Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 303 Enchanting the Universe, Pangu Festival!

"The ruler of this dark side world turned out to be the Chaos Demon God! Wasn't the Chaos Demon God already completely wiped out by the Great God Pangu in the Battle of Kaitian? Moreover, even the flesh and blood and laws of the Chaos Demon God, They have all been captured by the Great God Pangu and filled into the ancient world! Their residual resentment, mixed with the evil energy of the ancient world, turned into a family of ferocious beasts. Their origins were reincarnated into the ancient world, and turned into an innate god and demon. ...How is it possible that there are other Chaos Demon Gods in this world? What is the origin of this dark side world?"

"Moreover, the power of this Chaos Demon God is too powerful! The Yinghu Demon God ranks 3000th among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. In other words, he is the weakest among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods! As a result, this weakest One of them actually reached the realm of the ninth level of Hunyuan. In later generations, even Hongjun spent endless years after becoming the Taoist ancestor to reach this level! And except for this Yinghuo Demon God, in this world, there are actually There are also ten Chaos Great Luo Golden Immortals!”

Even though Sarufire had seen countless big scenes, at this moment, he still received an unimaginable impact. It was as if he had suddenly plunged from a gentle weather with gentle wind and drizzle into a violent storm and tsunami.

So amazing!

The true face of this dark side world is actually like this!

"Ten Chaos Daluo Golden Immortals... In addition, there is also a Yinghuo Demon God who has reached the ninth level of Hunyuan... In such a terrifying world, what benefits can I get from being here?"

Then, thoughts surged in Sarushuo's heart.

He is extremely stable by nature. This world is so dangerous. Naturally, he doesn't want to take risks here. At the moment, he just wants to activate the dark map and return to the prehistoric world.

However, such thoughts only fleetingly passed away. After all, you have come and you can't leave empty-handed.

There were endless emotions in Sarushuo's heart, but the expression on his face did not change at all, and he remained calm. He smiled and continued to ask: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for clarifying my doubts. Apart from that, in this world, Is there anything noteworthy recently?"

"If it's the nearest time, then it will definitely be the Pangu Festival in three days! At that time, our entire universe and the endless powerful people will all gather in front of Yinghuo Palace to worship the great god Pangu and pray to Pangu together with Lord Yinghuo. God bless us, so that we can cultivate smoothly and be able to reach a higher realm." The warrior said immediately.

"Sacrifice to the Great God Pangu?"

When Sarushuo heard this, he was shocked again. He only felt that since entering this dark side world, everything here was so incredible.

There is an unimaginable blood feud between the Chaos Demon God and the Great God Pangu. In the First Battle, the Great God Pangu killed all three thousand Chaos Demon Gods and took away all their flesh, blood, laws, origins, etc., filling the world. Enter the prehistoric world and turn it into the nourishment of the prehistoric world!

The resentment of the Chaos Demon God combined with the evil energy of the prehistoric times and turned into a clan of ferocious beasts. The remaining origins of the Chaos Demon God were reincarnated and became innate gods and demons. Both the ferocious beast clan and the innate gods and demons were all malicious towards the Great God Pangu. , especially the ferocious beast clan, has endless hatred, and only hopes to bloodbath all the creatures in the wild!

With such irresolvable hatred, in this dark side world, the Chaos Demon God still sacrificed to the Great God Pangu!

what's the situation?

"Pangu Festival, what is the specific process?" Yuan Huo continued to ask as his thoughts were surging.

"There's a lot worth talking about." At that moment, that kind of warrior immediately began to describe the entire process of the Pangu Festival in detail.

Sarushuo listened without interrupting. The more information he had on this unfamiliar matter, the better.

And as he listened, Yuan Huo's eyes couldn't help but light up. It turned out that during the Pangu Festival, Demon God Yinghuo would sacrifice all the many sacrifices collected over the past hundreds of millions of years. These sacrifices It is extremely precious, including the origin of chaos, top spiritual treasures, various elixirs, and so on.

"The most important thing for each of our demon gods is the sacrifice to the Great God Pangu. The richer the sacrifice, the greater the reputation. Speaking from outside, other living beings will also take a high look!"

"Our Demon God Yinghuo ranks third thousand among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and is the weakest Demon God. Because of this status, he has always been worried about it. Since he cannot compare with other Demon Gods in terms of strength, then We must give priority to other demon gods when it comes to sacrifices! Therefore, every time the Pangu Festival is held, we, Yinghuo Demon God, will spend a lot of money!"

"However, there is another difficulty with the Pangu Festival!"

"In the endless world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. Only with enough strength can you protect your own resources. Apart from this, there are no other rules. Therefore, in the endless world, among the three thousand chaotic demon gods , extremely chaotic, often fighting and attacking each other!"

"Under the endless years, many demon gods have a deep hatred for each other! We Yinghuo Demon God, just like the Shui De Chenxing Demon God, are extremely difficult to deal with. Maybe during the Pangu Festival, this Chenxing Demon God will... Come and cause trouble! The Chenxing Demon God is stronger than the Yinghuo Demon God. Even in this world, the Yinghuo Demon God occupies a geographical advantage, so he may suffer a big loss because of it."

When the war general said this, there was also a worried look between his eyebrows. He was obviously worried that the Pangu Festival would fail. If the Pangu Festival failed, not only would the Demon God Yinghuo be embarrassed, but the generals like them would also be disgraced.

"Okay, I understand."

Apefire nodded, and then thought about it. According to the warrior's narration, this Pangu Festival is definitely worth visiting. Moreover, if the Chenxing Demon God arrives by then and causes chaos in this universe, maybe, He can take advantage of the chaos to get a lot of benefits!

"Fellow Taoist, I have one more thing to trouble you next. I am also a little interested in the Pangu Festival. I wonder if you can take me there to take a look?" At the moment, Yuanhuo smiled.

His avenue of charm was being activated all the time. At this moment, when he made another request, it was naturally impossible for the demon god to refuse. He immediately patted his chest and said loudly: "No problem, leave everything to me!"

Now, even if Sarufire asks this warrior to assassinate the Demon God Yinghuo, he might do it!

However, even with this Yinghuo Demon God leading the way, Sarushuo would not be careless at all. He once again sacrificed the Chaos Orb and activated it, and a ray of light filled the air, immediately covering all his aura.

The Chaos Pearl is the treasure of chaos. Under the cover of heaven, even heaven cannot detect it. Its ability is naturally extremely terrifying, so he is not worried about being discovered at all.

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