Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 242: Drive straight into Yujing Mountain to fight against Hongjun!

"Top heels, amplification of the avenue, physical cultivation, soul cultivation, many spiritual treasures... combined with my strength, I am afraid that it is enough to dominate even in the sub-sage realm. Under Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, basically He is invincible." Sarushuo said to himself.

There is no pride in this calculation, and it even seems a bit conservative. Sarushuo's background is so rich that it is simply scary.

With such strength, in this era without saints, he is almost invincible, not to mention invincible.

With such power, even if Yuan Huo goes by himself, he is probably enough to suppress Hongjun easily!

However, thinking about the way of that day, Sarushuo's mood did not relax at all.

Although his strength is powerful, the way of heaven is even more terrifying.

Although in the previous battle, because of the Chaos Orb, the origin of Heavenly Dao was damaged, it might be difficult to take action for a while, and there would be a period of calm.

However, if the way of heaven revives and its power bursts out in full force, then I am afraid that the ape fire will be easily suppressed without any surprises!

Therefore, during this period of time, Sarufire must do his best to raise his power to an unimaginable level in order to be able to deal with such a crisis.

"Next, let's call the Twelve Ancestral Witches to go to Yujing Mountain together to suppress Hongjun and steal the fragments of the jade dish of creation from Hongjun." Yuan Huo thought calmly in his heart, and there was a trace of emotion in his eyes. A heart-stopping, sharp gaze.

He is steady by nature, but this time he wants to take the initiative to attack the strongest man in the world!

Hongjun has too many treasures on him!

It's not just the fragments of the jade plate of creation. In addition to this, there are others, such as the Pangu Banner, one of the three treasures of Kaitian. According to Yuan Huo's calculation, it is in the hands of Hongjun!

If Hongjun could be subdued, suppressed, and his treasures taken away, Yuan Huo would not know how wealthy he would be.

Moreover, Yujing Mountain, Hongjun's dojo, is also extraordinary. It is one of the few spiritual mountain holy places in the wilderness. If it can be captured, it will also help the ethnic group to multiply.


Yuan Huo took one step forward, left the place where the evil aura originated, and returned to Pangu Hall. Then he saw the twelve ancestral shamans all refining the banners.

"How's the Dutian Shensha Great Banner Sacrifice going?" Ape Fire asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, brother, the sacrifice has been successful. There was a riot in this area just now, and endless earth evil energy poured out. We used the Dutian Shensha banner to absorb it, which greatly shortened the sacrifice time." Di Jiang grinned.

"In that case, are you ready?" A smile appeared on the corner of Saruhito's mouth.

Hearing this, the hearts of the twelve ancestral witches suddenly moved. Immediately, they felt excited, their blood was boiling, and their fighting spirit was uncontrollable. They all said loudly: "Ready!"

Obviously, Sarufire was going to take them to fight!

"This time, the opponent we have to face is named Hongjun. He is countless times more terrifying than the Qilin clan. He is one of the strongest creatures in the ancient world."

"Although this Hongjun has not yet attained enlightenment, his talent is incredible and he will definitely become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the future, and he may even be the first saint in the world!"

"At the same time, this person has countless opportunities, possesses countless spiritual treasures, and countless terrifying methods. His current state is probably in the sub-sage realm and has gone far away."

At this time, Saruhuo's expression was very solemn, and he expressed all his calculations. Finally, he said in a deep voice: "This will be the most terrifying opponent we face. We must not be careless at all. Do you understand?"

"Brother, don't worry. Although we are belligerent, we are not reckless. What's more, we have gathered our souls now and are not affected by evil spirits. We can maintain wisdom and clarity at all times and will never act impulsively." Di Jiang The others laughed.


Sarushuo nodded, then took a deep breath, his eyes were deep and calm, and uttered two words.

"Set off."

At this moment, in the prehistoric Eastern Continent, on Yujing Mountain, Hongjun is sitting cross-legged, with an ancient face, no sadness or joy on his face, and he is meditating on the laws of heaven.


Behind him, an illusory long river emerged, rolling and flowing, exuding an extremely strong aura of heaven, which was breathtaking.

The aura exuding from his whole body was even more extraordinary. It had reached the level of sub-sage perfection. A wisp of aura filled the air and made the world tremble.

Now Hongjun gives people the feeling that it is extremely mysterious. It seems that he only needs one step to step into the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

He has already taken one step towards the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!


Suddenly, the long river of heaven behind him shook, setting off huge waves, and the infinite light of heaven surged out, like a brilliant rain of light, and sank into his body.

This is the power of Heaven, which allows Hongjun to comprehend the laws of Heaven faster and make rapid progress on this path, improving to an incredible level.

Faintly, these powers of heaven exuded an aura of the nature of heaven. It seemed that the body of heaven itself was radiating this endless power and integrating it into Hongjun's body.

"God's treatment of me is truly special."

Feeling this power, Hongjun whispered, with a strange look on his face.

This phenomenon has been going on for a long time.

After the birth of Tiandao, he took the initiative to devote himself to Tiandao, comprehended the laws of Tiandao, and gained great benefits, but he did not expect that this was only the beginning.

As his cultivation became more and more sophisticated, the Heavenly Dao seemed to pay more attention to him, sending more Heavenly Dao power down from time to time.

Looking at the entire prehistoric period, this is definitely a unique treatment.

What level of cultivation is Hongjun? He immediately noticed the anomaly in this. According to the normal development, even if heaven favors him, it will not be like this!

The way Tiandao looks now makes people feel that they are very "impatient" and want to create a saint of Tiandao in the shortest possible time.

"What exactly caused the changes in the way of heaven?" Hongjun thought in his mind.

However, this issue can only be explored slowly in the future. In any case, Heaven's favor has huge benefits for him, greatly shortening his practice time!

At present, his cultivation has reached the perfection of a sub-sage, and his affinity with the way of heaven has also been raised to a very terrifying level, and he can even attract the power of the way of heaven to bless him!

If we practice at the original speed, I don’t know how many years it will take to reach this state!

"In the ancient times, I had many opponents, and my destined enemy was the Demon Ancestor Luohu. I had never been very sure before, but now I can make some calculations."

"At the same time, there is that strange figure who can actually control the twelve ancestral witches. Some time ago, he fought with the Tai Chi ancestor and had more spiritual treasures around him than me!"

"This person is also a huge threat!"

"Next, I have to find a way to get rid of this person and obtain many spiritual treasures from him. This will further enhance my strength."

Countless thoughts surged in Hongjun's heart, and in an instant, he had countless plans. Now that he is powerful and has made amazing progress, he can start planning many things in advance!

However, just as he was planning in his mind, a terrifying and earth-shattering roar suddenly came from outside Yujing Mountain. Someone was actually attacking the mountain-protecting formation of Yujing Mountain!

At the same time, there was a voice that resounded throughout the wilderness.

"Hongjun, get out!"

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