Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 256 Pangu’s true body destroys the good and evil corpses!


Densely packed blood-colored lightnings, as thick as mountains, intertwined together to form a vast sea of ​​thunder that filled the starry sky, severely engulfing the ape fire.

In an instant, all the protective divine light on his body shattered, and was completely penetrated by streaks of bloody lightning, dripping with blood, and with a final bang, his body exploded completely.

Even the God-Opening Ax couldn't hold on at all, and exploded into fragments of laws all over the sky, disappearing into the universe.


The expression on Hongjun's face showed no emotion at all. He was extremely cold, and only the purest and strongest murderous intent remained in his eyes.

The ape fire was too strong, and all the previous performances made him extremely fearful. Now that he had the opportunity, he did not dare to be careless at all, and just wanted to completely eliminate the ape fire in the shortest possible time.


Under his urging, the long river of Heavenly Dao boiled, setting off billions of waves, and even more power of Heavenly Dao surged out of it.

The power of the Dao of Heaven was vast and endless, and once again condensed into more bloody lightning, which were densely intertwined, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, crashing down wildly.

The starry sky was completely destroyed. No stars could withstand such terrible battle fluctuations. They were all turned into powder and decomposed into chaos.

In fact, this terrifying fluctuation came out in a mighty way, and in the vast starry sky, the three hundred and sixty-five main stars all rumbled and received a huge impact, as if they were about to collapse in the next moment.

"This Hongjun is so cruel."

In the ancient world, all the strong men were numb when they saw it. If they got an opportunity, they would never let go. They would use all their strength to kill their opponents without any negligence.

Such creatures are the most difficult to deal with and will not give anyone the slightest chance in battle.

Ape Fire's physical body once again shattered, and under the bloody lightning, it was constantly being wiped out from the most fundamental level, turning into balls of chaotic energy.

However, there is something different this time, that is, even after encountering such a shock, Sarufire is recovering rapidly!

The law of power shines, and the aura of immortality fills the air. No matter what kind of heavy damage the ape fire encounters, or even turns into chaotic energy, at the next moment, it still reverts back to its original flesh and blood, merges with each other, and becomes immortal!

"The Law of Power is worthy of being the number one existence among the three thousand avenues. After understanding the characteristics of true immortality, my vitality has increased a lot."

Sarufire thought calmly in his mind.

If it were before, he might really have fallen to the ground when faced with such a terrifying bombardment from these bloody lightnings, but now he is much more calm.

Therefore, at first glance, he is very miserable now, but in fact he has not suffered much loss, and everything is within controllable limits.

"Now, even if I don't rely on those defensive spirit treasures, it's hard to get hurt." Sarushuo thought to himself.

At this moment, the power of Tiandao Changhe's body has definitely reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even stronger than the Pangu Banner that broke through the forty-nine restrictions!

However, even though he was no match, such power could not destroy him.


Suddenly, at this moment, a terrifying roar came from the direction of the prehistoric continent.

After a fierce battle, the true form of Pangu, transformed by the twelve ancestral witches, finally completely exploded Hongjun's good and evil corpses with one punch, killing him violently.

Then, Pangu's real body was pressed out with a palm, and between the palms and fingers, there was a layer of rich cyan light, with a terrifying annihilating power!

Wherever it passes, the good corpses and evil corpses are completely obliterated from the level of cause and effect, and the power is enough to compare with the killing power of Hongmeng's measuring ruler.

Almost in an instant, Hongjun's body trembled, and he felt that his good corpse and evil corpse had disappeared forever. No matter what method he used in the future, it would be impossible to cultivate them back.

"Damn it!" There was an extremely ferocious look in his eyes, and the overwhelming hatred surged up like a frenzy, and he almost lost his composure.

The method of beheading three corpses was a method he specially practiced to prove the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan. Now that both the good corpses and the evil corpses have been killed, how can he prove the Dao in the future?

This is his path to enlightenment!


Hongjun couldn't bear it anymore and let out a beast-like roar. At this moment, he diverted his attention and activated a stream of bloody lightning to blast towards the true form of the Twelve Ancestor Wu Pangu.

"Pangu's true body is related to the great god Pangu. Its power is naturally unpredictable. The simple movements contain endless mysteries, which are enough to destroy everything from the fundamental level!"

"Unless someone like me understands the law of power and practices the law of power to an extremely advanced level, Hongjun's good corpse and evil corpse will never be able to come back."

While resisting the bloody lightning, Sarufire calmly observed and came to a conclusion.

However, even though Hongjun suffered a big loss, Yuan Huo did not relax in his heart. Instead, he still felt a huge pressure.

The purpose of his coming here this time was to suppress Hongjun and snatch the fragments of the jade dish of creation from Hongjun.

As a result, until now, although Hongjun was unable to destroy him, he was able to suppress him firmly by relying on the power of Tiandao Changhe's body like cheating!

I don’t know how long this state will last.

Such a result is undoubtedly very depressing.

Moreover, now that Hongjun has begun to target Pangu's true body, if the Twelve Ancestral Witches suffer casualties, it will be an unbearable loss, and Yuan Huo cannot accept it no matter what.

"How to deal with it?" Saruhuo began to think quickly in his mind. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind like lightning, and he thought of an incredible way to deal with it.

"What will be the result if I also merge into the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation?"

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Sarushuo's heart suddenly started beating.

Although there is a "twelve" in the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, there is actually no limit on the number. A few less is fine, and a few more are no problem.

Of course, if you want to have more than one, you need to have astonishing knowledge in battle tactics to be able to do it. Under normal circumstances, it is simply impossible.

However, Yuan Huo has mastered the art of formation!

Looking at the entire prehistoric period, if we talk about the control of the Tao of Formation, Sarushuo is basically number one, and no one can surpass him.

With his formation skills, he can naturally achieve this perfectly!

"The great formation of the Thirteen Capital Gods, condensed with Pangu's true body, how powerful is it?" For a moment, Yuan Huo's eyes flickered, revealing a kind of excitement.

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