Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 268 The Supreme Origin Breeds the Chaos Demon Seed!


Yuanhuo suddenly woke up and without thinking, he sacrificed the two defensive treasures of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda and the Chaos Bell in an instant. The infinite Xuanhuang Qi fell down, and the chaotic air flow surged.

At the same time, Qingyun appeared above his head, three Dao lotuses swayed, and thirty-six jade disc fragments rose and fell, scattering endless Dao charm and integrating into his soul.

The Ape Fire Soul suddenly shone brightly, exuding immortal brilliance. It suddenly broke free from the panic and fear just now and returned to normal.

"It's so dangerous. I was affected by the magic pattern on the giant egg just now. If I didn't defend myself in time, my soul might have fallen into it." Saruhuo was frightened.

This is too scary. What state is he in now? The physical body is only a thin piece of paper away from the late sub-sage stage, and the spiritual cultivation has reached the perfection of Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

He himself is the heel of the top Chaos Demon God, condensing the twelve-level perfect three flowers, comprehending all three thousand avenues, and mastering the essence of the law of power.

With such vast and terrifying cultivation, what else in this world can confuse him? All illusions in front of him are illusory bubbles that will burst as soon as they are poked.

However, this giant egg almost made him sink just by relying on the magic pattern on it. It was simply unbelievable and unbelievable!

"Although this giant egg is weird, since the system map points to this place, it must also contain great opportunities. We must take a closer look."

Faced with the current situation, Sarufire thought for a moment and finally made a decision. He carefully pushed all the defensive forces to the limit and then continued to move forward.

This time, under the protection of the defensive force, Apefire could clearly feel that there was a mysterious force on the giant egg, which was spreading like water waves and impacting towards him silently.

If you don't stay vigilant at all times, you might fall into it unknowingly, and you don't know what it will be like.

After passing through the layers of dark evil aura, Yuan Huo finally arrived in front of this grand altar. Looking forward carefully this time, he was suddenly shocked again, and his heart was shocked.

Before, it was covered by the chaotic light and couldn't see clearly, but this time it was clear and more things could be seen clearly.

Under that giant egg, there was a pile of chaos origin neatly piled up, like a hill.

Every source of chaos exudes vast power, flowing with the radiance of chaos, echoing with the entire giant egg.

As the magic pattern on the giant egg shines, the power from the origin of chaos continues to pour into the giant egg. From this look, it is obvious that it is providing nutrients to this giant egg.


Sarufire suddenly took a breath of air.

What is the origin of chaos? The lowest primary source of chaos can only be condensed after the death of a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

It contains nearly infinite power, and it is an omnipotent thing like the merits of the Great Dao. It can refine spiritual treasures, improve cultivation, and transform people's feet. It can be called a supreme wonder.

As for the intermediate chaos origin, high-level chaos origin, and top-level chaos origin, not to mention, their value is unimaginable.

As a result, this giant egg now needs to be fed and used as nutrients by such a large amount of chaos origin. This is too big a deal!

Even for the original twelve ancestral witches, in order for them to be born early, Ape Fire provided them with the source of chaos. On average, each ancestral witch only had one or two copies.

Even those innate saints, such as Sanqing, Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, etc., were born in the top innate restrictions and were accompanied by various terrifying spiritual treasures, but they really have to be compared with the current formation of this giant egg. , still much different.

After all, that is the origin of chaos.


Ape Fire opened his eyes of time and looked more carefully. In the vast and undulating light of chaos, bits and pieces of the origin of chaos were surging, continuously inputting majestic power into the giant egg.

This state has lasted for millions of years.

And after such careful analysis, the eyes of the monkey fire once again showed a look of shock, because the source of chaos that supported this giant egg was at least a high-level source of chaos!

When the monkey fire established the Pan clan, the system had rewarded ten high-level chaos origins, so he was very familiar with the origins of this level and could recognize them at once.

This is even scarier and more terrifying!

Even he currently only has ten high-level Chaos Sources in his hands, and looking at this kind of wealth, looking at the entire prehistoric world, I am afraid that no living being can match it.

However, under the giant egg in front of you, the source of chaos is piled up, just like a hill. Added up, the number is probably hundreds or even thousands!

"In later generations, from the Great Tribulation of Long Han, to the Tribulation of the Lich, from the Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, to the Tribulation of the Journey to the West, there are countless strong men in this vast history."

"However, the only ones who can truly stand at the top are the six Heavenly Dao Saints, and above the six Heavenly Dao Saints is Dao Ancestor Hongjun."

"In total, only these seven creatures are the strongest. There is also a Yangmei Great Immortal. According to legend, he has also reached the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but he has basically never appeared in the world."

"The gestation potential of this giant egg will definitely exceed that of Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, Jie Yin, etc. If it is born, its achievements will probably not be weaker than those of these heavenly saints."

"But, in later generations, why is there no legend related to this giant egg?"

"Could it be that even in the period of the Journey to the West and the period of the Immortal Tribulation, is it still being nurtured?"

"Why does this thing exist? What is involved behind it?"


At this moment, thoughts were surging in Sarushuo's mind, and he had deduced a lot, but it was difficult to come to a conclusion. What he had uncovered might be a corner of a great secret that no one had discovered in all eternity!

"However, no matter what the secret is behind this, since we have come here, we naturally cannot leave empty-handed."

Finally, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the monkey fire. Not to mention anything else, there are hundreds or even thousands of copies of the Chaos Origin alone. This is an unimaginable resource!

If all of them are refined, Yuan Huo's cultivation level will definitely rise a lot. Now that it is in front of him, no matter what, he cannot let it go!

This is a tremendous opportunity!

Moreover, that giant egg has been placed on this huge altar for who knows how many billions of years. During such a vast time, it has been absorbing the powerful and vast essence contained in the origin of chaos.

If this continues, there must be a vast sea of ​​essence inside the giant egg. If it can be refined, its effect will probably be even more terrifying than those of chaotic origin.

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