Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 269 Dark King Beast! Magic patterns and strange ways!

After clarifying the value of the giant egg on the altar and the origin of chaos, Yuan Huo did not hesitate, activated his cultivation, took a step forward, and grabbed the giant egg and the origin of chaos.

The terrifying blood energy roared like a giant dragon, and the bright cyan light filled the space. The fierce pressure spread, causing the endless evil energy in this area to squeak and annihilate.

The big hand of the ape fire covered the sky and the sun, and was bigger than the stars. With endless power, it came to the altar in an instant, and was about to snatch away the giant egg and the origin of chaos.


Suddenly, the entire altar shook, and all the magic patterns on it shone brightly. There were ten colors of light in total. In some places, the ten colors were intertwined, even forming a chaotic color.

Terrifying power fluctuations surged out from the magic patterns. One of the magic patterns suddenly blazed to the extreme, and a blade of light shot out. The brilliance shimmered and struck Sarenhuo's big hand.

The incomparable vast power is contained in the light blade, which is extremely terrifying. With a loud "boom", all the black and yellow energy and chaotic air currents wrapped around the ape fire's big hand for defense are cut off. .

In fact, the light blade continued to rush forward for a certain distance, slashing hard into the clear light of the Ape Fire's body, and did not stop until it was still three inches away from the Ape Fire's skin.

"What kind of power is this?" Sarushuo was surprised. His cultivation was unparalleled. At this moment, he even activated the Linglong Pagoda and the Chaos Bell, two major defensive treasures, but he was almost injured by this light blade!

The defensive power of this altar is truly terrifying.

But, the next moment, something even more terrifying happened. The altar rumbled and shook, the light became brighter and brighter, and the magic patterns became more and more brilliant.

A majestic and majestic pressure rolled outwards, causing the endless evil energy in this dark area to surge violently like a vast ocean.

This area was in violent turmoil instantly!

And after this kind of power reached its extreme, the sound of "chichichi" sounded, and thousands of terrifying light blades that were ten thousand meters long shone with ten-color brilliance, overwhelming the sky and overwhelming the earth, and slashed at Sarushuo's big hand.

In the past, a single light blade was enough to break through the ape fire's defense. Now, thousands of light blades appeared together and attacked at the same time. How terrifying would their power be? Unimaginable!

"This altar is indeed extraordinary and very strange." Sarushuo's expression became much more solemn, knowing that this trip to the dark region would not be as smooth as imagined.


The big hand of the ape fire continued to move downward, grabbing the giant egg, but at the same time, it activated the Hongmeng Sky Ruler, and suddenly a shocking murderous aura burst out, and purple light shot into the sky!

A small ruler emerged, with patterns such as the sun, moon, stars, birds, beasts, insects, and fish imprinted on it. The charm of the mysterious avenue rumbled and spread, and a vast purple light surged out from the small ruler like a vast ocean.

This is the ultimate treasure of acquired merit in killing. Killing is not stained by cause and effect, and the killing power is the most terrifying. At this moment, with a "swish" sound, it turned into a ray of purple light and rushed towards the group of thousands of light blades.


The purple light was vast and murderous, just like a purple dragon passing through the void. The Hongmeng Sky Ruler rushed into thousands of huge light blades, and then rushed out.

Then, a terrifying crack appeared in the void, the crack turned into an abyss, and it suddenly split into two halves.

The light blades shattered on the altar and turned into brilliant and endless radiance of various colors, like a rain of ten-colored light, rushing towards the dark area in all directions.

Sarufire's big hand was almost touching the giant egg!

Suddenly, a magic pattern on the giant egg suddenly lit up, and a mysterious power surged out from it and spread into the depths of darkness.


Then, in the depths of the endless darkness, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded, the darkness rolled like a tsunami, and the turmoil in this area instantly increased a hundred times!


A large claw with cyan scales on it and a sharp claw tip, imprinted with the same magic patterns as those on the giant egg, suddenly scratched through the void, fell from the sky, and collided with the big hand of the monkey fire.

The terrifying roar directly set off a storm of evil energy in this area. Apefire felt a majestic force coming from him. The black and yellow energy and chaotic air flow vibrated at the same time and collapsed one after another.

His big hand shifted and was blown away, and the tips of the big claws actually pierced his defenses, leaving a wound on his skin.

A drop of blood emerged from the wound, bright red and dazzling, dripping down into the endless darkness below.

This beast's claw hurt him!


It was just a drop of blood. When it left Saruhuo's body, it instantly turned into an endless sea of ​​blood, with no end in sight and waves weighing billions.

The majestic vitality surged, and in the blink of an eye, billions of creatures were derived. They were huge bloody demons, roaring and roaring in the boundless sea of ​​blood.

However, the next moment, above that, the aftermath of the collision between the ape fire and the beast's claws swept across. The sea of ​​​​blood evaporated in an instant, and the billions of bloody demons in it also turned into powder.

It was only at this moment that Sarufire looked forward, his pupils of time opened, penetrating the endless darkness, and he saw clearly a huge outline that slowly emerged.

This is a huge ferocious beast similar to a dragon. Its body is covered with blue scales, and its body is covered with magic lines. The deep light flows in the magic lines, and it seems that there will be something in the next moment. The strongest power bursts out from it!

The center of the dragon beast's head, where all the magic patterns meet, turned into a sword! Sword-shaped magic pattern!

The sharp aura emanates from the sword-shaped magic pattern, cutting the boundless dark evil spirit into strips one by one. Just looking at it makes people's skin tingle, as if it is about to split.



And just after the giant dragon beast appeared, there was once again a terrifying wave in the depths of darkness around the altar. Pairs of scarlet eyes opened in the darkness. Approaching here, they appeared. Huge silhouette.

These were shocking beasts one after another, with billowing dark auras spreading. They were many times more powerful than the dark beasts that Ape Fire had encountered before. They could be called dark king beasts!

They have different shapes, some are like tigers, some are like tyrannosaurus, and some are like bloodthirsty ferocious birds, but without exception, they all have the same feature, that is, their bodies are covered with magic patterns!

The magic patterns all met at the center of the skull, and some turned into a giant cauldron, some turned into an oven, and some turned into an abyss... all of them emitted extremely terrifying and powerful power fluctuations!

"It seems that I have suddenly broken into the lair of this group of monsters." Aru Huo's eyes were deep, with a hint of coldness flashing across them.

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