Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 241 Personal panel, amazing strength!

"Finally a breakthrough."

Feeling the surging power in his body, a hint of joy appeared in Sarushuo's eyes. His physical body broke through the sub-sage, and his strength experienced an earth-shaking change.

Looking at the entire prehistoric world, he can basically push through in the sub-sage realm.

"This prehistoric underground is really mysterious. It is a bit similar to the deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky. The deepest part of the prehistoric starry sky is connected to the inner chaos. Is this prehistoric underground also connected to some mysterious place?"

Then, Sarufire looked towards the endless darkness ahead.

Even though he has the Eye of Time, when he looks forward, he can only see a part of the area clearly. Even further away, there is endless darkness.

It's like a terrifying giant beast has opened its huge mouth, waiting for creatures to enter it and then devour them, which makes people shudder.

Just in the outer area, there are terrifying creatures close to the sub-saint level like the Dark King Beast. Deeper, are there more terrifying beings?

"The Pangu Palace suppressed the evil energy of the earth, and even the entire Wu Clan was born. Its mission is also to suppress the evil energy of the earth. It may not be that simple, and there are more secrets."

Apefire said to himself.

He has already deeply remembered this matter in his heart. When he reaches a higher level in the future, he will definitely explore the end of darkness.

When the time comes, you might be able to discover something amazing.

"System, open the personal panel." Then, Aruhuo ordered, wanting to see how strong he was now, there was a "buzz" sound, and a light curtain opened in front of his eyes.

…………Personal Panel…………

Host: Apefire.

Heel: Top Chaos Demon God’s heel (ranked tenth)

Ethnic group: Pan tribe

Number of ethnic groups: 495 billion.

Great merit: 20 million points

Avenue growth rate: top avenue growth rate

Realm of the physical body: Early stage of the sixth turn of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, sub-sage

Realm of Yuanshen: The fifth perfection of the nine-turn Yuan Gong, the perfection of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal

Laws: Law of Force (91/100), Law of Time (70/100), Law of Space (70/100), Law of Cause and Effect (70/100), Law of Creation (70/100), Law of War (70/100) ...and nearly two thousand great laws such as the way of formation, the way of poison, the way of refining weapons, the way of charm, etc.

Supernatural powers: Sky-opening strike, Great Millstone, Eye of Time, Seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, Yin-Yang and Five Elements Great Escape, Thirty-six major magical powers, seventy-two minor magical powers, etc.

Spiritual treasures: Chaos Bell, Tai Chi Diagram, Fortune Cauldron, Chaos Bead, Kongtong Seal, Netherworld Book, Reincarnation Disk, Huangquan Flag, Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, Twelve-grade Pure White Lotus, Thirty-six Heavens , the jade dish of creation (main fragment × 1, small fragment × 18), Ziwei Imperial Seal, plain cloud flag, Big Dipper Sword, Lihuo Armor, laurel leaves and many spiritual treasures collected from the Kirin Treasure House.

Rare treasures from ancient times: Destruction Dharma Plate, Willow Leaves

Spiritual roots: flat peach tree, innate gourd vine, yellow plum, five-needle pine, star fruit tree, innate banana tree, enlightenment tea tree, innate yin and yang peach tree, and many spiritual roots collected from Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, and Qilin Treasure House , elixirs, etc.

Others: Origin of the Three-Light Chaos Demon God, Nine Heavens Breathing Soil


"My strength has been greatly improved." Seeing the data on this person's panel, Sarushu couldn't help but smile.

The first is the heel. His heel has been upgraded to the level of the top Chaos Demon God's heel.

Among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, only the top ten Demon God has the top Chaos Demon God's heels, ranking tenth. In other words, his heels are already equivalent to the weakest of the top ten Demon Gods.

This kind of heel is quite terrifying, which means that as long as Sarushuo practices step by step, cultivating to the realm of the Chaos Demon God is as simple as eating and drinking.

Moreover, a very important point is that the heel of this top-level Chaos Demon God allows Ape Fire to still mobilize the blessing power of the Dao even when the Dao retreats!

Once activated, it will be able to stimulate the growth of the top avenues. At that time, its own strength will directly increase ten thousand times!

"If this heel continues to improve, and is promoted to the level of the third and second ranked Space Demon God, the Time Demon God, or even the level of the number one ranked God Pangu, I don't know how strong it will be!"

Yuan Huo thought in his mind that if he found more Pangu essence and blood in the future, or obtained the merits of the great avenue and the origin of chaos, his heels would be able to continue to improve!

Next, there is the number of ethnic groups. Yuan Huo has never neglected to cultivate the ethnic groups in the thirty-six heavens, so the number of this ethnic group has now increased to nearly 500 billion.

However, although the number of this group is scary, it is not that helpful to Sarufire. After all, his current level is too high!

Those who were helpful to Yuan Huo were the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Taiyin Goddess Wangshu, an innate god and demon. After all, their cultivation levels had reached the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"We need to recruit more strong men in the future!" Seeing this, Yuan Huo already had some concerns in his heart.

The system is bound to the group, and you can enjoy the cultivation, luck, heel, etc. of the entire group. This is a huge help to Yuan Huo, and you need to take advantage of it no matter what!

The ancient world was vast and vast, and the powerful were endless. Although the twelve ancestral witches had been conquered, it was not enough. Ape Fire wanted more.

"I know the origins of all the top powerhouses in future generations, and I need to visit them one by one." Saruhuo thought secretly in his heart.

However, that is a matter for the future and needs to be planned slowly.

Then came the physical realm of Yuanhuo and the realm of Yuanshen. The physical realm reached the level of sub-sage, overwhelming the ancient world, and was called the top realm, second only to the saint.

The realm of Yuanshen has reached the perfection level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but what he practices is the law of force, and he has mastered nearly two thousand laws of the great avenue, and he has understood them to a 70% degree.

Such a powerful foundation makes his Yuan Shen cultivation level even at the Hunyuan Golden Immortal perfection, which is comparable to that of Ya Sheng, or even surpasses Ya Sheng!

Looking through the past and present, I'm afraid I can't find a freak like Saru Fire.

Even Hongjun can't compare with him!

Then, there are many spiritual treasures. It has to be said that the various spiritual treasures on Yuanhuo's body are simply terrifying now. He can be said to be the veritable first person in the world!

There is the Chaos Treasure - the Chaos Bead. After opening the two Chaos Restrictions, there are ten Hongmeng Purple Qi inside. Now it can be called the Hongmeng Pearl!

There are high-grade Chaos Spiritual Treasures, Netherworld Book, Reincarnation Disk, and Underworld Flag.

There are innate treasures, such as the fortune cauldron, the Tai Chi diagram, and the chaos clock.

There are the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda, the most precious treasure of defense, the Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler, the most precious treasure of killing, and the Kongtong Seal, the most precious treasure of luck. The thirty-six heavens are also extremely special, almost comparable to the most precious treasures.

As for the best innate spiritual treasures, such as the Pure World White Lotus, there are so many that it is simply dizzying.

Such a terrifying number of spiritual treasures had appeared before when Yuan Huo was fighting Tai Chi Ancestor, and the entire prehistoric world was stirred up by this!

In addition, there are naturally many spiritual roots, which are also extremely precious.

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