Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 357 Hou Tu’s Enlightenment, Sixth Heaven of Hunyuan Realm! !


When Hou Tu saw this, she didn't hesitate. She immediately opened her mouth and inhaled, and the endless Taoist merits were swallowed into her belly at once and began to be refined.


At the moment of refining, Hou Tu felt as if his head was going to explode, and endless insights surged up crazily.


She murmured to herself, and behind her, a vast river of laws suddenly emerged, with surging waves, sky-shattering waves, and a powerful Taoist aura.

The reincarnation of the underworld is naturally related to the law of reincarnation. In the process of opening up the reincarnation of the underworld, Houtu understood the law of reincarnation among the three thousand avenues!

At this moment, as the endless merits of the great avenue were poured into her body, her understanding of the law of reincarnation improved rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, she reached the critical point.


Finally, with a terrifying roar that shook the heavens and the world, hundreds of millions of divine lights bloomed around Houtu, soaring into the sky and illuminating the past, present and future.

Her aura suddenly surged, she broke through that layer of obstacles, stepped into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and became the first saint in the world.

The first saint of each of the three realms of heaven, earth and man is the Taoist ancestor. Therefore, at this moment, Houtu is the Taoist ancestor of the earthly realm!

"Successful!" Seeing this scene, Sarufire felt extremely gratified and happy.

In later generations, after the earth body reincarnated, the physical body completely collapsed, the soul also gradually and continuously declined, and finally died completely, paying a huge price, and the underworld that was created ended up becoming the property of others.

For example, Western religion has placed the chess piece of Ksitigarbha in the underworld.

But now, Yuan Huo has completely changed Hou Tu's destiny. Not only has he succeeded in reincarnation, but he also took this opportunity to break through the realm and become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the authentic Taoist ancestor!

From then on, Hou Tu was able to sit on an equal footing with Hongjun and became one of the top living beings in the ancient world, extremely noble.

Moreover, relying on the long river of tunnels, Houtu can also have unlimited power. Even if he dies, he can calmly resurrect from the long river of tunnels.

Boom boom boom! ! !

However, this does not seem to be the end. There are too many great merits, endless and vast, and they are still pouring into Hou Tu's body.

Then Hou Tu's realm continued to improve on the basis of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The first level of Hunyuan Realm.

The second level of Hunyuan Realm.

The third level of Hunyuan Realm.

The fourth level of Hunyuan Realm.

The fifth level of Hunyuan Realm.

The sixth level of Hunyuan Realm.

Finally, Hou Tu's aura slowly stopped after rising to the sixth level of the Hunyuan realm, and this realm was already the Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian!

Even if Hou Tu can go one step further and reach the seventh level of the Hunyuan Realm, he can become the Hunyuan Taishang Wuji Luo Jinxian!


Between heaven and earth, endless visions are manifested. Behind Hou Tu, there is a vast and endless river of laws with rolling waves. At the same time, there are six terrifying black holes, each of which seems to be connected. In all the heavens and worlds, at this moment Houtu seems to have become the center of all worlds!

Even just a wisp of the aura she exuded made the boundless ancient land tremble, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

The Taoist charm she exuded also permeated the air, spreading across billions of time and space, and there were suddenly endless creatures. At this moment, endless insights were born in their minds and they evolved one after another.

At the same time, countless creatures in the ancient wilderness, at this moment, had a feeling, and they crawled on the ground in the direction of Hou Tu, and began to kowtow in awe.

"This... this... is so terrifying. The realm can be improved so quickly?! Is this the power of the merits of the Great Dao? This kind of blessing from the Great Dao is simply too terrifying!"

Yangmei was hidden in the deepest part of time and space. When he saw this scene, he was shocked and jealous. The avenue had already retreated into seclusion, but now it received such amazing benefits.

"The Heavenly Dao Ancestor has appeared. No need for Yuan Huo to take action from now on. Even this Hou Tu can no longer be dealt with by me." In the Heavenly Dao Space, Hongjun felt even more bitter when he saw this scene.

As for the other ancestral witches and many Pan clan creatures, they were naturally extremely surprised at this moment.

Yuan Huo was also surprised, and immediately smiled, but he did not expect that this great avenue would be so generous. The merits of the great avenue suddenly made Hou Tu climb to the sixth level of the Hunyuan Realm!


It was at this time that the great Netherworld below basically took shape, with long rivers of the underworld, vast torrents, and the most important Six Paths of Reincarnation manifested in the world.

Those are six huge and boundless black holes, which vaguely seem to connect billions of time and space in the prehistoric era, and all the heavens and realms.

With a rumble, the moment they started to move, a terrifying storm immediately set off across the entire boundless sea of ​​blood.

Endless ghosts and dead spirits appeared at the same time at this moment. Some were true phoenixes, some were true dragons, some were unicorns, and there were other ancient races, so densely packed that there was no end in sight, with endless expressions on their faces. The joy rushes into the six paths of reincarnation below.

The six paths of reincarnation are completed. From then on, dead living beings in the wild can be reincarnated!

Boom boom! !

This was just the beginning. Afterwards, the entire prehistoric world was shaking, and the pulling power of the six reincarnations was exerted on all time and space throughout the prehistoric world.

Endless ghosts and dead souls appear continuously, fall into the world of the netherworld, are baptized layer by layer, and then submerge into the six reincarnations and begin to reincarnate.


During this process, the heaven and earth shook, and endless heavenly virtues suddenly appeared out of thin air, falling down and submerging into Hou Tu's body.

Helping sentient beings reincarnate in prehistoric times is a great deed that is beneficial to prehistoric times. It can eliminate cause and effect, purify evil spirits, and naturally gain endless merit.

Moreover, in the prehistoric times, there was death all the time, which meant that the power of these merits was produced all the time, and it was a long-lasting resource, which was even more precious!

In fact, this is also the fundamental reason why many forces in later generations want to occupy the underworld, because they can get endless benefits through the underworld.

Now, all these benefits naturally fall on Hou Tu!

And if it falls on Hou Tu, it is naturally equivalent to falling on Yuan Huo!

"The great world of Netherworld has finally been opened up. Next, some people from the Pan clan will be sent to station in Netherworld, and they will run it well under the command of Houtu."

Sarushuo smiled and said, with the Nether World, it is equivalent to having a retreat, a super base camp. Even if we really encounter any difficulties in the future, as long as we retreat to this Nether World, we can calmly rely on that authentic power. Keep out all dangers.

After all, this tunnel exists with the same personality as the heaven!

"I obey brother's orders!" Hou Tu had already broken through to the sixth level of Hunyuan at this moment. His strength was terrifying and he stood at the top of the Great Pyramid. However, after hearing Yuan Huo's words, he still nodded seriously without any disobedience.

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