Chapter 337 Preparing for the sacrifice [seeking subscription]


“Yes, King!”

After speaking, Shadow handed King Zhou a cotton cloth with various lists recorded on it.

King Zhou put it away without seeing it, and waited quietly.

The next day, after King Zhou came to the court, some people reported to King Zhou:

“Great King, Fei Zhong and You Hun, please see you!

King Zhou coldly said:

“Announce them to come up!”

The next person shouted:

“Xuan! Fei Zhong, You Hun, see you!”

Fei Zhong and You Hun, led by their subordinates, entered the side hall where King Zhou was resting. After seeing King Zhou, they both knelt down:

“Fei Zhong, You Hun have seen King 1”

King Zhou saw the two of them and said to them coldly:

“What? Figured it out?”

Fei Zhongyouhun knelt on the ground and said to King Zhou in fear:

“My lord, we are guilty!”

King Zhou asked the two meaningfully:

“Oh, why did the two Qings say this, let the widows listen to them!”

Yuhun says: 10

“Great King, Fei Zhong and I saw that the King’s palace was in disrepair, so Yao Zhong and I wanted to help the King repair the palace, so I used a little trick.

This is the recent achievement of the two of me, please have a look!”

After speaking, I took out a bamboo slip, which recorded the things I received, who gave it and what I gave it, and recorded it clearly.

King Zhou asked the servants to produce bamboo slips, and then said to the two of them:


Fei Zhong quickly kowtow:

“My lord, yes, these ministers who gave gifts wanted to let the ministers say something nice in front of the lord, but the lord also knows that the two of me are the lord’s dogs, so how can we be qualified to tell the lord in front of the lord.

So the two of me didn’t report to the king at all!”

King Zhou nodded, feeling that these two would form a party and operate privately, so fresh and refined, but Feng Wang felt that the two were still useful.

So King Zhou said to the two:

“Well, stay away from those people in the future. The widows let you two enter the court hall not to make friends and call friends, but to run the court!’

The two dare not say to help King Zhou govern the court. The two now know what King Zhou is asking themselves to do, so the two hurriedly expressed their opinions:

“I beg the king to give us another chance, we two must do our best!”

King Zhou nodded when he saw the performance of the two:

“Okay, the widow will give you two one more chance, if there is another next time, be careful of your two heads!”

The two quickly buckled their heads to thank you!

After the two went down, they really lived up to the expectations of the king. Several people who were not in the same mind with King Zhou were all taken down because of the persecution of the two.

However, the interest entanglement of these officials is very serious. Although they were persecuted by the two, the interests of these people for so many years have not dissipated.

These people knew that it was the meaning of King Zhou, so they left Chaoge and began to propagate the tyranny of the king.

Communication in many places is not developed at all, so King Yohn did not know at this time. In the domain of the princes of Dashang, the prestige of the king began to slowly decline.

But King Zhou didn’t care at all, as long as the place under his control recognized him, after all, in the territories of other princes, countless civilians recognized princes and did not recognize King Zhou.

Even if King Zhou knew it, he was beyond reach.

As time went by, the second year soon arrived, and countless princes stayed on thin ice in Chaoge, for fear that one would not be able to go back if they were not careful.

They are all looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally it is the day of Nuwa’s birthday. On this day, Bigan said to King Zhou:

“Majesty, this is the first time the king has paid homage to Empress Nuwa since he became king. The king has remembered the precautions the old minister told the king!”

King Zhou nodded:

“Father, the widow knows about it, don’t worry, besides, Yafather will also follow the widow. If there is something wrong, remember to remind the widow!”

Bigan looked at King Zhou with satisfaction, and then Shili said:

“The king is serious, this is what the old minister should do!”

King Zhou took the princes and hundreds of civil and military officials, except for the palace, thinking about Nuwa Temple mightily.

Countless people followed, these people also came to worship Nuwa, and Ling Bao was among them with Nezha.

Zhunti also followed the crowd into the Nuwa Temple. After the crowd arrived, King Zhou asked the crowd to tell everyone that the prepared sacrifices were placed. 867

King Zhou saw that there was a temple nearby, and the incense was very prosperous, King Zhou asked curiously:

“Father, what’s over there?”

Bigan looked at it and explained to King Zhou:

“Majesty, over there is the god of morality, the leader of the religion, explaining the positions of the leader of the original god and the leader of the god Tongtian.

Because they are all Sages, many people go to worship at the Nuwa Empress’s birthday!”

King Zhou asked very curiously:

“What merit do these three religious leaders have for my big business?”

Zhunti saw this, and pointed at Fei Zhongyouhun, and a ray of light fell into the two people’s minds, Fei Zhong stood up and said:

“My lord, I know this!”

King Zhou curiously said:

“Oh, let’s talk about it!”

Fei Zhong said:

“This cult leader established the human education and created the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the human race, but now most of these people are in Sacred Land and Xuegong!”

King Zhou asked very curiously:

“Sacred Land? What Sacred Land? What school?”.

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