Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 231 Ya Sheng! Tai Chi Xiaguang! Great prophecy!

Previously, the battle between Yuan Huo and the Qilin clan was witnessed by the entire prehistoric world. Therefore, Tai Chi Patriarch knew that the most powerful thing about Yuan Huo was the physical body and should not be underestimated.

Seeing Saruhito's punch coming, he had no intention of resisting. His body flashed and disappeared from the spot, avoiding Saruhito's punch.

His speed was too fast, even filled with a strange feeling, erratic.


Sarushuo has extremely rich combat experience. Faced with such a scene, he didn't think much. He directly opened the Eye of Time, scanned the void, and immediately caught a faint shadow.


The power of Qi and blood in his body surged into the sky, inciting endless power, and punched the faint shadow with one punch.

At the same time, Yuan Huo activated a Qi machine locking method to lock the faint shadow's Qi machine so that it could no longer escape.

This method of locking the qi machine is derived from the enlightenment of the Kaitian blow. No matter it is in the past, present or future, or on this side and the other side, no living being can evade it. It can be said to be magical. vertex.

Just using some of its secrets is enough to make any of your attacks hit the target without missing a beat.

However, Ape Fire's punch only exploded the void and turned it into chaos, but the faint shadow disappeared.

"What is the Tao of Tai Chi? It is ever-changing, evolves all things, and can be transformed into anything. As long as I want to hide my whereabouts, no one can see through it."

The indifferent voice of the Tai Chi ancestor came from the air.


Then, a ray of cold light suddenly pierced the void. It was a dazzling ray of light, but it had a murderous intention even more powerful than that of Killing Treasures, and it pierced the back of the monkey fire's head.

At this moment, Sarushuo even felt a threat, and his body's instincts were warning him.

Without thinking, he stepped on the ground with his soles, and his whole body moved sideways, as if transcending time, reaching the extreme speed and twisting the heavens.

However, even so, the ray of light still hit his shoulder, causing a terrible wound on his shoulder, dripping with blood.

At the same time, endless avenue runes appeared in the wound area, hindering the healing of the wound. No matter how majestic vitality emerged from Yuan Huo's body, the wound still existed and was difficult to recover.

This is clearly a kind of spiritual injury!

With a glance from the corner of his eye, Aruhuo figured out the attack method of the Tai Chi Patriarch. He activated the Tai Chi Diagram, and a ray of light flew out from the Tai Chi Diagram.

"Is this the power of the sub-sage realm?"

A sharp look flashed through the eyes of the monkey fire. The attack made by the Tai Chi Patriarch just now was full of endless mysteries. It looked simple, but it contained all his great insights.

So much so that just a scratch caused a wound directly on his shoulder.

Obviously, after this Tai Chi ancestor broke through to the sub-sage realm, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is far from being comparable to the average powerful person who has perfected the Hunyuan Golden Immortal!


In the midst of thoughts in Saruhito's mind, the Tai Chi ancestor appeared and launched another attack. A ray of light broke through the void and pierced the center of Saruhito's eyebrows.


Faced with such an attack, the ape fire simply stopped flickering, and instead simply sacrificed the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and the endless Xuanhuang Mother Qi suddenly dropped down.

That Tai Chi ray of light hit the Linglong Pagoda and was immediately knocked back. It was difficult to break through the ape fire's defense. With such a treasure, one was born to be invincible.


A cold snort came from the void. Facing such an opponent, no matter who it was, it would be a headache. No matter what kind of attack, it would be difficult to break through its defense.

"Although the Lingbao in your hand has incredible defense, it does not mean that it is invincible. There will still be flaws." Then, the cold voice of the Tai Chi ancestor came out.


The moment the voice fell, a terrifying wave suddenly burst out in the void, five-colored light burst out, and nine-colored auspicious clouds surged.

A strong Taoist riot surged out like a vast ocean, flooding the void and spreading across the sky and the earth.

Immediately, the prophecies of the infinite avenue surged out from the rays of light. Each one was as bright as a small sun, imprinted in the void, densely packed with hundreds of millions, forming a very huge formation.

"Tai Chi Yaoyao controls the universe, nurtures all things, and prophesies to all living beings."

A voice that seemed like a mantra came from the mouth of the Tai Chi ancestor, with a sinister meaning, resounding throughout the world and throughout eternity.

"You should, your body will wither!"

As soon as the words fell, in the void, the prophecies of the great road suddenly shone brightly, as if they were on fire, emitting a terrifying power.

Apefire was protected by the black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth. He was originally invincible, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strange power passing through the void and descending into his body.

Immediately, dense runes appeared on his body, just like those great prophecies outside.

Then, a terrifying force surged out and traveled through his body. Even though he had endless vitality, Ape Fire's body was actually withering rapidly.

And this is just the beginning.

"Ru Dang, your soul has withered!"

The prophecy shone brightly, and Sarushui immediately felt that his soul trembled violently, and then his power began to flow away rapidly, and even his realm began to fall.

"You must be ignorant of your wisdom."

The prophecy roared, and the speed of the monkey fire's thoughts suddenly slowed down. His thinking speed slowed down a lot, and he fell into a hazy state.

"The attack methods of this Tai Chi ancestor are really weird. He deserves to be promoted to the sub-sage level." Yuan Huo felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

This method, which is similar to a curse, is so weird that even those guarded by the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth have fallen into the trap and been affected.

"However, for me, it doesn't have much impact."

This thought flashed through Sarushui's mind. Even though his wisdom has been kept in ignorance, Sarufire is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God after all. Even if his wisdom is only one billionth of a billionth, it is enough to be respected in the wild.

With a "boom", the ape fire activated his blood and feet, Qingyun appeared above his head, three Taoist lotuses swayed, and the potential of his body and soul fully burst out.

In just an instant, a terrifying force surged out of Yuan Huo's body and swept across all directions. The prophecies of the great road that were imprinted on his body and soul were shattered one after another.

And his condition also recovered quickly.

When Tai Chi Patriarch saw this scene, he felt huge waves in his heart. He was so shocked that he shouted loudly: "You are the one with the perfect three flowers!"

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