Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 277 Luo Hu’s shocking killing spree, a terrifying and generous act!

"Now I have too many spiritual treasures on my body, and the quality of each one has reached an incredible level, which is unimaginable."

Next, Yuan Huo looked at the many spiritual treasures he owned in his personal panel.

First of all, the most precious thing is naturally the Chaos Bead, which is the most precious treasure of Chaos. It is precisely because of this Chaos Bead that covers the secrets of heaven that he will not be searched by Heaven at the moment.

The second is the Tai Chi Diagram and the Chaos Bell, two of the Three Treasures of the Open Sky. Even though they are just innate treasures, they are actually extremely terrifying. Once Yuanhuo seizes the Pangu Banner from Hongjun in the future and the Three Treasures of the Open Sky are united, they can be transformed into one. The treasure of chaos—the God-opening axe! It is definitely the most terrifying spiritual treasure in countless eras throughout the ages!

Then there are three high-grade chaotic spiritual treasures, the Netherworld Book, the Reincarnation Disk, and the Underworld Diagram, which also have extremely powerful and terrifying power.

Then there is the Qiankun Cauldron and the Creation Cauldron. These two are both innate treasures. They are both transformed from the lotus pods of the thirty-sixth grade Chaos Green Lotus. If combined, they might be able to be promoted to the Chaos Spiritual Treasure level!

Then, there are the defensive treasures, the black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, the killing treasure, Hongmeng measuring ruler, and among the five innate flags, the Wuji apricot yellow flag, the green lotus flag, the wedding ceremony treasure red hydrangea, etc., etc.

"These spiritual treasures have unlimited potential. For example, the innate treasure, if I can refine the forty-nine restraints like Hongjun, I can have a trace of the power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!"

"For another example, the Qiankun Cauldron, the Fortune Cauldron, the Innate Five Directions Flag, the Innate Five Directions Lotus Platform, etc. are all transformed from the Thirty-Sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus!"

"If I can collect them all and fuse them together, can I also re-condensate the Chaos Treasure - the Thirty-sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus?"

"As for the Jade Disk of Creation, let alone that. Currently, I have collected thirty-six fragments in my hand. In the future, as long as I collect the origin of the Jade Disk of Creation, I can re-condensate it."


Thinking of this, Sarufire suddenly took a breath of air, and he suddenly discovered something very, very terrifying.

That is, as long as he continues to collect, he is very likely to collect the four great chaos treasures of the chaos era: Chaos Pearl, Jade Disc of Creation, God's Opening Axe, and the Thirty-Sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus.

Thinking of this, even though Sarushuo was well-informed, his eyes couldn't help but become hot, with incomparable yearning, incomparable desire, and an unprecedented sense of urgency.

After all, that is the treasure of chaos!

The Chaos Treasure, in the Age of Chaos, was the treasure that stood above all others. It was so powerful that no spiritual treasure could compare with it.

What would happen if they all fell into his hands? Just thinking about it makes people extremely intoxicated. No living being can resist such temptation!

"Huh... this matter needs to be done slowly in the future. Anyway, with my current cultivation level, I will never be able to do this. I must strive to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian as soon as possible!"

Finally, Ape Fire let out a long breath, and shot out two extremely sharp beams of light from his eyes, which seemed to penetrate through eternity, extremely terrifying and captivating.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

This is definitely the realm that countless creatures long for in the ancient world. Once you reach that realm and become a saint, you will be on another level of existence.

Standing high above, overlooking all living beings, no matter how many calamities go by, the saint cannot be damaged in the slightest. He is truly immortal. Only by breaking through to that realm can he be regarded as a great chess player.

Otherwise, they are all chess pieces and can only be controlled by fate. Even those as powerful as the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Emperor Jun, and Donghuang Taiyi will still fall in the end.

It is not difficult for Yuan Huo to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. After all, his qualifications are too high and his heels are too strong. As long as he is given enough time, he can arrive step by step.

But the problem he faces now is different from any living being in the wild.

He was directly targeted by Heaven!

Although the Chaos Orb is currently covering up, some accidents may happen in the future. Naturally, Sarenfire will not place all his hopes on external objects, but will do everything he can to improve his own power in the shortest possible time. strength!

"The next step is to find a way to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm!"

Apefire whispered to himself.


He immediately stood up, left Pangu Hall, and returned all the way to Yujing Mountain. Then, he continued to practice in this dojo that once belonged to Hongjun.

At the same time, on the other side, in the vast wilderness, there are also turbulent undercurrents, conspiracies brewing, and an unprecedented killing situation is slowly taking shape.

Demon Ancestor Luohu has arranged chess pieces among all the major ethnic groups in the prehistoric era. Since he first convinced Zu Qilin, he has continued to operate in other ethnic groups.

And his power of seduction is indeed extremely powerful. He is worthy of the title of "Demon Ancestor" and he has continuously convinced all the powerful people such as Yuan Feng, Zu Long, Yin Yang Ancestor, and Tai Chi Ancestor.

These top experts had many conflicts with each other, and some even had life-and-death feuds. However, after some encouragement from Luo Hu, they all put aside their differences and began to cooperate.

Moreover, in addition to these top powerhouses, Luo Hu did not let go of the innate gods and demons, and the powerhouses of all races in the ancient world, and went to bewitch them one by one.

In the end, he directly encouraged hundreds of extremely powerful innate gods and demons, as well as strong men from all races in the prehistoric times, and they all agreed to go together to encircle Ape Fire.

Some of them, such as Qingtian, Huangtian, Cangtian and other innate gods and demons who had some issues with Yuanhuo, were extremely excited and the most proactive.

This is an unprecedented force that has never appeared since the beginning of time. It is a super-generous act that surpasses the imagination of all living beings!

Never before!

The ancient wilderness is vast and endless, and there are so many strong people in the clouds. No one knows how many there are. Who can catch them all in one go and gather the power of all the strong people? Even Hongjun can’t do it!

However, now, under the endless pressure of the ape fire, Demon Ancestor Luohu took advantage of the situation and accomplished this thing, which is unbelievable and unbelievable!

"The strongest killing round has been completed."

At the end, Rahu stood on the top of Mount Sumeru, looking into the distance. His eyes seemed to pass through endless time and space, covering the entire prehistoric world.

The wind is blowing for billions of miles, and the demonic energy is surging like the vast sea. Luo Hu is dressed in black robes, with a handsome face, holding a god-killing spear, and there is an infinite pride in his heart.

"Ape Fire has risen all the way. In the end, even if Hongjun mobilized the endless power of heaven, he still suppressed him strongly. He is the first among saints. It is no exaggeration."

"It's just that I don't know if I have gathered the endless strong men from the ancient world and used the most powerful killing formation, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, to merge the power of the endless strong men into one furnace. Will this ape fire be able to deal with it?"

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