Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 306 Battle in the Sea of ​​Chaos! Take chestnuts from the fire!

"Shui De Chen Star Demon God is here!"

Seeing this scene, the Golden Immortal Warlord exclaimed.

A flash of light flashed across the eyes of the monkey fire. At this moment, if he raised all his attention, he might have a chance to benefit from it next!

"Hmph, I already knew you would come! Chenxing, although your strength is stronger than mine, it is also limited. In my universe, with the power of this world, you are no match for me. Come now Coming here is just asking for death!" Demon God Yinghuo said coldly.

While speaking, he raised his palm and clapped it forward.

Following this thing, the entire universe suddenly shook, and dense and endless magic patterns emerged, covering every inch of space.

A vast force rose from the demon pattern, like a torrent, continuously blessing the big hand of Yinghuo Demon God, causing its aura to continue to surge.


Finally, when the Yinghuo Demon God's big hand slapped the long sword hard, with a shocking loud noise, the long sword was knocked back!

"Lord, Lord!" Seeing this scene, many creatures under the command of Demon God Yinghuo started shouting like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, extremely enthusiastic.

"Hahaha, so what if you have the blessing of the power of the world? Aren't you afraid that your world will be destroyed directly? A battle in the chaos!"

The Chenxing Demon God laughed heartily.

At the breach in the universe, the situation outside this universe is faintly revealed, which is boundless chaos, surging, and endless.

"Beyond the universe is the Sea of ​​Chaos. The Sea of ​​Chaos is extremely dangerous. Generally speaking, only those who have cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal are qualified to swim in the Chaos Sea. Those under the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal can only stay in In the Demonic Universe." The Golden Sword Warlord immediately explained to Sarushuo.

"Sea of ​​Chaos..."

Apefire said to himself.

This dark side world is really magical. In the prehistoric world, the entire sea of ​​chaos has dried up. This is because the great god Pangu created the world and the endless power of chaos poured into the prehistoric world!

However, here, this sea of ​​chaos still seems to maintain its peak state. The sea of ​​chaos is boundless, and in this vast sea of ​​chaos, perhaps it is a huge universe created by a demon god. In the huge universe, there are living things The creatures under the command of the devil.

"Aren't you afraid?"

When Demon God Yinghuo heard the words of Demon God Chenxing, he just snorted coldly, then shot up into the sky and rushed out of the gap in the universe.

At the same time, he said coldly: "The ten war generals will obey the order and leave one Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal War General to continue to preside over the sacrifice. The rest, all come out with me and kill him!"

The ten generals are the ten Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals under the command of Demon God Yinghuo!

Obviously, at this moment, Demon God Yinghuo fell into rage and left his own universe to have a fight with Demon God Chenxing.

Of course, even if he enters the sea of ​​chaos, because his own universe is very close to him, he can still get the blessing power, but it is not like being inside the universe, where the blessing power can reach the extreme.

Therefore, when facing the Chenxing Demon God, with this blessing, he still has a certain degree of resistance!

"As you command!"

The ten Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-level warriors all bowed their heads to accept their orders, and then with a "boom", terrifying auras erupted. There were nine figures in total, following the Yinghuo Demon God, they rushed out of the cosmic hole and entered In the sea of ​​chaos.


With a loud roar, the two camps of Yinghuo Demon God and Chenxing Demon God immediately collided together in the sea of ​​chaos, setting off an earth-shattering battle.


The breath of endless terror came out in a mighty way!

Inside this universe, through the gap in the universe, only a little bit of the scene can be seen. In the sea of ​​chaos, endless waves are set off, and burly and powerful figures intersect and collide with each other like lightning. Every time they fight, It has the terrifying power to destroy heaven and earth.

Chaos energy surged out, submerging the breach in the universe. After that, it was no longer possible for everyone to see clearly what was going on in the sea of ​​chaos. Only from time to time, there were terrifying battle fluctuations, and from the breach, mighty and But in this universe, there are endless magic patterns shining suddenly, and a force surges out, collides with it, and eliminates it.

Otherwise, just the aftermath of this power would be enough to easily kill Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

"I don't know what the scene of the confrontation between Hunyuan realms will be like. It's a pity that we can only stay inside this universe and cannot enter the sea of ​​chaos at all. We can't see it at all." The Golden Immortal Warrior sighed.

There was endless desire in his eyes. Every living thing longed to reach a higher realm!

At this time, Sarufire's attention was not focused on this, and his heart was beating loudly.

"The opportunity has come!"

He felt that his breathing was a little rapid, and he actually felt a little nervous. The energy and blood in his body surged, and there was a kind of excitement, and even more excitement!

Before, he had no chance to steal the sacrifices on the altar during the Pangu Festival.

However, now, the Demon God Yinghuo rushed into the sea of ​​chaos with nine warriors at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Although there are still many strong people here, the strongest one is only one Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is a creature on another level entirely. He is supreme and immortal. In the wild world, he is a supreme saint. No creature can challenge him!

According to common sense, leaving such a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal War General is enough to suppress any accidents!

However, Yuan Huo has an adventurous idea at this time. Even if the opponent is Hunyuan Daluo, he may not be able to stop him!


In just a moment, a hint of decisiveness flashed through Sarushui's eyes, and he made up his mind!

He has a stable nature, but it depends on when it comes. Now that such a big opportunity is in front of him, no matter what, he cannot give up and must try hard!

"Although the Chaos Beads can conceal the secrets of heaven, they can only prevent people from deducing them. If there are any too abnormal actions, they will definitely be discovered! Therefore, it is impossible to use tricks. You can only rely on strength to kill them!"

After thinking about it for a while, Sarushuo discovered that there was no easy way but to rely on his own hard power.

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and with a "boom", an aura exploded, directly stimulating his power to the extreme. The law of space activated, like a flash of lightning, he rushed towards the altar.

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