Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 259 Hongjun is defeated, Luo Hu’s new plan!

Boom boom! !

Before the Kaitian Divine Ax came into contact with the Heavenly Dao Dao Diagram, terrifying waves surged out in all directions, shaking the vast wilderness and causing the starry sky to shake violently, as if it was about to collapse.

The Dao of Heaven was born, established an endless order of rules, and enveloped the ancient world, and it has already begun to bear fruit.

But now this huge order and rule framework is also in turmoil. In the endless time and space, cause and effect are chaotic, fate is twisted, ancient and modern are intertwined, Yin and Yang and the Five Elements are in chaos, presenting endless chaos.

All living beings were terrified and felt a doomsday aura. This was a hundred times more terrifying than the beast's calamity. It was definitely the most terrifying battle since the dawn of time!

Between heaven and earth, the evil spirit suddenly became more than a hundred times stronger!


Finally, under the gaze of many innate gods and demons, the Kaitian Divine Ax and the Heavenly Dao Dao Diagram collided together, and a dazzling divine light suddenly erupted between the two, filling the universe.

Then there was a loud sound like the earth was shattering, resounding throughout the past and present, as if it was going to cut through time and space and be transmitted to the end of time.

Then, a terrifying shock wave was generated and spread in all directions. Everything in its path was destroyed. Everything ceased to exist and turned into chaos.

Although the prehistoric space is tough, at this moment it is like fragile tissue paper, easily torn into pieces, forming chaotic storms that blow into the depths of the universe.

The world is in turmoil, and the wilderness is shaking!

Some creatures who have reached the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, were just hit by the terrible shock wave, and screamed, their bodies exploded, their souls were annihilated, and their bodies died.

All the creatures changed their colors and tried their best to stay away from the battlefield between the two. In the endless turmoil, there was another sound of squealing, and the map of the way of heaven was cut open by the Kaitian God ax in an instant, shattering invisible.

The terrifying light of the ax did not disappear. It still had the most powerful power. It roared out and struck the Eye of Punishment above the long river of heaven.


Hongjun's shrill screams suddenly came from it, and a vertical blood line appeared on the entire Eye of Punishment, and then exploded with a bang.

The long river of heaven was violently turbulent.

The endless power of heaven surged, and the entire river of heaven seemed to have lost control and fell into chaos, unable to muster the strength to fight the enemy.

Faintly, the shadow of a cricket eel appeared, showing an extremely hasty posture. With a flick of its tail, it fled towards the deepest part of the universe.

After a trembling moment, the Heavenly Dao River gradually began to disappear.

"Ape Fire, you won? Destroyed the Eye of Punishment with just one axe?" All the creatures in the wilderness suddenly showed disbelief in their eyes.

How can this be?

How terrifying was the power Hongjun unleashed just now? It was as if it was enough to destroy the entire prehistoric world, but in the end, Pangu's true form condensed from the ape fire destroyed it with just one axe!

How terrifying is this?

For a moment, countless creatures took a breath of air-conditioning and looked at the real body of Pangu, with deep fear in their eyes.

"Hongjun actually lost..."

At this time, Rahu in Mount Sumeru fell into silence. The God-killing Spear lying across his lap seemed to sense his thoughts, and it restrained its sharpness and became quiet.

"I have always regarded Hongjun as my biggest opponent before, and many of the methods I deployed were based on Hongjun as my imaginary enemy, but now it seems that my plan is about to change."

Luo Hu whispered, his eyes revealed the terrifying sight of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the world was stained with blood, and a cold aura spread outwards.

"The way of destruction and the way of killing that I have practiced and comprehended are inherently in great conflict with the way of heaven. Therefore, I cannot rely on the way of heaven to realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. I can only use it for a short time."

"There is only one most fundamental way to achieve enlightenment, and that is to initiate a massacre across the entire prehistoric period, destroy all living things, and in that ultimate destruction and endless death, practice your own way of destruction and killing to the extreme. .”

"My original plan was to start a battle between the three overlord groups, dragon, phoenix and unicorn, so that they would all lose, and get rid of the top experts of these three overlord groups."

"Then, slowly hunt down the remaining many innate gods and demons."

"When your cultivation reaches its peak, you will finally strangle Hongjun and other top innate gods and demons, thereby reaching the pinnacle of killing!"

"But now it seems that if we want to follow the original plan, the monkey fire will be a huge threat, and this anomaly must be eliminated in advance."

For a time, there were countless thoughts surging in the heart of the demon Luo Hu, and there were countless conspiracies taking shape, and the evil spirit in the ancient world unknowingly became more intense.

On the other side, Yuan Huo saw the escaping Hongjun without any ups and downs of emotions in his heart. He held the Kaitian God Ax and slashed forward, and a cyan ax light flew out immediately.


In just a moment, this ax light spanned endless time and space, locked onto Hongjun's Qi machine, and approached his body.

"What kind of method is this?"

Hongjun was horrified, and quickly mobilized his remaining power to run towards the deserted place on the edge of the universe. The aura of law was powerful, surrounding him, increasing his speed.

The slash by Yuan Huo just now was terrifying to the extreme. Even if Hongjun was in his most powerful state, he was no match for him and was instantly destroyed.

Moreover, the connection with Heavenly Dao has been severed, and the almost endless power of Heavenly Dao can no longer be mobilized as before.

Therefore, now he can only rely on his remaining strength to escape, but in this case, how can he be the opponent of that ax light?

The true meaning of Kaitian Yiaxe is that no matter where the opponent escapes, even to the end of time, it will be useless. Everything is like an illusory bubble, which will be shattered with one slash.

Therefore, even if Hongjun used shocking methods, it would be of no use at this moment. The sky and the earth changed suddenly and turned into a vast battlefield.

In the battlefield, chaos energy surged, and huge corpses lay on the ground. They were all the corpses of the Chaos Demon God. It was the Kaitian battlefield!

Hongjun fell into it and could no longer break free. He could only watch the ax light behind him getting closer and closer, with a dazzling cyan light, and it struck him hard.


Hongjun screamed, without any resistance, his body was cut into two halves, and blood gushed out.

And this is just the beginning!

Chaos surged and time was chaotic. Hongjun reluctantly mobilized his strength to recover. At the end of the battlefield, another ax light appeared, exactly like before, killing him again!

Hongjun's vitality was terrifying, and he recovered again, but the ax light also reappeared, cutting him in half again. This continuous cycle seemed to completely wipe out Hongjun, leaving no trace of life left, so he stopped!

"Am I going to die from this?" Hongjun's heart was cold. This ax that opened the sky was really terrifying, so powerful that it was unimaginable. He had no power to resist at this moment!

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