Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 264 Action Luohu! The first killing round since ancient times!


When the ape fire entered the realm of enlightenment, the jade plate of creation suddenly shone brightly, and long rivers of laws roared out from it, running through the heaven and the earth.

Yuan Huo's qualifications are too high, and he has comprehended nearly two thousand great laws at the same time. There is no difficulty in comprehending the remaining great laws.

He resonated with the Tao and stirred up the laws of the Tao recorded in the jade plate of creation. He entered the state in a moment and his understanding of it continued to improve.

One percent.

Ten percent.

Twenty percent.

Thirty percent.

Seventy percent.

Soon, Yuan Huo understood a great law to a 70% degree, which was equivalent to the late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

If he continues to comprehend, he will naturally improve, but the speed will be a little slower, so Sarushuo temporarily put down this great law and began to comprehend other laws.

But while Yuan Huo was immersed in this practice, there were undercurrents in other places in the wilderness.

The Qilin clan, the place where the ancestor Qilin practiced, the endless divine light surged like a vast ocean, filling the universe, emitting a rolling sub-sage pressure, shaking the past and present.

After the birth of Tiandao, Zu Qilin's practice speed became faster and faster, and now he is about to reach the perfect state of sub-sage.

It is immersed in practice day and night, with the origin of yin and yang and the origin of the five elements surging around the body, deriving various wonders and presenting endless mysteries.

Suddenly, Yin Yang Qilin stepped into Zu Qilin's training ground, his eyes were dark, and billowing demonic energy spurted out from every pore, carrying endless evil energy.

These dark demonic energies poured into this holy land of cultivation, and all the sacred and peaceful scenes disappeared at once, condensing into huge monsters, roaring shrilly.

The dark wind howled, the monsters roared, the dark evil energy surged, and the coldness spread. This area seemed to have suddenly turned into a devil's hell, which was extremely terrifying.


Zu Qilin opened his eyes and shot out two terrifying beams of light, which penetrated the void and fell coldly on Yin Yang Qilin.

"Who are you?" He said in a cold voice, and the pressure of the sub-sage level surged out overwhelmingly, pressing towards the Yin-Yang Qilin. Even the laws of order whined and could not bear it.

In this state of the Yin-Yang Qilin, it was obvious that some strange creature had taken away its body, or had briefly occupied its consciousness.

There was anger in Zu Qilin's eyes. Although the Qilin clan was defeated at the hands of Yuan Huo, it was still the top power in the ancient world. Who dares to take away important figures from other clans? Simply looking for death!

"Clan leader, don't be angry. I have no ill intentions, otherwise I wouldn't show up directly." Yin Yang Qilin smiled faintly. Although the demonic energy around him was overwhelming, he actually had an elegant and calm temperament.

The overwhelming Yasheng pressure surged forward, but when it reached his side, it dissipated silently, without causing the slightest impact on him.

"If your explanation does not satisfy me, I, the Qilin clan, will become your eternal enemy." Zu Qilin was strong and domineering, with a cold voice, roaring like thunder.

"The patriarch should have some memory of me. I was the one who killed the Beast King." The Yin Yang Qilin was shrouded in demonic aura and smiled lightly, calmly.

"It's you! Demon Ancestor Luohu!" Zu Qilin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was shocked. He didn't expect that the mysterious Demon Ancestor would appear in front of him!

Instantly, a chill surged through its body. The Demon Ancestor Luohu was able to sneak into this important place of the Qilin Clan silently, and was not discovered until he was in front of him. This was definitely a shocking method!

If Rahu was hostile to him and assassinated him, he might suffer a big loss.

"What are you looking for me for?" Zu Qilin said in a deep voice. At this moment, his whole body's magic power was secretly surging, and he was fully alert. As long as there were any questions in Luo Hu's answer, he would take action in the shortest possible time without hesitation!

"Does the patriarch still remember the defeat of Buzhou Mountain?" Luo Hu, occupying the Yin Yang Qilin's body, smiled slightly and in an understatement revealed the scar that Zu Qilin least wanted to recall.

"Are you provoking me?"

Zu Qilin was instantly angry. The situation in the world changed color. The origin of Yin and Yang and the origin of the five elements surged up into the sky and turned into a dark cloud that covered the sky and enveloped the universe.

A destructive aura suddenly poured down, filling this space and time. The yin and yang rotated, the five elements intertwined, brewing a peerless murderous intention, almost crushing the soul of the person.

"The patriarch misunderstood."

Luo Hu, however, seemed to have not seen these scenes and did not care. He said slowly: "The only reason why I mentioned this matter is to ask the clan leader if he is interested in killing the ape fire." ?”

"Kill Yuan Huo?" Zu Qilin was startled at first, then laughed angrily, "Are you trying to amuse me? Don't you know Yuan Huo's combat power? What level of cultivation is Hongjun? He can even mobilize the endless power of heaven. He has great strength, but he was still beaten to death by the ape fire in the end! If you want to kill this person, who in this vast world can do it?"

"That's why I came to you and wanted to cooperate with you." Luo Hu's voice was calm.

"Even if you have the record of killing the Beast King, you are still far inferior to Yuan Huo. I'm afraid you can't even defeat the twelve ancestral witches. If you join forces with me, you will just die." Zu Qilin said coldly.

"What if there are a few more people?" Luo Hu's tone was calm, but full of a strong self-confidence, as if he was an all-powerful emperor, in charge of the power of all realms.

"What do you mean?" Zu Qilin was shocked.

"Nowadays, there are endless strong people in the ancient world. There are you, Ancestral Dragon, Yuan Feng, Tai Chi Ancestor, Yin Yang Ancestor, etc. If we can join forces to attack, no matter how strong Yuan Huo is, how can he be his opponent?"

Luo Hu stared into Zu Qilin's eyes and said word by word, "Gather the endless powerful men from the ancient world and attack at the same time. This will be the first killing round in ancient times. Even though Ape Fire has tremendous fighting power, as long as he fails to prove the way, he will surely die." remove."


Zu Qilin laughed, then put away his smile, his expression suddenly turned cold, and shouted coldly: "Idiot! The grievances and hatreds among these many top powerhouses are extremely complicated. Zu Long led the dragon clan and took away the power of the Tai Chi ancestor. Territory, destroyed his dynasty. Yuan Feng also led the Phoenix Clan to destroy the Yin Yang Dynasty of ancestor Yin Yang. In order to occupy this eastern continent, I have made enemies with countless innate gods and demons. Under such circumstances, how can we join forces? Can you just open your mouth?"

Luo Hu was not angry at all, still calm, and said with a smile: "No matter how many reasons you have, I only ask you one question, if the ape fire is here, do you still have hope of enlightenment?"

As soon as these words came out, Zu Qilin fell silent.

Luo Hu revealed an extremely cruel fact. Nowadays, those who practice in the ancient world are all about the way of luck. If you want to achieve enlightenment, you need to gather endless luck.

However, if you want to rely on luck to achieve enlightenment, the power of luck you want is so majestic that you may need to conquer the entire prehistoric world to even have a chance.

Now, with a force like Ape Fire here, other forces have no hope at all. The final result can only be eaten up bit by bit by Ape Fire!

"What is the purpose of my practice? It's nothing more than a way of enlightenment."

Luo Hu's voice was calm, with a demonic bewitching power, faintly resounding in this space and time, "But now this ape fire has blocked our path to enlightenment. In this case, should we still be entangled?" Did all the previous grievances and entanglements make the monkey fire continue to grow stronger?"

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