Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 263 The twelve ancestral witches educate the Pan clan!

"Teaching these creatures how to practice?" Di Jiang and the other ancestral witches couldn't help but be confused after hearing this. They felt that Yuan Huo had suddenly given them a huge problem.

"Brother, if you want us to fight, that's absolutely fine, but it's too difficult to teach these little guys to practice." Zhu Rong couldn't help shouting.

The other ancestral witches also nodded, obviously unwilling to do this.

After all, Ancestral Wu Zhantiandoudi is a warlike ethnic group. They like to practice and fight, rather than educate and strengthen the ethnic group.

"This is non-negotiable. You have to do it. Even if you are not good at it, you must learn how to manage the tribe." Sarufire waved his hand, his expression showing dignity.

Naturally, he had deeper considerations in doing so.

In the future, he will improve his strength and expand his clan. He doesn't know what size it will expand to. Countless strong people will emerge among them, and he will definitely need qualified managers.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are powerful, defying the heavens, and have enough power to suppress the tribe. If they have a little more management skills, they will be a perfect helper in leading the tribe!

Therefore, Sarenfire definitely needs them to learn to deal with these things.

In addition, there is another reason.

"You have all practiced the Yuan Shen method and condensed the Yuan Shen, but compared to the physical body, it is still relatively weak. The Yuan Shen is very important. If you want to set foot on the peak of the avenue, you must also practice the Yuan Shen realm to the highest level. , doing things that do not require force and require wisdom will be of great help in improving the power of your soul." Sarushuo explained.

He is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God, with great wisdom. In particular, he has understood nearly two thousand laws of the great road, and his understanding of the laws of power has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, Yuan Huo's knowledge in cultivating one level can now be said to be at the top of the ancient world, and no one can compare with it!

He could see at a glance the problems currently faced by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, so he naturally taught students according to their aptitude and came up with a solution, which was to set foot in the mortal world, experience various situations in the world, and observe the ups and downs of the world, which would surely give rise to many insights.

Today's ancestral witches are different from before. They have not been infected by evil spirits. Their souls are bright and have unlimited potential. However, they still have the same character. They have no respect for heaven and earth, and have extremely strong fighting spirit. They are all top-notch warlike people. .

If you just want to become a warrior, there is no problem, but if you want to pursue the vast road, the current state is far from enough. Both physical and spiritual cultivation must be polished to the best.

At the same time, Yuan Huo also had his own considerations in choosing this address in Yujing Mountain instead of Buzhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain is most suitable for the reproduction of the Wu Clan. At present, the hundreds of millions of Wu Clan have not yet been born from the blood pool of the Wu Clan. When they are born in the future, they will naturally occupy the territory of Buzhou Mountain.

As for the ape tribe and many other affiliated tribes, they naturally cannot compete with the witch tribe for territory, so it is best to live in Yujing Mountain.

At the same time, when Penglai, Fangzhang, Huangzhou and other top cave heaven paradises previously discovered by Yuan Huo are completely evolved in the future, Yuan Huo will continue to move his tribe to those places to practice.

However, that will probably have to wait until the lich calamity period.

"Brother, we understand, and we must seriously educate the clan members next!" As soon as Yuan Huo said this, Di Jiang, Zhu Rong, Hou Tu and other ancestral shamans all looked serious and no longer objected.

"very good."

Yuan Huo smiled with satisfaction and activated his magic power. He immediately moved 90% of the creatures in the thirty-six heavens and placed them in the vast area of ​​Yujing Mountain.

At the same time, seeing this, Taiyin Goddess Wangshu also flew out from the thirty-six heavens.

She has a cold temperament and doesn't like to move around, so she always stays in the thirty-six heavens and rarely comes out.


When Di Jiang, Zhu Rong and others saw Wang Shu come out, they all burst into laughter. Wang Shu turned slightly red and gave them a blank look, but he did not deny it.

They had met several times before and were already very familiar with each other. When the Twelve Ancestral Witches saw such a peerless beauty living in the world of Ape Fire, they naturally subconsciously thought that there was a relationship between her and Ape Fire. Very close relationship.

"Okay, you can go out and walk with them." Saruhuo smiled slightly.

"That's fine." Wangshu nodded. In the thirty-six worlds of the heavens, she had been helping Yuan Huo take care of the ape tribe and other groups. After taking care of them for a long time, she was very concerned about them.

Not long after, the goddess Wangshu and the twelve ancestral witches all left. Yuan Huo took one step forward, activated the path of cause and effect, and searched for the few remaining fragments of the jade dish of creation in the wilderness.

This process did not have any twists and turns. It took tens of thousands of years to find all the remaining fragments. At this point, all the fragments of the jade dish of creation were collected, totaling thirty-six pieces.

He returned to Yujing Mountain, sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and activated his cultivation. Suddenly, a vast Taoist rhyme erupted, flooding the sky, and Qingyun surged out.

Three green Taoist lotuses emerge from it, swaying green rays of light, as if they were carved from three jasper plants. The dazzling light flows and is extremely beautiful.

Yujing Mountain, as the top cave paradise, is vast in area, and it is boundless in an unknown amount of time and space. Now all the creatures of the Pan tribe live in it.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Goddess Wangshu devoted themselves to teaching and taught many magical powers, techniques, and fighting methods, which made their overall strength increase rapidly!

Especially the four monkeys in this world, the Lingming Stone Monkey, the Six-Eared Macaque, the Cobra-armed Monkey, and the Red-breasted Horse Monkey, have the fastest progress in cultivation and are rising sharply every moment.

Therefore, the entire Pan clan is in a prosperous state.

At this moment, many Pan clan creatures were practicing, and they suddenly saw Tao Yun erupting on the top of Yujing Mountain, surging out like a sea tide, flooding the world.

As the green clouds shone, the rolling rhyme spread, filling endless time and space, covering every inch of Yujing Mountain, and falling on every living being.

Suddenly, they all felt that their cultivation speed had skyrocketed! Infinite insights surged out of my mind, and the efficiency of enlightenment suddenly increased a lot!

"So strong!"

For a time, the countless creatures of the Pan tribe were shocked in their hearts, with endless admiration and awe in their eyes. They kowtowed to the ape fire and knelt down devoutly.

Yuan Huo didn't pay attention to this. The rolling path rhyme just spread out naturally, not on his intention.

Of course, even if it is not intentional, it is still very scary. After all, his current realm is too high, and a little bit of power can change the world.

The mana of the ape fire surged, and at the same time, thirty-six jade discs of good fortune were sacrificed, floating in the Qingyun. Each fragment of the jade disc of good fortune shone brightly, crystal clear like jade.

The rolling rhyme spread, becoming ten thousand times stronger than before!

After all, this is the ultimate treasure of enlightenment.

"It's a pity that they can't be brought together at the moment. Otherwise, if they were turned into a complete treasure of enlightenment and reached the level of the treasure of chaos, I don't know how terrifying the power would be."

Sarufire felt regretful.

Although these thirty-six creation jade disc fragments have been collected completely, they cannot be integrated. It seems that the crucial origin is missing.

Just like the origin of the Kaitian Divine Ax he obtained before, without that origin, even if the three treasures of Kaitian are gathered together, they cannot turn it into the Kaitian Divine Ax again.

It's a pity that the origin of this jade plate of creation is not known where it is scattered. Yuan Huo specially used the method of cause and effect to deduce it, but he didn't even deduce it!

Therefore, although the fragments of the Jade Disk of Creation have been collected now, they still have to remain in the state of fragments and cannot be fused.

Perhaps, when his cultivation reaches a higher level in the future, he will find a way!

"Now, let's understand the Great Dao first."

After that, Yuan Huo devoted his energy to practice, to understand the remaining laws of the great avenues, and to master all three thousand great avenues!

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