Chapter 203 Abnormal [seeking subscription]

The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although the Lord Tongtian and Ling Bao Tianzun have not reached an agreement on the face, in private, the Lord Tongtian has turned Ling Bao Tianzun into an ally.

Zhao Gongming, who had disappeared for a period of time, finally had a place to use it again. When the two great gods were separated, Zhao Gongming had already been ordered by his master to help each other.

But Jiang Ziya, obey Ling Bao Tianzun’s instructions. Retreat without attacking with only one hand. Back to the border and set up camp in the same place, not to avoid accidents, but also made extremely preparations.

It looks like a clear sky, but it becomes restless again at night~night.

Two masses of black qi, already in the darkness, peeped at every move inside.

“Third brother, I think it’s time. Both of our brothers have been home here for so long. I believe they have already relaxed their vigilance.”

“You are really optimistic, Shen Gongbao treats us as guns, you really regard yourself as guns, continue to observe and refuse to act arbitrarily.

The two separated in this way, one on the left and the other on the right.

With the camouflage given by Zhunti Daoist, it can be said that it is easy to mix into Jiang Ziya’s camp. But the two have selfish ambitions, and it is impossible for them to be willing to be manipulated by others. Even if they have promised, they have great ambitions.

Things that didn’t happen 1000 years ago, but now it seems that they have been given two opportunities to come back again.

But as soon as he entered the camp, he ran into patrolling soldiers.

“Hey, hello, what are you two dangling about? Where’s the waist card.”

The two looked startled, and they couldn’t understand what the two soldiers were talking about.

After being immersed for a thousand years, there was no way to deal with the interrogation of the patrol soldiers. I don’t know what to say is good.

“Waist card, that, just now, it’s not right, you tell him.”

On the contrary, his third brother is still a little clever. At a glance, I saw what was hanging from the waist of the two patrolmen.

I saw his palm swayed in front of the two patrolmen, and then flipped over his palm, and a wooden waist badge appeared in the performance of the two patrolmen.

“Ouch. It became a trick with the two of us. Hurry, it’s going to be dark right away, so we can enter the camp as soon as possible. You can’t walk without orders.”

They are all brothers from the same camp. But the faces of these two people are too strange, but there are so many brothers in the barracks, it is inevitable that there are two who don’t know each other.

It’s so easy to get through the confusion, but in fact it doesn’t have this ability.

In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, Nezha can easily see the real body of Demon Xie Chong with the spirit body. Such an important task, even if it is indirectly handed over to Nezha.

However, it is very unlucky that the three of them met each other.

“Stop, what are you two ghosts doing?”

Nezha blocked their way, and the two of them didn’t dare to act out of tricks.

“People have three urgency. It’s convenient and convenient to come out.” He took out his waist card as he said.

But with the blessings of tantric law, although Nezha has a spiritual body, it was not immediately obvious that they were wrong.

“Humph, see you two are the first offenders, go back.

But when they turned around, the expression of pride and fortunate joy changed, causing Nezha to catch a straight face.

He turned his head and thought that he was wrong, and he just walked two steps and looked back at them. However, in such an instant, the two Xiaobing disappeared without a trace.

.0 Seeking flowers……0

“The legs and feet are pretty quick.”

Nezha felt that he was a bit too nervous, just two spearmen, not to mention the blessing of the magic circle, even if there were demons and monsters sneaking into the camp, there was nowhere to hide.

Try to comfort my nervous look as much as possible, but when I can think about it like this, I always feel that I missed something and overlooked some details, but looking back, the two have long since disappeared without a trace.

But just as Nezha turned and left, suddenly there was a flash of inspiration, and he ran after him.

Yun Zhongzi, who was discussing countermeasures with Jiang Ziya, said goodbye when seeing the sky overnight. Suddenly, he hurried to him, and saw him look flustered, and immediately stopped him.

“Boy, in a panic, there is no such thing as a general.”

When Nezha saw Yun Zhongzi, he immediately turned around and said, “No, someone has come in.”

Nezha’s eyes rolled, Yun Zhongzi immediately understood. Some words are inconvenient to say more, and it is inconvenient to speak loudly.

Then Yun Zhongzi motioned his eyes, and the two returned to Jiang Ziya’s camp.

The footsteps were hurried, Jiang Ziya, who had just gone to bed, knew that Xiao Nezha was coming as soon as he heard the irritable voice.

“In a hurry, what’s the matter?”

Nezha’s spirit body felt it a bit, and saw that there was no strange feeling everywhere, so he relaxed, the three of them got together, and Nezha whispered, “Some monsters have come in. Alas, it’s the blame I didn’t recognize at the time. come out.

Nezha was a little self-blaming, but as soon as the news came out, Yun Zhongzi and Jiang Ziya’s attitude was extremely abnormal. Instead of being surprised, they were called Nezha. Go back to wash and sleep. and.

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