Prehistoric Ape Ancestor: My strength is the sum of the whole clan

Chapter 358 New goal! Catch all the innate holiness in one fell swoop!

The great world of Netherworld was successfully opened up and gradually grew. Houtu attained enlightenment and set foot on the sixth level of Hunyuan. It can be said that this journey of opening up was extremely smooth.

The next time is filled with many chores, such as sending many creatures from the Pan clan into the underworld for management.

Naturally, Saruhuo didn't bother to pay attention to these things, and left them all to Houtu and the others, while he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the western region.

"The next time is to slowly conquer the many innate gods." A smile appeared on the corner of Sarushuo's mouth.

Although it is said that after experiencing the Longhan Catastrophe, the powerful people in the prehistoric era suffered heavy losses, they still gave birth to endless terrifying existences, that is, many innate gods that have not yet transformed.

Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, Nuwa, Fuxi, Zhunti, Jieyin, Dijun, Donghuangtaiyi, Dongwanggong, Xiwangmu, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun Ancestor, Kunpeng Ancestor, and Minghe Ancestor, Etc., etc.

These creatures, those with the lowest achievements in later generations, are all at the quasi-sage level, such as the Three Pure Ones, etc., and they are even able to realize the way of heaven and saints!

If all of them were collected and made into a member of the Pan Clan, at that time, the power of the Pan Clan would skyrocket to an incredible level.

And the monkey fire can naturally get the greatest benefit from it!


Apefire's figure flashed and appeared in the western region. Looking ahead, there was a huge sacred mountain, towering into the universe, vast and boundless.

Layers upon layers of infinite void surround this shocking sacred mountain, emitting an infinite halo, making this sacred mountain appear extremely glorious and sacred.

This is exactly Mount Sumeru!

It is also one of the highest sacred mountains in the ancient times, comparable to Kunlun Mountain and Shouyang Mountain.

Zhunti and Jieyin were born in this Mount Sumeru.

"The Eye of Time."

Ape Fire shouted low, opened his eyes of time, and looked towards Mount Sumeru. Suddenly, everything in Mount Sumeru was reflected in front of his eyes.

Where Zhunti and Jieyin are located, there must be top-notch innate restrictions that can cover up all auras. It is not easy to find them. Naturally, Yuan Huo has to use this pupil technique to find them.

The pupil of time is the most powerful pupil technique. It can even see through the long river of time. It is not difficult to find the top innate restrictions.

However, the next moment, something surprising happened. Saruhuo walked back and forth, scanning Mount Sumeru a dozen times, but found nothing!

There is no trace of any innate restrictions here!

"What's going on?" Yuan Huo suddenly felt strange. Logically speaking, Zhunti and Jie Yin are in Mount Sumeru. They are innately restricted and should be easy to find.

As a result, now, he can't find it even with the pupil of time, which is incredible.

"Is it because of the cover of heaven?" Suddenly, an idea came to Yuanhuo's mind, and he felt that this speculation was the most likely.

Because all pigs are innately sacred, they will all practice the method of killing three corpses in the future, and they will also have the Three Purities, etc., and will become saints of heaven. These are the qualifications of the long river of heaven!

The more creatures related to Heavenly Dao, the stronger the power of Heavenly Dao will be. Therefore, Heavenly Dao will never allow these creatures to fall into the control of others.

Over the years, Tiandao must have noticed the whole process of Ape Fire's continuous expansion of territory and unification of the ancient world. Naturally, he would be worried and use his power to completely hide all these innate sacred things. It is normal.

"If that's really the case, then it won't be of much use to me." Saruhuo couldn't help but smile. He had refined a bit of the origin of heaven!


Immediately, the ape fire activated the source of heaven in the body and began to sense. This sense suddenly caused a wave of fluctuations in the depths of Mount Sumeru ahead.

"It really works!" Saruhuo was delighted.

With this trace of the origin of Heavenly Dao, it is equal to the clone of Heavenly Dao. Naturally, the power of Heavenly Dao will not be prepared for this, and it will be manifested all at once.


The ape fire turned into a stream of light, flew out, and soon came to the depths of Mount Sumeru, at the end of a huge valley. Following his induction, he gently stretched out his palm and pressed forward.


The void vibrated, layers upon layers, densely packed, and endless runes appeared, each one as bright as the sun, densely covered.

This is clearly a top-level innate restriction!

"Found it." Sarushuo smiled. He already had too much experience in cracking the top innate restrictions. He used the pupil of time to scan and found the flaw.

Then, he circulated the magic power in his body and moved forward slightly. A bright beam of light shot out and disappeared into the huge forbidden light curtain in front of him.


With a loud noise, the light curtain broke into a big hole.

Apefire took one step and entered this restricted space. Looking around, the restricted space was extremely vast, with no end in sight.

Endless spiritual energy fills it, and it is majestic in every inch of space. It is billions of times more luxurious than the top cultivation places.

At the same time, there is an infinite Taoist rhyme, majestic in the sky and on the earth, which makes the speed of comprehending the laws here much faster.

In the center of the forbidden space, there stand two huge spiritual roots. One is a bitter bamboo, which is dark green, hundreds of millions of meters high, and filled with the charm of rolling roads.

One is a huge innate Gengjin Bodhi tree, shining with silver and blooming with billions of divine lights. Faintly, there are strands of the source of cause and effect surrounding this Bodhi tree!

The two spiritual roots exuded the most powerful pressure, and they were both innate and top-quality spiritual roots!

"This is the original body of Zhunti and Jie Yin." Seeing this scene, Yuan Huo nodded. The origin of Zhunti Jie Yin can be said to be quite legendary. The original bodies are all innate top-grade spiritual roots!

After transforming into another form, he practiced all the way and was able to realize that he was a saint of heaven!


At this time, the two huge spiritual roots, and the hazy consciousness bred in them, all felt that there was an alien creature. Moreover, this creature was extremely powerful. In front of it, there was no chance of resistance at all, and they all trembled. stood up, conveying a feeling of fear.

When the innate saint is not incarnate, there is naturally no danger because of the top-level innate prohibition protection.

However, once this innate restriction is discovered and cracked, it will be dangerous. It is almost like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

Yuan Huo smiled, he came here to conquer, not to kill. When he was ready to speak, he tried to think of a way to completely transform these two innate spiritual roots.

But, the next moment, a sudden change occurred!


Outside Mount Sumeru, a terrifying wave of power erupted, with a roar, and the long river of heaven suddenly appeared, with turbulent waves and rolling waves, as if it was in a rage.

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