Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 305 Enchanting the Demon God! Shui Dechenxing Demon God!

At this time, Yuan Huo couldn't help but think of the giant demon-patterned egg he had seen before under that vast land. The demon-patterned eggs on it directly condensed into the pattern of the Great God Pangu! The Great God Pangu is definitely a symbol of the supreme, which may mean that the creatures born from that giant egg may be more powerful than imagined!

It's a pity that when he went to the ancient land, the mysterious creature in the giant egg had already left, leaving only an empty egg.

Thinking of this, Yuan Huo felt a chill in his heart. After the mysterious creature in the giant egg left, he did not know what identity he lurked in the wilderness. Perhaps the future will be even more terrifying than the way of heaven. opponent! There are too many mysteries in the ancient world!

"That's all, we'll explore these later. For now, let's focus on the Pangu Festival." After thinking about it, Yuan Huo shook his head, and then looked at the huge altar. Looking at the three earth-shattering Pangu holy objects, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of blazing heat.

"This ancient sacred object is definitely the top treasure! If I can get it and refine it, my cultivation will definitely be able to take a step further and reach a higher level in the shortest time!"

He thought with a burning heart.

However, although Yuan Huo is eager, in the current environment, it is basically impossible to obtain the three Pangu sacred objects.

There are too many strong people here!

Among the seventy-two generals, the weakest are all at the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level, and the top ten generals have all reached the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal level!

Not to mention the Yinghuo Demon God, Hunyuan Ninth Layer, Hunyuan Taishang Wuji Luo Jinxian, only one step away from being able to set foot on a higher realm... This is a terrifying figure that is difficult to describe in words.

Although the method of charm is wonderful, its power will be greatly weakened when used against the Ya Sheng. It may only have a small effect against the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Although the Chaos Bead can conceal the secrets of heaven, it does so on the premise that it is hidden intentionally. If one wants to directly snatch the sacrifice on the altar in full view, there is no way it can be hidden!

No matter how you look at it, with the current power of the monkey fire, there is no possibility that he can take away those sacrifices in this environment.

"According to what the Golden Immortal War General said, the Shui De Chen Xing Demon God has a grudge against the Ying Huo Demon God. During the big sacrifice, he is likely to come and cause trouble. Perhaps, at that time, it will be my chance."

Sarufire thought in his mind.

Thinking of this, he calmed himself down and watched with cold eyes, like a patient hunter, dormant in this area, quietly waiting for the opportunity to come.


As time passed, suddenly, the entire vast universe shook violently. Billions of stars all trembled in unison. Even the black hole in the center of the central galaxy trembled slightly. Only that one The huge altar remained motionless.

From the deepest part of the universe, endless brilliance suddenly burst out, slowly outlining itself into a majestic and boundless figure. The entire universe seemed to be unable to accommodate it. The sun, moon and stars were like dust in front of this figure. Small.

The overwhelming coercion rolled out from this figure, sweeping every inch of time and space, rushing towards the past and future. The sea of ​​time was surging, and the long river of time was also making huge waves.

"The Lord is here!" The Golden Sword Warlord spoke in a trembling voice.

Apefire couldn't help but look at that figure. He saw this figure with a star crown on his head. The endless starlight of the universe seemed to have been gathered in the star crown, like a vast ocean of starlight. Under his feet, he wore a pair of red The red shoes have a noble aura, and she is wearing a blood-red robe. On the robe, there is a brilliant glow, and at the same time, there are cranes embroidered on it, which is full of fairy spirit.

In his hand, he held a jade slip, and at his waist, there was a seven-star long sword hanging, and there was also a white jade ring. Whether it was a jade slip, a seven-star long sword, or a white jade ring, there were criss-crossing lines on it. The magic patterns on them exude an extremely terrifying and powerful aura. Obviously, these are the same as the sacrifices, they are all Pangu holy objects blessed by Pangu divine patterns!

And around this figure, there are endless strange phenomena. There are thousands of fires undulating and raging, burning down the universe. There are dense and endless bugs, overwhelming the sky and the earth, forming a huge cosmic black cloud, which is enough to cover the star field and also There are all kinds of real phoenixes, black magpies and other birds, all surrounding him.

He walked very slowly, but with one step, time became chaotic, and all order seemed to be collapsing and reconstructing. With just a few steps, he appeared in front of the altar, and his body shrank to a normal state.

"Is this the Yinghuo Demon God of the Ninth Level of Hunyuan?" Yuan Huo looked at this figure. Even though there were Chaos Beads blocking the sky, at this moment, he felt a huge pressure!

too strong!

The realm of the Yinghuo Demon God in front of him was far beyond him. I am afraid that just stretching out a finger would be enough to easily pin him to death.

Hunyuan Taishang Wuji Luo Jinxian, even in the later generations, only Hongjun was promoted to this realm.

"The Great God Pangu is above. Today, I will sacrifice three sacred objects to the Great God. I pray that the Great God Pangu will protect us, so that we can practice unimpeded and move forward unimpeded."

At this time, the Yinghuo Demon God spoke loudly and began to preside over the sacrifice. The loud voice echoed throughout the universe.

When the countless creatures participating in this grand ceremony heard these words, they immediately looked solemn, pious, and even more solemn. At the same time, they spoke loudly: "I pray to the Great God Pangu to protect us, so that we can practice unimpeded and move forward indomitably!"

Countless voices gathered together to form an earth-shattering sound wave, surging and shaking hundreds of millions of stars, with an extremely powerful impact.

"Looking at the appearance of these demon gods, they seem to be extremely devoted to the great god Pangu..." Seeing this scene, Yuan Huo became even more curious about this dark side world. What factors made them worship Pangu so much?

"Hahaha, Yinghuo, the sacrifices you brought out this time are pretty good. However, you are so weak that you dare to host the Pangu Festival and worship the great god Pangu. Isn't this an insult to the great god Pangu? No matter what, I cannot tolerate this! Come here today and I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a burst of laughter sounded.

Immediately, with a "boom", the universe exploded, opening a huge hole!

A seven-star long sword, similar in style to the one in the hands of Demon God Yinghuo, but exuding a more powerful aura, pierced out from the huge hole, and then slashed towards the altar!

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