Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 304 The supreme sacrifice, the magic pattern holy object!

The Pangu Festival was about to be held in three days. Not long after, the warrior started to set off, taking the ape fire with him, leaving the vast star, passing through the star fields, and rushed to the central galaxy of the universe. .

At their level, the speed was extremely terrifying, and not long after, the central galaxy appeared in front of Monuwa's eyes.

Looking around, there are countless stars in this central galaxy, densely packed, each one is like a blazing sun, blooming with dazzling brilliance. Hundreds of billions of huge planets gather together, shining through. The light emitted almost illuminates the entire universe, showing incomparable brilliance and brilliance!

At the core of the central galaxy is a huge black hole!

The entire black hole hangs in the center of the universe, huge and boundless, as black as ink, like an abyss. Even if light comes here, it will be swallowed by this huge black hole.

From a distance, this black hole is just a mass of darkness in the middle, while the edges are surrounded by endless bright flames.

It can be seen that the entire central galaxy and billions of endless stars are surrounding this black hole, constantly rotating and in eternal motion.

Above the black hole, there is a huge altar!

The altar is huge and boundless. Even though the suction power of this black hole has reached an unimaginable level, it still cannot shake the entire huge altar!

On the altar, there are lines one after another, shining with various colors of brilliance, some bright red, some silvery white, brilliant, some golden... Countless kinds of brilliance flow, each one is bright and gorgeous, intertwined and integrated with each other, It actually formed a chaotic color, giving people an extremely terrifying power.

Outside the altar, on the planets, is a tall, ferocious, and ferocious demon god.

These demon gods all give people a feeling of being extremely powerful, brave, and bloodthirsty. They are all covered in armor and have various weapons beside them, including blood-stained long knives, snow-white sharp broadswords, and stained The mace that touches the enemy's flesh and blood, the long bow and sharp arrows that flow with fierce aura, etc., seem to have experienced hundreds of millions of bloody battles, and there is a breath of blood and fire in every breath!

But at this moment, these brave and bloodthirsty demon gods all had extremely pious and solemn expressions on their faces. They were lying on the ground, praying towards that altar!

Countless voices gathered together to form a grand, ancient, and mysterious sacrificial sound that roared across the universe!

After arriving here, the war general controlled by the monkey fire quickly found the place where he should be. He also followed the example of other demon gods and crawled down.

The star he is on is one of the seventy-two stars closest to the grand altar. After all, he is also one of the seventy-two generals under the command of the Demon God Yinghuo in this universe.

During the whole process, Ape Fire used Chaos Orbs to cover up the secrets of heaven and followed this warrior all the time. No living thing could sense any of his aura!

Not long after, the sound of fairy music suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth. From the void, three avenues of golden light suddenly extended out, spreading across the endless star field.

On every golden avenue, a beautiful woman slowly walks up. She has snow-white skin, red lips, slender figure, flying clothes, with a kind of fairy spirit, and at the same time, her expression is very solemn, dignified and holy. .

They all held a disk in their hands, and there were things placed on each disk.

On top of a disc is a peach, which is silvery white, radiant, and flowing with gorgeous brilliance. There are magic lines on the peach. Those magic lines come together to form a pattern, like a dazzling light. lightning.

On top of a disc is an apple. The whole body is golden in color. The golden light is bright, as if it is made of gold. There are also magic lines on it. Many magic lines gather to form a pattern. It turns out to be an apple. It's golden, like a burning flame.

Placed on a disc is an elegant orchid. The orchid is crystal clear, and its whole body shines with a deep blue color. It is as if it is carved from a piece of sapphire. Similarly, there are magic lines, Spreading throughout the orchid, the magic patterns gathered together to form a pattern, which turned out to be a black abyss!

The three beautiful goddesses held the disks and walked all the way to the huge altar. They placed the three disks on the altar and then slowly stepped back.

Then, the next moment, something unexpected happened!

There was only a roar, and the peach suddenly swelled. In the blink of an eye, it was as huge and vast as an ancient star. Between the shining magic patterns, silver lightning was condensed and gathered together to form a The vast sea of ​​thunder was overwhelming.

The apple, with a "boom", turned into reality and became translucent. The magic lines shone, and endless divine fire surged out from it. On the altar, in the blink of an eye, a vast sea of ​​​​fire appeared, endless. The endless flames are surging inside, seemingly capable of burning down the universe!

As for that orchid, it burst out with endless vitality and took root directly on the altar. At the same time, the magic pattern shone, and the terrifying abyss above also materialized, rumbling, and in the blink of an eye, this piece of The central galaxy and the billions of stars all dimmed all of a sudden, and endless star energy surged in from all directions in the west, like torrents, sinking into the abyss.

The three kinds of sacrifices all released a vast and terrifying coercion at the same time, rolling out, almost flooding the entire central galaxy, and it was extremely terrifying.

"This time, the Lord must have spent a lot of money for this big sacrifice. He actually took out three holy objects! The Pangu divine patterns on them are so dense! Only one such holy object is enough. Let people easily realize the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!"

The war general who was bewitched by Saru Huo's charming avenue was named the Golden Sword War General. When he saw the situation on the altar, he couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

Surrounding this huge altar, there were also bursts of boiling sounds on other huge stars. Apparently, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Holy object? Pangu divine pattern?" Yuan Huo couldn't help but feel something in his heart after hearing this.

There is no doubt that the Pangu divine pattern is the "magic pattern". I have seen it many times before. I never thought that in this universe, it would be called the Pangu divine pattern. Since there is such a name, it must It is related to the great god Pangu!

Moreover, anything blessed by the Pangu divine pattern seems to become extra powerful, as is the case with these three holy objects.

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