he is completely asleep, it will be the time for the Dao of Heaven to emerge."

A kind of enlightenment came to Sarushuo's heart.

This Longhan catastrophe, "the birth of the law of heaven", will be the most important node. When the law of heaven is born, at that time, the current undercurrent of the situation will be completely broken!


Thinking of this, Yuan Huo opened his pupils of time and looked in the direction of the Prehistoric Continent. As he expected, the evil aura was much stronger both in the prehistoric starry sky and in the Prehistoric Continent.

The real Longhan catastrophe is gradually unfolding.

"Ancestral Dragon, Yuan Feng, Ancestral Qilin, Ancestor Tai Chi, Ancestor Yin Yang, Luo Hu, Hong Jun..." Yuanhuo said to himself, thinking of these terrifying existences that overwhelmed the world and shocked the past and the present.

Soon, the prehistoric world will become the stage for these top creatures, performing a splendid but also extremely tragic calamity drama.

At that time, the entire prehistoric world will be involved. Countless dynasties, all races of the prehistoric world, many great powers, all kinds of great supernatural powers, innate gods and demons, no one can escape.

"Before, my idea was to avoid this calamity and practice alone with peace of mind, but now it seems that it may not be possible, because when the Wu Clan is born, there will be great movement, and no matter what happens, it will not be covered up. "

Sarushuo couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart. He had already had a premonition that when the calamity broke out, he might also be involved in it. This was the price that had to be paid.

However, Yuan Huo is not afraid. Faced with this dangerous situation, there is no other way but to face it head-on. As long as he has enough power, he can blow everything up!


He activated the laws of space, took one step forward, and billions of spaces flew away under his feet. The starry sky folded, and the distance was greatly shortened. At an extremely fast speed, he passed through the prehistoric starry sky and returned to the prehistoric continent.

After returning to the ancient continent, Yuan Huo activated the magical power of "seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune". Coupled with his own great luck, the journey was smooth and he returned to Pangu Palace.

Boom boom~~~

Over the Wu Clan's blood pool, twelve huge blood cocoons, trillions of miles high, were suspended in the air, exuding a frightening pressure. The red light was dazzling and breathtaking.

At the same time, in the sky above the blood cocoon, twelve phantoms appeared, each of which was the image of the twelve ancestral witches, among which Houtu transformed into a little girl in a yellow dress.

Sensing the arrival of the ape fire, these twelve phantoms opened their eyes at the same time, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"elder brother……"


They all shouted, very excited and excited. At the same time, their shadows shook, and they were about to rush down from the blood cocoon and rush to Saruhuo.


However, the next moment, the blood cocoon glowed, and a binding force was generated, binding them within the blood cocoon. They only left a little distance before stopping.

The twelve phantoms all showed helpless expressions on their faces, but they also knew that they had no choice but to float obediently above the blood cocoon again.

"Have you all gathered a clear will?" When Sarushuo saw this scene, he was surprised at first, and then pleasantly surprised. This is good news.

Obviously, this should be the result of the "Evil Qi Purification Formation" plus the origin of chaos that he had previously integrated into the body of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Originally, endless evil energy poured into the blood cocoon, causing the will of the other ancestral witches to fall into the deepest slumber, except for Hou Tu, who was the least eroded by the evil energy.

Moreover, due to the increasing invasion of the evil spirit, the characters of these ancestral witches have also changed from the most fundamental level, becoming violent, ferocious, and lacking in reason.

But now it's different!

Ape Fire helped the Twelve Ancestral Witches to set up the evil spirit purification array, so that the ancient evil spirits could no longer enter the blood cocoon. At the same time, the evil spirit purification array could also expel the evil spirits that penetrated into the deepest parts of the ancestral witches' bodies. Over time, These ancestral witches were also freed from the influence of evil spirits.

It is precisely because of this that their wills have become clear, awakened from their slumber, and manifested above the blood cocoon.

Among the Wu clan, the only thing that distinguishes relatives is their bloodline.

The witch clan has refined more than a dozen drops of Pangu's essence and blood. It can be said that its own bloodline concentration is many times more powerful than that of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. It is definitely the purest Pangu sect!

Therefore, when these twelve ancestral shamans saw Yuan Huo, they naturally showed their incomparable kindness and dependence. They regarded Yuan Huo as an "brother" and were extremely respectful and close to him.

"It seems that controlling the entire Wu Clan in the future will not be a big problem." Seeing this scene, Yuan Huo couldn't help but smile. When these Wu Clan are born, he will incorporate this Wu Clan into his own group. At that time, When the system binds ethnic groups, to what level will his strength expand?

"After countless years of gestation, you finally have a clear will. Next, I will teach you a set of exercises. Practice them carefully. It will be of great benefit to you."

Saruhuo smiled, raised his finger and moved forward a little. Suddenly, twelve brands shimmered and were submerged into twelve huge blood cocoons. This was exactly a skill he had obtained from the system before - witchcraft. Clan Yuanshenfa!

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