Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 255: Shocking change, the true form of the Great River of Heaven reappears!

At the same time, on the other side, on the battlefield of Yujing Mountain, the battle between Pangu's true body, which was condensed by the twelve ancestral witches, and Hongjun's good corpse and evil corpse began to become clear.

Hongjun's good corpses and evil corpses are very powerful. They both have the perfect level of sub-sage cultivation. Especially since they can cooperate with each other, they can explode with huge combat power.

However, Pangu's true form is even more terrifying, with a terrifying aura that suppresses everything. He punches out one punch after another. Even though Hongjun's good corpse and evil corpse have monstrous powers, they are still at a disadvantage.

But at the beginning, Hongjun had no intention of letting the good corpse and the evil corpse defeat Pangu's true form, because he knew that it was simply impossible.

His purpose was to have the good and evil corpses restrain Pangu's true body for a period of time, suppress the ape fire on his own side, and then deal with Pangu's true body.

But now it seems that this is completely impossible to achieve, because his body has been defeated by the monkey fire.

"Hongjun is gone." Everyone shook their heads when they saw this scene. To be fair, Hongjun was horrified to the extreme. Any other living being would have been destroyed physically and mentally at this time.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Yuan Huo. Who would have thought that after Pangu Banner has activated the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level, Yuan Huo can still make a comeback!


At this time, in the starry sky battlefield, Ape Fire succeeded in one blow, but he would not hold back anything. He held the Kaitian God Ax condensed by law and order and struck forward again.

A beam of ax roared out and struck Hongjun's body. His body, which had already exploded into blood mist, instantly began to disappear, just like how he had destroyed the ape fire body before.

"Damn it!"

Hongjun gritted his teeth, and at the same time, a trace of deep fear flashed across his eyes, because at that time, he truly felt a death threat.

"How could a small ape fire be my opponent in my heyday?" A trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

Hongjun’s origin is extraordinary!

He is a creature from the Hongmeng Era, a cricket living deep in the earth. He escaped the destruction of the Hongmeng Era and passed through the Chaos Era before entering the prehistoric era.

A long time ago, Hongjun's strength was also very terrifying, not inferior to the Chaos Demon God. However, after entering the prehistoric era, his cultivation was naturally infinitely weakened, and he could only practice again, just like other innate gods and demons.

In this ancient world, Hongjun is like a fish in water. He has always been one of the most powerful beings. It will not be difficult for him to become a saint in the future.

Thinking of the endless achievements he could achieve in the future, Hongjun naturally felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart, and he was absolutely unwilling to die at the hands of Yuan Huo now.

"We can only use the last trick. Although it will cost a lot, we have to do it." Hongjun's eyes became more and more fierce.


At the end, he suddenly let out a beast-like roar full of endless violence, which shook the entire starry sky.

"Ape Fire, you forced me to do all this. The body of the Changhe River of Heaven, please come!" Hongjun suddenly roared.


When his voice fell, his body suddenly bloomed with a strong radiance of heaven, resonating with a huge force beyond infinite time and space.

Then, the long river of heaven at the highest point in the starry sky made a terrifying roaring sound, which gradually became extremely real.

At the end, the long river shook violently, and its power suddenly surged infinitely. The body of the long river of heaven descended and manifested in the world.


A terrifying coercion spread, and the starry sky trembled suddenly, and the vast continent shook violently. All creatures felt a kind of fear and awe in their hearts, and they knelt on the ground.

Those creatures who have already deeply understood the laws of heaven, at this time, have an extremely strong feeling, as if a power that can easily dominate them has arrived.

With such a force, as long as there is any order, they must execute it unconditionally, otherwise, they will encounter the most terrible consequences.

"The way of heaven?"

There was a hint of deep fear in the pupils of all creatures.


At this time, Hongjun's entire body burned, extremely strong heavenly light emanated from his body, and his entire state changed.

Under the attack of the monkey fire, he paid an infinite price. He should have been extremely angry, but in this state, he had no mood swings!

His eyes were extremely indifferent, and the whole person was back to the state of no sadness or joy at the beginning. His eyes were indifferent and he looked down at everything, and it was difficult to make waves in his heart.

"I have not yet attained the Daluo Golden Immortal of Hunyuan. If I stir up the power of Heaven in this way, I will fall deeper into its control, and even become a puppet of Heaven."

Hongjun said quietly, "Yuanhuo, you have forced me to this point, and you must pay a price. The true form of heaven has come, and even if you have all kinds of means, it is useless."

But he didn't know that when Sarushuo saw the body of Tiandao Changhe coming, his whole heart was shocked, and he was worried that the previous scene of being targeted by Tiandao would happen again.

But soon, Yuan Huo discovered that although the body of Tiandao Changhe had arrived, it was currently dominated by Hongjun, and it seemed that he did not sense what was special about him.

Immediately, Aruhuo understood that this should be the cover of the Chaos Bead.

Otherwise, if the Tiandao Changhe body senses the ape fire, it might mobilize even more terrifying power.

The reason why it appears now is mainly because of Hongjun.

Therefore, instead of having any fear, Saruhuo breathed a sigh of relief, his whole expression became more relaxed, and he smiled and said, "Really? Just give it a try."

"Death is imminent and you don't know it yet." Hongjun shook his head, then stretched out his finger and pointed towards Ape Fire.


In an instant, there was a sudden shock between heaven and earth, and a huge bolt of lightning suddenly struck out from the long river of heaven and rushed towards the ape fire.

This flash of lightning was bright red and seemed to be condensed from blood. It exuded an extremely evil aura and was very terrifying. As soon as it appeared, there was a terrifying aura that could destroy all things.

Faced with such an attack, Yuan Huo did not dare to be careless, and his expression became more serious. He held the Kaitian God Ax in his hand and once again urged Kaitian to strike forward and slashed forward.


When the two collided, the blood-colored lightning was instantly destroyed, but the Kaitian Divine Ax in Sarushuo's hand also shattered and turned into nothingness.

The power of the Heavenly Dao itself was much more terrifying than that of Pangu Banner, and Ape Fire could only withstand one blow.

"Today, you will die here." Hongjun said indifferently, and once again mobilized the power of the long river of heaven. In an instant, blood-colored lightning danced in the long river of heaven, thousands of them in the blink of an eye. Huge and boundless, it fell towards the ape fire at the same time, drowning it!

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