Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 261 The No. 1 Overlord Force in the Ancient World! Monkey King!

"Is this battle over? I thought Hongjun still had a trump card!"

"No matter how strong Hongjun is, there is a limit. It was already at its limit before. It seems that Sarufire has indeed won this battle."

"It's terrifying. Just now Hongjun summoned the endless power of heaven, but Yuan Huo still defeated it. What level has this power reached?"

"When Hongjun activated Pangu Banner, the power of Pangu Banner had already touched the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then stirred up the long river of heaven. Its power reached a higher level and became more terrifying. Ape Fire can defeat it, I'm afraid With my own combat power, I already have half a foot in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

"It's too scary. How did you do this? In the wilderness, there are countless creatures and we have been pursuing the realm for endless years, but this person suddenly emerged and reached it in such a short period of time. He is simply a freak."


For a moment, the entire prehistoric world was like a vast ocean caught in a storm, setting off huge waves. It was also like a world-destroying earthquake, and countless creatures were shaken to the extreme.

This is definitely the most terrifying and grand battle since the beginning of the world. The power displayed by Yuan Huo and Hong Jun in this battle has reached an unprecedented level.

And Yuan Huo was able to powerfully defeat Hongjun in such a battle, and the shocking combat power he displayed was naturally shocking to the world.

The scene where Ape Fire and the Twelve Ancestral Witches set foot on Yujing Mountain has been imprinted in the depths of the souls of countless creatures. I am afraid they will never forget it. It is so impactful.

"After this battle, the Pan clan will be the most dominant force in the ancient world. The ape fire will cover the past and present, sweep across the world, and be the only one in the world!" An innate god and demon sighed.

Whether they are Pangu relics such as dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, or innate gods and demons such as Tai Chi ancestors and Yin Yang ancestors, they are all arrogant and proud beings.

But at this moment, when such words came out, these top powers were silent, without any refutation, and could not refute it. Aruhuo proved everything with his absolute strength!

"I'm afraid I won't have a chance for revenge in this life." In the prehistoric heaven, Qingtian, Huangtian and Cangtian sighed. They all seemed to have aged for hundreds of millions of years and looked lonely.

The three of them had previously entered the starry sky, preparing to suppress the goddess Wangshu, and then conquer the entire prehistoric starry sky, thereby gathering endless luck and reaching the top of the prehistoric sky.

However, when he encountered the monkey fire, he was defeated in a decisive battle. He paid a huge price before escaping, and then he hid in the heaven, never daring to appear in the world again.

After Dao Dao returned to seclusion and Tiandao was born, they understood the laws of Tiandao, their practice speed increased dramatically, and they gained confidence again, thinking that one day they might have a chance to take revenge.

But now seeing the majestic majesty of the monkey fire, all the illusions were shattered, and he no longer had any energy.

"We are both Pangu's relics, so I may not be much worse than this person. Time is very long, and no one can say what will happen. One day, our Qilin clan will overwhelm the Pan clan and dominate the prehistoric times!"

Among the Qilin clan, the ancestor Qilin has a body that is hundreds of thousands of miles long and stands on the boundless land. He breathes in the essence of heaven and earth, his scales shine, and his Tao rhyme is like the sea, flooding the eight wastelands and covering the heaven, earth, mountains and sea.

After the birth of Tiandao, it has cultivated to the realm of sub-sage. Its energy and blood are like the sea, and its magic power is endless. It is like a raging furnace of heaven and earth burning, shaking the past and present.

Seeing Saru Huo's victory, Zu Qilin's eyes were deep and domineering. Instead of being depressed, a blazing fighting spirit ignited deep in his eyes.

It can never forget the Battle of Buzhou Mountain a long time ago, where Saruhuo single-handedly suppressed the whole clan, forcing the entire Qilin clan to abandon their homeland and flee to the Eastern Continent.

Now that Tiandao was born, Zu Qilin began to understand the laws of Tiandao, and its cultivation level was rising steadily. It believed that as long as it was given time, it would be enough to surpass Ape Fire in the future!

By then, all shame will be washed away!

"This person is quite crazy. He stole my Tai Chi diagram before, and now he has snatched the jade disc fragments from Hongjun's hand. I don't know how many enemies he has made."

On the other side, in a mysterious space, the Tai Chi ancestor was recovering from his injuries, his eyes flashing, and all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues surging out from deep in his eyes.

Tai Chi Tu was the most precious spiritual treasure in his hand, but it was snatched away by Yuan Huo. This kind of hatred could not be washed away no matter what.

Even though he had witnessed the unparalleled fighting power of Sarus Fire at this moment, Tai Chi Patriarch was still thinking about ways to take revenge.

In addition, many innate gods and demons, such as the Phoenix Clan, Dragon Clan, and other major ethnic groups, all reacted. It can be said that the great prehistoric era was turbulent because of this battle.

"The evil spirit has become stronger."

On Mount Sumeru, Demon Ancestor Rahu was shrouded in the sky of black demonic mist. He opened his eyes, and his eyes were also dark, like two bottomless abyss of the universe.

The magic light shone, and behind him, the sound of a rushing river sounded. The black river of destruction, the bright red river of killing, filled with strong and vast law fluctuations, surging over Mount Sumeru.

These are exactly the two terrifying avenues that Demon Ancestor Rahu understood.

At this moment, he activated these two avenues, and black magic light and bloody murderous aura surged out of his eyes. Looking out, the scenery in the vast wilderness suddenly changed drastically.

Between heaven and earth, there are blood-red evil spirits rushing, permeating the sky of the universe, rushing across the boundless land, seas and mountains, sun, moon and stars, thunder, wind and rain, vegetation, insects and fish, and even all the heavens and worlds, endless time and space, every inch of space. There is a surge of evil energy, forming a big net of evil energy that covers all the worlds, covering the world!

Luo Hu stretched out his hand and seemed to be able to move this evil net and let it flow according to his own wishes.

And this endless flow of evil energy is vaguely pointing to a source, which is the ape fire on Yujing Mountain at this moment, and all the causes and effects of the heavens are all gathered together!

"The day you reach the peak is the time when your body and soul disappear. It seems that this ape fire not only arouses fear and awe of all living beings throughout the ancient world, but also arouses fear, hostility, and covetousness of all living beings."

Luo Hu's face was extremely handsome, which could almost be called stunning, even surpassing that of the goddess Wangshu. At this moment, an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that my plan is going to change completely. The next step is to use all the chess pieces I have laid out before, to mobilize all the ethnic groups, to fight the Ape Fire together, and to wipe out the Pan tribe."


Above Mount Sumeru, black clouds stretch and cover the sky, making the entire western region shrouded in darkness all year round, like a ghostly and demonic realm.

At this moment, there was a thick bloody lightning flashing across, followed by terrifying thunder, rolling across the endless sky, illuminating this endless dark area for a moment.

At the same time, it also illuminated the figure of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu at this moment. In his eyes, there was a deep and cold murderous aura, which made people's hair stand on end and chilled their entire body.

When the prehistoric times were raging, Yuan Huo ordered the twelve ancestral witches to explore this area in Yujing Mountain.

Yujing Mountain is one of the top cave heaven paradises. It is not just a big mountain, but actually a very vast and vast area.

There are all kinds of elixirs and mineral veins in it, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich. Enlightenment and practice here can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. It is a top holy land for practice.

"Next, we can release the ape tribe and other affiliated tribes from the thirty-six heavens to live and breed in this Yujing Mountain."

Sarufire thought in his mind.

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