Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 265: Understanding the Jade Disk of Creation, Three Thousand Avenues!

"Even if what you say makes sense, even if many powerful people like me join forces, we may not be able to kill Saru Huo. His strength has reached an unimaginable level."

After Zu Qilin was silent for a moment, he spoke coldly. Although he no longer laughed at Luo Hu, he was still not optimistic about his entire plan.

Before the battle between Yuan Huo and Hongjun, all the powerful people in the whole prehistoric world were paying attention. Hongjun mobilized the endless power of heaven, but in the end they were all defeated by Yuan Huo. One can imagine the terrifying strength of Yuan Huo.

Zu Qilin had previously thought that as long as he was given enough time, he could surpass the Ape Fire. He felt unwilling to do so, thinking that as a legacy of Pangu, it would not be much worse than the Ape Fire.

But after he really calmed down, Zu Qilin realized that such an idea was simply wishful thinking and basically impossible to achieve.

The gap between it and Sarenfire before was really too big.

"If we just attack together, although the power is strong, there is also the possibility of being defeated by the monkey fire. After all, this person is indeed powerful."

Luo Hu seemed to have expected such a reaction from Zu Qilin. He suddenly stretched out his hand, spread his palms, and activated his magic power. Suddenly, a formation diagram appeared in his hand.


He activated this array, and suddenly a terrifying murderous aura erupted, rushing into the sky, penetrating this entire space and time, and breaking into the universe.


Thousands of sword energy emerged in the formation, clanging, dazzling, and exuding an extremely sharp aura, making people feel like their souls were being torn apart.

Faintly, it seemed that even the laws of order were powerless to resist this terrifying murderous intention. They were disconnected one after another. All things withered, the heavens were extinguished, and the cold penetrated to the bone marrow.

"What kind of formation is this?" Zu Qilin's heart suddenly jumped, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

It can feel that the array diagram in Luo Hu's hand is just a miniature version, not the main body. The real power is probably only one trillionth of the main body.

But even if such a simulated version has such terrifying power, how powerful and terrifying will its formation itself be? This kind of killing power will be the most terrifying since the beginning of the world!

"This is the Immortal Killing Sword Formation." Luo Hu said calmly, "What do you think would be the power if many powerful men from the ancient world took control of this formation at the same time and activated it?"

"When will you decide to take action?" Zu Qilin did not respond, just silent for a moment, and then a terrifying murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and he spoke decisively.

The power of this formation has been shown. It is definitely one of the most terrifying killing formations in ancient times. With such a formation, the possibility of killing the ape fire has been increased as never before!

With such an opportunity in front of him, Zu Qilin would naturally not hesitate.

"Very good, I have almost contacted the other strong men. I will call you when the time comes to take action." Luo Hu smiled, knowing that he had completely convinced Zu Qilin.

"Gathering together all the top experts from the past and present, setting up an unprecedented killing plan to kill Ape Fire. You are really generous. If you succeed, how much benefit will you get?" Zu Qilin suddenly said coldly.

"Ape Fire has endless spiritual treasures, and they are all the best. If he can kill him, it will be an unprecedented feast. Who can benefit from this feast depends on his own ability. "

Luo Hu smiled faintly, but there was an endless will to destroy and kill in his eyes, which made people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts. It was so cold and terrifying.

Unknowingly, the evil spirit in the ancient world became more intense.

In Yujing Mountain, the ocean-like Taoist rhyme surges and undulates, seeming to shake this top-notch cave heaven paradise. It is extremely amazing and can be called an unimaginable holy land for cultivation.

And the source of all this is naturally ape fire.

The vast Qingyun above his head, the three Taoist lotuses swaying, and the thirty-six jade disc fragments rising and falling, all constantly exuding the majestic Taoist rhyme, assisting in enlightenment.

The heel of the monkey fire itself has reached the level of the top level of the chaos demon god. His understanding is unparalleled. Looking at the entire prehistoric world, no living being can compare with it.

Therefore, under such conditions, he comprehended many great laws with astonishing smoothness. As time went by, he comprehended one great law after another to a 70% level, comparable to the late Hunyuan Golden Immortal. .

The mighty time rushes forward.

Finally, on this day, Ape Fire's whole body was shaken, and suddenly a terrifying aura erupted, shaking the heaven and earth. A long river of three thousand laws emerged, magnificent and boundless, penetrating the universe and manifesting in the world.

It was so majestic that all the heavens and worlds seemed to be shaking, vibrating under the impact of the endless Taoist rhyme.

Each river of law is countless billions of miles long, towering into the universe. The sun and moon formed in front of it are like dust.

They flowed mightily, intertwined, and emerged at the same time. It was as if the previous avenue appeared in the world, and the long river of three thousand laws followed.

But now, the core around them is not the avenue, but the ape fire!

He was sitting cross-legged on the top of Yujing Mountain, with infinite Dao radiance shining, just like the ancestor of all Dao, sacred and solemn, full of endless oppressive power.

"Three thousand avenues, finally comprehended."

Sarushuo slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were extremely deep, as if they contained everything and became the source of all things, as if the world would be opened in the next moment.

At this moment, the ape fire exudes a very mysterious aura, as if it has seen through the essence of the world, transcending above, becoming the only reality and the only way.

"Throughout the ages, including the era of chaos, except for the Great God Pangu, who has been able to comprehend the Three Thousand Great Dao on his own? I am the only one."

Sarufire whispered in his heart.

This was definitely an unimaginable achievement, and Sarufire never thought that he would be able to reach this point.

He could feel that as the laws of the three thousand avenues were comprehended to a high level, his understanding of the laws of power also soared.

I am afraid that not long after, I will be able to break through to a higher level, my soul cultivation will reach the realm of the sub-sage, and my strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

After all, the law of force is the general outline of the three thousand avenues.

By comprehending the three thousand avenues, you can reverse the law of force. The deeper you comprehend, the deeper your understanding of the law of force will be.

"It's just that there is still a long way to go to realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian." Yuan Huo sighed in his heart.

The fundamental law of the great road that he practiced and understood was the law of force!

And if you want to realize the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you need to understand the law of power to a hundred percent level.

But now, Yuan Huo feels that after comprehending the Law of Power to 91%, the comprehension speed is getting slower and slower, and it is estimated that it will be more difficult in the future.

Even if he comprehends the three thousand avenues, with the help of these three thousand avenues, it is estimated that it can only help Yuan Huo break through to the sub-sage realm as soon as possible.

It is extremely difficult to realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host, the number of clan members has exceeded one trillion." Suddenly, the system voice rang at this time.

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