Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 288 Luo Hu breaks through! The way of killing and destruction!

In the broken Zhuxian Sword Formation, the endless fragmented sword energy roared, and there was also strong resentment and evil energy, forming a storm that wreaked havoc in the sky and the earth.

The environment here, along with the entire vast expanse of the ancient Eastern Continent, has become ruined, as if it has fallen into a doomsday scene.

The endless creatures living in this vast area were all affected and impacted by this battle, and perished one after another.

And this, compared with the real losses in this battle, can only be regarded as an insignificant part.

In order to increase the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array to the highest level, Luo Hu asked Zu Qilin and other top experts to sacrifice all the three overlord groups and countless innate gods and demons to blood.

These creatures are the essence of the entire prehistoric world. The existences at the top of the pyramid have all fallen, and their casualties have definitely reached the level of calamity!

Rather, the current battle is actually a calamity!

Because of the influence of the ape fire, the calamity that occurred during the Longhan era due to the fight between the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn took another form and happened at this moment!

Luo Hu practiced the way of killing and destruction. In such a terrible death, he naturally understood countless mysteries.

Therefore, although he fell into a very miserable defeat, at this time, he actually realized enlightenment and broke through to a new level!


The endless resentment and evil spirits between heaven and earth became violent at this moment, turning into terrifying storms that poured into Luo Hu's body crazily.

His originally burned origin of killing and destruction has been blessed by a steady stream of power and is actually growing!

Almost in an instant, Luo Hu's body was broken into countless pieces, and every piece of flesh and blood burst out with dazzling blood and became crystal clear.

Among these flesh and blood fragments, four bloody lines spread out, connecting all the flesh and blood fragments together in the blink of an eye.

Then, these flesh and blood fragments burst out with dazzling light, and with a roar, they suddenly reunited and transformed into the form of Rahu.

All the injuries on his body had recovered at this moment, and his aura was still rising sharply.


In the end, only a terrifying roar was heard, and around Luo Hu's body, two vast rivers of law emerged, one was the way of killing, and the other was the way of destruction.

Luo Hu's body was dark, his eyes were blood red, his face was extremely handsome, but the murderous intent in his eyes was extremely strong.

He stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

Immediately, the God-killing Spear, which had been damaged to an unbearable degree, returned to his hand, and it was as clean as new and restored to its full glory.

"Before, Hongjun used the power of heaven to refine the Pangu flag in his hand into forty-nine innate restraints, giving him a trace of the power of Hunyuan Daluo."

"My God-killing Spear is not weak, it is even stronger. Now, I can do the same thing as Hongjun." Luo Hu said quietly.

At this time, his temperament had changed, and he had a creepy aura.

And as his words fell, infinite evil energy suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, condensed into substance, and rushed into the God-killing Spear one after another.

There are too many evil spirits, and they appear bloody red, like terrifying cosmic storms that are pouring into the God-killing Spear endlessly.

In just a moment, the God-killing Spear bloomed with a layer of dazzling black brilliance, and then suddenly erupted with a terrifying murderous aura that seemed to burst the universe!

There was just a click, as if some restriction was broken, and the aura of the God-killing Spear suddenly surged, crossing a natural chasm and reaching a whole new level!

There seemed to be a vague power of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, which came out from this God-killing Spear, making the entire prehistoric world tremble.

"The past, present, future, endless destruction, endless killing, all belong to me."

Then, Rahu actually opened his arms and let out a long roar.


Around his body, the Law of Killing and the Law of Destruction turned into two long rivers of law, suddenly causing earth-shattering waves.

The whole world suddenly darkened, as if it had been plunged into eternal night.

Then, in the eternal night, amazing scenes emerged, one after another, huge eras! In every great era, there are endless killings and conquests, with mountains of corpses!

Since the opening of the prehistoric world, all the terrible battles in the prehistoric world were reflected in it. Even in the calamity of the ferocious beast, many innate gods and demons, as well as the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, and the ferocious beast clan Fighting, and then entering the Longhan era, dynasties were established one after another. The dynasties fought and killed each other, and there was even a shocking battle between Yuan Huo and Hongjun... endless killing and destruction, all emerged.

From these pictures, a terrifying power emerged one after another, constantly integrating into Luo Hu's body, causing his aura to surge again.


At the end, a terrifying figure filling the universe appeared between heaven and earth. It was the Beast King Shen Ni!

The ferocious beast race was formed by the endless resentment after the death of the Chaos Demon God, mixed with the evil energy of the ancient times. It is an extremely terrifying race with astonishing combat power.

And the Beast Emperor Shen Ni is the emperor of the ferocious beast clan. He is an extremely mysterious and terrifying existence. During the calamity of the ferocious beasts, when Shen Ni fought with Luo Hu, he would not lose originally, but he took the initiative to fight against himself. After finishing it, he integrated all of his origins into Luo Hu's body, and his own God-killing Spear also merged with Luo Hu's God-killing Spear.

Now, he is back in the world!

"Sure enough, I was right. You have finally understood the ultimate killing and destruction. As long as you can destroy all the living creatures in this ancient world, you will be able to take the final step and become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!"

The Beast King Shenni's eyes were extremely indifferent. He lowered his head and glanced at Luo Hu, with a look of great satisfaction in his eyes. Then with a roar, the huge figure collapsed.

When this figure disintegrated, the evil energy between heaven and earth suddenly became hundreds or thousands of times stronger. It did not go out to other places, but had a specific direction, and it was all integrated into Luo Hu's body!


Luo Hu's aura surged again. At this time, he simply didn't know what level he had broken through to. He might be only a layer of window paper away from Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

"Unexpectedly, Shen Ni also left me such a gift. As a creature derived from the endless evil spirits and resentments in the ancient world, even if it died, its remaining will is completely related to these evil spirits and resentments. The fusion can almost be called immortal to a certain extent. My breakthrough has awakened this trace of will and helped me attract more evil spirits into my body, making my cultivation stronger!"

Luo Hu understood the cause and effect in an instant, and couldn't help but raise his head to the sky and roar again. The endless power surged in his body, which had surpassed the time when he was in charge of the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

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