Chapter 202 Zhencheng【seeking subscription】

The golden-red dragon hovered on the top of the mountain, like ghostly eyes, overlooking the people down the mountain. Through the eyes of the giant dragon, Ling Bao quickly found the specific location of Ji Chang among ten thousand people.

Faced with such pressure, the real Yellow Dragon immediately understood that Ling Bao wanted to refine everyone here, including himself.

“Uncle Master, why is this?”

But the real Yellow Dragon didn’t know that the Ling Bao in front of him was transformed by Yang Jian.

“Okay, let me tell you why.” With that, Yang Jian jumped.

Yang Jian’s technique of change reproduced his supernatural powers, and saw an eagle flying over the mountain, rushing straight to the real Yellow Dragon. Immediately, Yang Jian’s body shape turned, his body holding a sharp blade pierced the real Yellow Dragon’s throat.

“It’s you?”

The real Yellow Dragon did not see that the fake Ling Bao was in front of him. When he saw Yang Jianzhi, he subconsciously dodged and counted until the Yellow Dragon stood in front of him.

“Yang Jian Dage, you are here.” Nezha was overjoyed, but there was still a little complaint in his heart.

“What are you doing? Don’t run away.” Yang Jian yelled.

Time is tight, and there is no time to delay. Once Ling Bao’s Jiulong Lihuo array is fully formed, there will be no gaps. The pros and cons of this one cannot be guessed.

Afterwards, Yang Jian’s spearhead turned, and Nezha coordinated inside and outside, preparing to break the formation of the real Yellow Dragon.


For a while, the frequency of the swaying of the copper bells increased, and the confusing Sanskrit sounds disturbed people’s minds. But when the real Yellow Dragon learned that he was deceived, he furiously said: “It is so bold to even dare to transform into the appearance of Ling Bao Tianzun. Today I will teach you Master to teach you a good lesson!”

Immediately, the real Yellow Dragon, who had nothing to do, tried his best for his own face. Over and over again, there are some short talks. Yang Jian wasn’t that easy to deceive. In addition, the current situation was urgent, and they couldn’t tolerate the two of them.


I saw a black line that should escape quickly. Seeing that the core of this formation is the real Yellow Dragon, Yang Ji changed his direction and, based on his previous experience, pointed the finger at the real Yellow Dragon.

A cold wind passed, and the real Yellow Dragon realized that it was not good, but before he turned his head to confirm, Yang Jian’s blade had already been slashed down.

“Aren’t you so good!”

Before the words fell, the real Yellow Dragon’s robe had already opened a gap. Now he had nowhere to hide, and he was already exhausted. He doesn’t have this ability yet with one enemy and two, but it is more than enough to deal with some little monsters. But his opponent this time is Yang Jian, who has experienced many battles, and his little tricks are already not enough.

What’s more, the situation at this time is no longer for him to think about. A blood-red mark appeared on the body of the real Yellow Dragon.

After the shock of the body, the real Yellow Dragon spat out a mouthful of blood. Reluctantly stopped for a while, leaned on a boulder, and yelled at Yang Jian.

“Okay, you Yang Jian, you dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. You should do it to me, so you are not afraid of retribution?”

But Yang Jian didn’t care so much. After seeing the magic circle loosened because of this, the eyes of the sky shot out countless golden lights, hitting the already trivial copper bells.

Bang bang bang, bursting sound. The formation of the real Yellow Dragon has been broken, and Nezha used the fire control technique to melt the invisible web formed by weaving into ashes.

“Okay, you two, wait for me.”

The brother of the real Yellow Dragon, the real Jade Ding is too late. It made him anxious, seeing that this matter was being disturbed by himself, and he was really unwilling. However, his ability and strength are limited, and the responsibility can generally be postponed to this point. It is already his greatest effort.

Three streams of light flashed, running outwards almost at the same time.

Ling Bao controlled the movement of the dragon as much as possible, and tore a gap in the formation. Nezha and Yang Jian escaped along the gap. He lifted a big rock and smashed his foot.

The Golden Dragon turned around, opened its huge mouth and sprayed out a thunder, and landed on the real Yellow Dragon.

Thunder Body Tempering, this is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy. Whether it is the sky thunder or the thunder in the formation. As long as you can overcome this catastrophe, you will get a good fortune.

Karma is a blessing in disguise, it seems that 5.0 is impossible, but in fact, unexpected situations often occur.

The real Yellow Dragon was originally a dragon transformed into a human form. It had already been transformed into a thundering calamity thousands of years ago, and was fortunate enough to obtain the status it is today.

“You are a junior, you want to trap me, it’s really whimsical.”

I saw his backhand pointing, the same thunderbolt on Jinlong’s body.

However, the golden-red dragon, after being struck by thunder and lightning, became more and more brutal. I enjoyed the power of this kind of thunder very much. On the scales, a shine is mapped out.

Then, the energy turned and gathered in the mouth of the dragon. .

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