Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 287 Three thousand avenues, all appearing in the wild! Three thousand demon gods, fight agai

"You don't need the Twelve Ancestral Witches. You only need me today to deal with you." Facing this terrifying sword light, Yuan Huo's eyes were calm and profound.

He had already asked the Twelve Ancestral Witches to temporarily take refuge in the Pangu Palace with the trillions of living beings of the Pan clan, and was not prepared to let them participate in this battle.

Because Ape Fire is stronger now than when he fought Hongjun before!

He has comprehended the complete Three Thousand Avenues, and in the dark world below Pangu Palace, he has refined hundreds of copies of the origin of chaos, as well as the life essence of the giant egg, and has broken through to the realm of Yuanshen. By the time you reach the sub-sage level, your strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although Rahu is terrifying, Yuan Huo is still extremely confident, enough to suppress him by himself!

"Come on, let me take a look at the quality of the most powerful killing power you have mobilized with all your efforts and effort."

Sarushuo spoke indifferently.

While speaking, he did not hold anything back. His own cultivation burst out in an all-round way, and suddenly a monstrous Dao rhyme broke through the universe, seeming to sweep past and present, and rush into the past and future.

The aura of terror erupted.

One long river after another, vast and boundless, each one is countless miles long, rushing with great force, directly breaking through the prehistoric sky and extending to the end of the prehistoric starry sky.

In the blink of an eye, three thousand great avenues emerged at the same time, huge and boundless, almost filling the entire world, making a mighty roaring sound.

Endless brilliance surges out from the long rivers of the avenues, shining brightly. Each of the long rivers has a different color, some are as red as blood, some are crystal clear like a piece of jasper, some are silvery and have endless colors. But in the end, when they came together, they formed a chaotic light!

Moreover, the chaotic radiance seemed to undergo a faint transformation, gradually turning into a kind of cyan, which is the color of the law of power!

At this moment, Ape Fire was surrounded by these three thousand avenues. When he stepped on it, he suddenly had a detached temperament and a supreme domineering air, as majestic as the Chaos Emperor!

"Three thousand avenues are all in my hands. I can move them around as I please and kill enemies from all directions!" Yuanhuo shouted coldly, fully stimulating the cultivation of the sub-sage level, and the power of increasing the top avenues was almost boiling.


The three thousand long river suddenly rioted and the waves surged into the sky.

Then, a terrifying scene emerged.

On every avenue and river, there is an outline of a terrifying figure towering over the sky. If you look closely, you will see that every figure is very similar to the Chaos Demon God.

Especially the body above the long river of the Law of Power was hazy and unclear, but the temperament was clearly that of the Great God Pangu.

One after another, there were three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in total. At this moment, their divine forms were activated by the ape fire, and the three thousand great avenues were condensed at the same time.

Chaos light transpires, the universe rises and falls, the universe is turbulent, and the vast aura surges.

At this moment, the world seemed to have returned to the era of chaos. At the most glorious and peak moment, three thousand chaos demon gods stood tall, representing the most powerful power.

Everyone's color changed. No one thought that at this time, Sarushuo would be able to display such terrifying magical powers, which were breathtaking and terrifying!

The Zhuxian Sword Formation seemed to be unable to maintain itself. Just from the vast aura surging down, large areas of the formation pattern continued to collapse.

All this happened in an instant, extremely short. Luo Hu's hand holding the huge killing sword started to tremble, and the billion-mile-long sword also trembled. It seemed that it could not hold on any longer. To explode.


However, the next moment, Luo Hu let out a wild and bloodthirsty roar like a wild beast. Without any hesitation, he made a "boom" sound, killing the origin, destroying the origin, and burning it at the same time, in exchange for an earth-shattering wave. Power flows continuously into the peerless killing sword formed by the fusion of the four swords of Zhu Xian.

Suddenly, the sword light surged again!

The power of killing is vast in ancient and modern times!


The Demon Ancestor roared, like a mortal, about to swing his sword to the sky, his infinite courage burst out, and that figure gave people a thrilling impact.

However, in the face of all this, Sarushuo looked indifferent, without any fluctuations. His eyes were like looking down indifferently!

The sword light came in force, and Sarushuo just made an extremely simple action, stretched out his hand, and pressed down gently.

The three thousand avenues of the long river roared at the same time, setting off a shocking wave. The huge waves surged and stirred up the universe. The phantoms of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods on it also made the same action as the monkey fire, and pressed down lightly. .

In an instant, these three thousand figures seemed to merge with the ape fire.

A huge palm, just like that, gently pressed down.

boom! ! ! !

The Zhuxian Sword Formation shook violently, and could no longer hold on. An unimaginable force came down, and this terrifying formation, which gathered the power of the blood sacrifices of endless powerful men in the ancient world, exploded into pieces.

The terrifying sword light that Luo Hu waved, even though it was extremely powerful, was as fragile as wood in front of this palm, breaking suddenly and exploding into billions of pieces.

The terrible storm of destruction swept out and swallowed everything!

The infinite light of the avenue surges out like a tsunami!

Zu Qilin, Zu Long, Yuan Feng, Tai Chi Ancestor, Yin Yang Ancestor, Kun Wu Ancestor, the few remaining powerful creatures who presided over the Zhuxian Sword Formation, screamed one after another, and their bodies exploded into blood mist, and their souls were all Exploded into countless pieces.


Luo Hu roared and received the greatest impact. His entire majestic body exploded and turned into countless flesh and blood fragments, rushing in all directions.

In one move, the terrifying power that was pushed to the extreme by Rahu's endless wisdom was completely defeated without any resistance in front of the ape fire.

"This is impossible... this is impossible..." In the distance, Zu Qilin and other creatures, their broken souls condensed out, with a look of despair in their eyes.

They knew that Yuan Huo was powerful. After all, they had witnessed the battle between Yuan Huo and Hongjun before, but they never expected that Yuan Huo was so powerful!

It can be said that this Immortal Killing Sword Formation gathered the power of the entire prehistoric world. However, it was suppressed by Yuan Huo alone! One person can suppress the great wilderness!

"Haha, hahahaha, I understand, I understand, this is killing, this is destruction."

And at this moment, suddenly, a burst of laughter sounded in the battlefield.

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