Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 278 The secret of the five innate flags! The killing situation is now!

On the other side, in the Yujing Mountain, two spiritual treasures were suspended around Yuan Huo's body, namely the Wuji Xinghuang Flag and the Plain Cloud Realm Flag.

These two chess pieces are one of the five innate flags. They are innate top-grade spiritual treasures with terrifying power. They were taken from Hongjun and Santian respectively.

At this moment, the vast magic power in Ape Fire's body is surging, constantly pouring into the two flags, refining the restrictions in them, and completely mastering their power.

There are too many spiritual treasures in his hand. When he got these spiritual treasures before, they were just crudely refined. Now that he is free, he naturally wants to control them in depth!


Suddenly, during the refining process, the two chess pieces suddenly erupted with an earth-shattering aura, and endless divine brilliance surged out from them, illuminating the sky.

It turns out that the best innate spiritual treasures usually have forty-eight innate restraints inside, and Yuan Huo has just refined their last innate restraint.

After refining, both chess pieces emitted terrifying power, and at the same time, they also conveyed a vast message that poured into Sarus Fire's mind.

"Well, open up the inner world?"

After digesting this piece of information, Yuan Huo was immediately surprised. He was very surprised. He did not expect that such a secret was actually hidden in the Five Innate Flags!

It turns out that the innate five-square flag represents the origin of the five elements. As long as they are gathered together, crushed in the body, the five elements are reversed, turned into earth, fire, water and wind, and then can be transformed into chaos!

When a realm of chaos is born in the body, this realm of chaos is similar to the endless sea of ​​chaos in the era of chaos.

Then, in this endless chaos, a brand new inner world can be opened up. Such an inner world will have unlimited growth!

As long as you can continue to get stronger, in the end, it will be possible for this inner world to transform into the top world, or even half a step into the original world!

Of course, if you want to open up such an inner world, the conditions are also very harsh. You must have an extremely powerful physical body.

If the physical body is too weak, maybe during the process of retracing the five elements into chaos, the body may not be able to withstand it and will be directly blown to pieces by the impact. The soul will also be annihilated, and the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Therefore, this can be said to be a useless method!

Although it looks extremely tempting and extremely powerful, it is of no use to most of the primitive creatures in the primitive world.

Because, the ordinary living beings in the wild, not to mention whether they can gather the five innate flags, even if they gather them all, I am afraid they do not have such a powerful physical body.

However, for other primitive creatures, this is impossible, but for monkey fire, it is completely different!

"Right now, I already have two innate five-square flags in my hand. As long as I use the law of cause and effect, I can easily calculate the whereabouts of the remaining three innate five-square flags."

"Moreover, my physical body was forged by practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique and refining dozens of drops of Pangu's essence and blood. Not to mention the strongest in the prehistoric times, it's almost the same!"

"This method of opening up the inner world is simply tailor-made for me!"

"Once I successfully open up the inner world, I will have another heaven-defying method with unlimited growth potential, and the thirty-six heavens can also be integrated into the inner world."

For a moment, Sarushuo couldn't help but feel excited. This was definitely an unexpected gain.

"Very good. When this matter is over, I will search for the five innate flags and open up the world inside my body." A smile appeared on the corner of Sarushuo's mouth.

Then, with a thought in his mind, he withdrew the Wuji apricot yellow flag and the plain Yunjie flag, and looked at the vast and vast world ahead.

He opened the Eye of Time, and within the field of vision of the Eye of Time, between the vast world, strips of dark red and almost black terrifying evil energy filled the universe and kept rolling.

The evil aura in the entire prehistoric era was actually so strong that it had never been seen before. It was many times more intense than the evil aura in heaven and earth during the period of ferocious beasts.

A breath of catastrophe is spreading silently.

"It must be time to come."

Saruhuo's eyes are deep, and his eyes seem to be able to see through all the fog. They are full of a flavor that penetrates all the secrets, making people fear and fear from the bottom of their hearts!

Sure enough, at the next moment, there was a roar and the sky fell!

There was a power that was so terrifying that it was indescribable in words. It surged out, causing the vast sky on Yujing Mountain to collapse and shatter!

This is complete destruction. All rules and order have been wiped out. The long river of time has begun to twist, become weak and hazy, and everything has begun to return to chaos.

The whole ancient world seemed to be trembling, trembling!

The terrifying roaring sound seemed to come from the beginning of time and space, and it was like billions of chaotic demon gods, all roaring and roaring, resounding throughout the past, present and future.

In the vast starry sky, billions of stars and endless stars began to sway, as if they were fearful, screaming in terror, and were about to explode in the next moment!

Eternal brilliance, immortal divine light, no one knows how many forces have gathered together, burst out at the same time, intertwined, and appeared in the sky, making people unable to open their eyes at all!

A vast expanse, submerging everything, heaven and earth, universe, yin and yang, all things, mountains, rivers and earth, everything is shrouded in the most blazing light and the most terrifying power fluctuations!


Yujing Mountain is a paradise at the top of the ancient world. It is extremely powerful and can be called one of the strongest sacred mountains. However, at this moment, it was shaking violently.

The power fluctuations surging down from the high sky are really terrifying. It seems that Yujing Mountain cannot bear it and will explode and shatter in the next moment!


A sound that shook the entire prehistoric world rang out high in the sky. It was mighty and powerful, surging out like a torrent and impacting people's eardrums.

"The ancient world is vast, with endless opportunities, endless spiritual treasures, and unlimited territory. It can accommodate us, innate gods, demons, and creatures of all races, to continuously break through and rise at the same time."

"However, you, on your own, have gathered endless luck, collected endless opportunities, occupied endless spiritual treasures, established the Pan clan, and continuously eroded the territory of other clans."

"Then he even offended the law of heaven and attacked the law of heaven!"

"We, the innate gods and demons, cannot tolerate all kinds of crimes, nor can we, the people of the ancient world, tolerate all kinds of crimes. Today, I, the endless powerful people of the ancient world, will definitely kill you and destroy you!"

"Return to the prehistoric Qingming Dynasty!"


As he spoke, the sky was in turmoil, and in the endless brilliance, a series of majestic and terrifying figures that could shake the time and space of eternity appeared at the same time.

Demon Ancestor Luohu, Ancestral Qilin, Ancestral Dragon, Yuanfeng, Ancestor Yin Yang, Ancestor Tai Chi, Ancestor Kunwu, Qingtian, Huangtian, Cangtian... One statue honors the innate gods and demons, and the other honors the top powerhouses of all races, like One after another, tall magic mountains crowd the entire sky, endless and vast, with no end in sight!

They looked at Yuan Huo coldly, with substantial murderous intent in their eyes. A shocking killing spree that gathered the endless powerful men from all over the world began!

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