Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 260 Shocking Harvest! Finally got the jade plate of creation!

"I can even withstand the catastrophe of the Hongmeng Era, let alone a mere ape fire!"

As one of the most powerful creatures in the prehistoric times, Hongjun has experienced the catastrophe of Hongmeng's destruction, and his Taoist heart has long been as hard as a rock of chaos.

Under the light of the Kaitian Divine Axe, after only a moment of panic, he quickly calmed down, and his cold and cold expression reappeared in his eyes.

Behind him, a huge shadow of a cricket eel emerged. There was a ferocious aura in the cricket's eyes, shrouded in purple divine light, which was breathtaking.

"The only solution now is to cut off the tail to survive."

A thought flashed through Hongjun's mind, and without any hesitation, he suddenly sacrificed the nine jade disc fragments he owned and faced the ax light.

He did not activate the power of the jade disk of creation, but simply threw it out, giving people the impression that he was actively crushing the jade disk of creation!

After finishing this action, Hongjun no longer defended, but mobilized all his remaining strength to rush out of the open sky battlefield and fled frantically.


When Aruhuo saw this scene, he was immediately startled. Seeing that the light of the ax was about to collide with the fragments of the jade dish of creation, he naturally could not let this happen. With a thought, he dispersed the light of the ax and then fished it out with a big hand. He directly grabbed these fragments of the jade dish of creation in his hands.

The light of the ax disappeared, and the Kaitian battlefield immediately collapsed. Hongjun escaped at the critical moment, and with a flick of his body, he turned into the prototype of a cricket eel.

His whole body was filled with purple light, and he shrank to only the size of a finger. He wrapped his tail around Pangu Banner. As for the other spiritual treasures, they were scattered across the starry sky in the fierce battle just now. He couldn't care about them, so he could only ignore them, and then The starry sky is like a layer of mud. If you drill down hard with the probe, you will penetrate into the deepest layers of endless time and space.

Then, another burst of breath shattered the time and space, forming a terrifying time and space storm. In an instant, it erased all traces and escaped smoothly.

"In later generations, Hongjun is indeed capable of becoming the first Taoist ancestor." Seeing this scene, Yuan Huo couldn't help but nod secretly.

This battle with Hongjun can be said to be the most fully prepared battle he has ever prepared. For this battle, not only did he spend a billion points of the most precious Dao merit to break through the realm, but he also allowed the twelve ancestral wizards to They practiced the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation. The combined power of him and the Twelve Ancestral Witches could be said to be earth-shattering.

However, this battle was also the most difficult battle in his history. Right from the beginning, Hongjun showed his amazing trump card, sacrificing good corpses and evil corpses, and resisted the concentrated attack of the twelve ancestral witches. Pangu’s true body.

Then, when the fierce battle reached a fever pitch, Hongjun actually used the Pangu Banner that had been refined with forty-nine innate restrictions, showing a trace of the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Then, he also triggered the main body of the Heavenly Dao River to descend, and finally integrated himself into the Heavenly Dao River, semi-activated the Heavenly Dao River, and condensed the most powerful Eye of Heaven's Punishment, which can be called a cheating method!

The various methods are so horrifying that people are overwhelmed.

If the ape fire hadn't merged with the twelve ancestral witches in the end to form the Thirteen Heavenly Gods Formation, and he had two of the three treasures of the Kaitian in his hand, which turned into the Kaitian God Axe, it would have been impossible to say who would win in this battle. .

Moreover, even in the end, Hongjun was defeated, he was still able to cut off his tail to survive at the critical moment, use the jade disc fragments to attract attention, and escape smoothly.

This kind of thinking is also shocking.

"If this person furthers his cultivation in the future, succeeds in enlightenment, and becomes the first saint in heaven, I don't know how terrifying it will be." Sarushuo thought in his mind.

Hongjun is definitely the most terrifying opponent. This escape must not be taken lightly. It may pose a huge threat to him in the future.


Suddenly, the Kaitian Divine Ax in Ape Fire's big hand vibrated, bursting with dazzling light, and then exploded with a roar, transforming into the Chaos Clock and Tai Chi Diagram again.

After the Kaitian God Ax fell into the prehistoric world, it turned into the Three Treasures of Kaitian. It is extremely difficult to restore it to the Kaitian God Ax.

The reason why it was successful just now is because Pangu's real body is very special and has the power to condense the Kaitian Divine Ax. Once this power passes, the Kaitian Three Treasures will turn into their prototypes again.

Yuan Huo was not surprised by this. He put away these two treasures, stretched out his big hand, across the entire starry sky, and took away the few souls that Hongjun had left in this battlefield in the previous battle and had not had time to take away. With all the treasures in hand, a burst of spiritual power blasted into them, directly erasing the imprints on them.

These spiritual treasures are the Qiankun Ding, Wuji Xinghuang Banner, and Red Hydrangea.

The Qiankun Cauldron, like the Fortune Cauldron, is made from the lotus pods of the Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus. It has reached the level of an innate treasure. It is extremely powerful and has a terrifying ability that can return spiritual treasures from the acquired world to the innate world!

The Fortune Cauldron allows the elixir to return from acquired nature to innate nature!

These two spiritual treasures fell into Yuan Huo's hands at the same time. In the future, he might use some weapon refining methods to directly fuse them and turn them into a more powerful and terrifying spiritual treasure. Its preciousness is beyond description in words.

As for the Wuji Xinghuang Flag, it is one of the five innate flags. In Yuan Huo's hand, there is also a plain-colored Yunjie Flag, one of the five innate flags. They are all top-grade innate spiritual treasures and extremely precious.

As for the red hydrangea, not to mention, it is a treasure that is used to witness the marriage. In later generations, it will be the exclusive spiritual treasure of Nuwa who has reached the level of a saint in heaven, which is also very important.

Coupled with the Jade Disk, the most precious treasure of enlightenment, Yuan Huo's harvest from the battle with Hongjun can be said to be earth-shattering, making any living being in the ancient world become jealous and go crazy with jealousy!

"It's a pity that Pangu Banner was not in hand."

However, Yuanhuo also has a little regret in his heart. If Pangu Banner is also obtained, then the three treasures of Kaitian will be gathered together. He also has a copy of the origin of Kaitian Divine Ax in his hand. By then, he may be able to reproduce the complete Kaitian Divine Ax!

"In the future, we may be able to use the method of cause and effect to deduce the whereabouts of Pangu Banner." Saranghuo thought in his mind.


At this time, the maintenance time of Pangu's true body was also up, and it suddenly dispersed, transforming into the twelve ancestral witches and ape fire again.

"Let's go and take a look at Yujing Mountain."

Apefire glanced at the Twelve Ancestral Witches, with a satisfied smile in his eyes. In the previous battle, if the Twelve Ancestral Witches had not successfully killed both the good corpse and the evil corpse, there might have been many twists and turns.

Yujing Mountain is Hongjun's dojo, one of the top cultivation places in the ancient world. If Hongjun is driven away at this time, Yuanhuo will naturally not be polite and will definitely occupy it as soon as possible.


The Twelve Ancestral Witches all opened their mouths and smiled.

The battle just now was hearty and hearty. It could be said that it was the most enjoyable battle since they were born. They all felt extremely satisfied at this moment. It was the time to set foot on Yujing Mountain and announce their victory.

And sure enough, when Yuan Huo and the Twelve Ancestral Witches appeared behind Yujing Mountain, countless innate gods, demons, and people with great supernatural powers who were paying attention to this battle in the wilderness heard a "boom" in their minds, setting off a shocking uproar.

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