Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 230 Battle with the Tai Chi ancestor!

"found it."

Yuan Huo was overjoyed, and immediately followed the guidance of this line of cause and effect and flew towards the location of the Tai Chi ancestor.

On the other side, in an uninhabited land, the Tai Chi ancestor sat cross-legged, with an extremely terrifying aura spreading out from his body.

If you observe carefully, you can find that there is a vast formation that completely covers this area, preventing the slightest breath from leaking out.

At the same time, the entire heavenly secret is also obscured by this large formation, making it impossible for any living being to deduce the traces of the Tai Chi ancestor.


While practicing this, Tai Chi Patriarch suddenly felt in his heart that some danger was approaching and he opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

He couldn't help but frown. At his level, no matter what the reaction was, it would never come out of nowhere. There must be a reason.

Therefore, Tai Chi Patriarch also paid great attention to this whim. He immediately activated his magic power and began to deduce it. The symbols of the infinite avenue were filled with symbols all over his body.

However, after deducing for a long time, the Tai Chi ancestor could not get any answer. He only felt that everything was obscured by chaos, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Hmph, it's probably the Dragon Clan again. Maybe at this time, they are thinking of ways to deal with me. After all, they destroyed my Tai Chi Dynasty and I escaped again. They must be worried about my revenge. They are probably on tenterhooks every day."

A ferocious smile filled with hatred appeared at the corner of Tai Chi Patriarch's mouth.

As one of the top innate gods and demons in the ancient world, the Tai Chi Patriarch could be said to have shone brightly when the beasts measured their calamity. He held the Tai Chi Diagram and killed several beast kings.

However, he did not expect that in the Long Han era, the Tai Chi Dynasty he established would be destroyed by the Dragon Clan, and even he himself had to flee in panic.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that there are so many strong men from the Dragon Clan, how could the Ancestral Dragon alone be my opponent?" Tai Chi Patriarch thought in his mind, his eyes gleaming coldly.

As one of the dominant ethnic groups in the ancient world, the Dragon Clan has many powerful people in the group, including seven or eight Hunyuan Golden Immortals, and they can coordinate perfectly with each other.

This is the same as the Qilin clan. In addition to the ancestral Qilin, the Qilin clan also has five Qilins such as Yin and Yang Qilin, metal, wood, water, fire and earth. They cooperate with each other and can display the ultimate ancient formation.

Although Taiji Ancestor was powerful and had an innate treasure in his hand, he was still alone in the face of a huge group like the Dragon Clan, so he was defeated.

"In the ancient times, strength was the most important thing. Relying on the ethnic group can certainly gain a temporary advantage, but in the end, it is the moon in the mirror and the moon in the water."

"Now I have broken through to the realm of the Sub-Saint. When my cultivation is completely consolidated in the future, the entire Dragon Clan will be wiped out."

The Tai Chi ancestor's eyes were cold.

A wisp of murderous intent came out, and endless strange phenomena appeared in this area, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with huge corpses floating in the void, dripping with blood.

Since Dao Dao returned to seclusion and Tiandao was born, it can be said that earth-shaking changes have taken place in the ancient world.

This Tai Chi ancestor also dreamed of improving his power and retaliate against the Dragon Clan in the future, so after discovering this, he naturally seized this opportunity desperately.

Other creatures may have hesitated for a while when faced with the replacement of Heavenly Dao, but this Tai Chi ancestor took the initiative to start integrating with Heavenly Dao.

It is precisely because of this that he has received huge benefits in this process. Although he no longer has his own dynasty, he has the destiny of heaven!

His own cultivation level is naturally rising steadily. From the perfect level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he has broken through to the realm of sub-sage, which is unimaginable!

However, in this magnificent era, the Dragon Clan has also received huge benefits and its strength has also been greatly improved.

Therefore, although Tai Chi Patriarch's strength has increased, he is not willing to take action immediately. He is prepared to make a move only after he is absolutely sure.

Thinking like this, the Tai Chi ancestor closed his eyes and started practicing again.


His whole body shook, and infinite Tao rhyme filled the air, especially the origin of Tai Chi emerged from it, majestic and vast, containing endless power, seeming to explain some essential mystery between heaven and earth.

The Tai Chi diagram next to him is also brilliant and has endless Tao charm.

The Tai Chi Diagram is one of the three treasures that opened the sky. It has thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors. The "prophecy of the great road" surrounds it outside the picture, and the "talisman of the way of heaven" looms inside the picture. The five-colored light illuminates the mountains, rivers and earth, and the nine-colored auspicious energy shocks the heavens and the world.

Possessing the power of calming the earth, water, fire and wind, the power of transforming yin and yang and the five elements, the power of analyzing the mysteries of heaven, and the ability to encompass tens of millions of phenomena, it is terrifying to the extreme.


Suddenly, a sudden change occurred, and with a loud noise like the earth was shattering, a huge fist blasted through the majestic formation that enveloped the place, and then a majestic and boundless figure descended.

"Tai Chi ancestor, I have heard about you for a long time. When I saw you today, you are indeed very impressive. I would like to lend you a Tai Chi diagram. I wonder if you can agree?"

The visitor smiled lightly and spoke calmly.


The Tai Chi Patriarch was awakened, and he was immediately recognized by the people. His heart immediately stirred up huge waves, and his eyes were filled with incomparable shock.

Ever since the birth of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Yuan Huo took action, single-handedly suppressed the Qilin clan and drove the Qilin clan out of Buzhou Mountain. Yuan Huo became famous!

No living creature will forget this figure.

The Tai Chi Patriarch was extremely shocked when he saw the monkey fire. He thought that his enemies were only the Dragon Clan. He never expected that this being who had single-handedly defeated the entire Qilin Clan would actually find his hiding place. .

Then, upon hearing Yuan Huo's words, the Tai Chi Patriarch was furious. The Tai Chi Diagram, an innate treasure, was the foundation of his life. How could he give it to others? It’s simply wishful thinking!


A terrifying aura erupted, and the Tai Chi ancestor stood up. In his eyes, there was a terrifying scene of the world and all things changing in an instant, which was extremely profound.

Rolling Tao Yun spread out all over his body, majestic in the world, and in just an instant, he raised his cultivation aura to the peak level.

A coercion that was above the perfect level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal came out in a mighty way. This ancient time and space collapsed instantly. It could not bear it at all, and everything collapsed.

"Ape Fire, I have no grievances with you, but you actually want to covet my treasure, don't you take me in your eyes?" A cold look flashed in the eyes of the Tai Chi ancestor.

"In the ancient world, strength was the most important thing. You should understand this truth." Yuan Huo said calmly. In order to improve his strength and deal with the way of heaven, he must collect these three treasures of opening the sky.

"If you said this before Tiandao was born, it would still be somewhat convincing. After all, he once suppressed the Qilin clan alone, but now, this is not necessarily the case."

The Tai Chi ancestor spoke quietly.

He can sense that the current fluctuations in Yuan Huo's cultivation level are only at the level of the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal, which is far behind him!


However, Yuan Huo didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. He was very straightforward. His eyes suddenly became sharp, and the terrifying aura erupted. His whole body surged, and he punched the Tai Chi ancestor with one punch.

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