Chapter 338 The tactics of quasi-provision [subscription required]

Fei Zhong has been controlled by Zhun Ti, so he is very clear about the affairs of Sacred Land and Xuegong.

So Fei Zhong explained:

“Sacred Land is the Sacred Land of the human race, but Sacred Land does not care about the human race, and only cares about the persecution of the human race by other races!

The people of Sacred Land will come out. The Academy is actually an alternative place for Sacred Land, and there are countless great abilities in it!

If these great abilities pass the test of Sacred Land, they will enter Sacred Land cultivation. There are countless Sacred Land masters, just to ensure that the human race will not be annihilated. At other times, except for the selection of various descendants, they will basically not come out!”

King Zhou asked curiously:

“Oh, where are Sacred Land and Xuegong?”

You Hun was also controlled by Zhun Ti. In order to prevent King Yue from being suspicious, You Hun explained to King Zhou:

“Sacred Land and Xuegong don’t talk about me, even Sage doesn’t know where it is. This Sacred Land was established by the three-corpse patriarch Ling Bao, the holy father of the human race, Ling Bao, and the Xuegong was also established by him!

After King Zhou heard it, he asked:

“Then this person does not care about the leader, but he has also made great contributions to the human race. The inheritance of the human race is also indispensable to the present, and it is right for the human race to worship!”

After King Zhou finished, Fei Zhong said flatly:

“My lord, do we want to worship!”

King Zhou also knew what happened to the Daoist clan, and shook his head and said:

“We’ll talk about it after the worship of the Virgin and Father!

Then King Zhou asked curiously:

“What about the rest!”

When Bigan saw the two popularizing Sage knowledge for King Zhou, he didn’t care. In order to express himself, Yu Hun said:

“As for the cut-off education, what is taught is irrelevant. In our Dashang, many officials are three-generation and fourth-generation disciples of the cut-off education.

Although none of the main apprentices of Jiu Jiao have come out, they have also sent a lot of talents to Dashang/!”

King Zhou nodded:

“Yeah, that’s not bad, worthy of human worship!”

Fei Zhong said:

“The most damn it is this elucidation of teaching, elucidating that everyone is aloof, there is no good contribution to the human race at all, and it must be worshipped by the human race!”

King Zhou frowned and looked at Fei Zhong. King Zhou knew that Sage was aloof, and the human race could not criticize him. King Zhou was about to scold him, and Zhun Ti next to him saw King Zhou’s appearance and knew that he could not start the catastrophe without taking action, so Zhun mention Flick your finger!

A golden light fell into King Zhou’s mind.

King Zhou’s expression was constantly struggling, but King Yue Zhou was an ordinary emperor after all.

How could it be Zhunti’s opponent? Soon the king’s consciousness was controlled by Zhunti. Zhunti knew that he could not help it. This Karma and Human race were next.

But how could Zhunti give up such a good opportunity, so Zhunti controlled the king and said:

“What? There are people like this. Since they have no contribution to our human race, why do they enjoy the worship of our big merchant race!”


Zhunti knew that no one dared to execute the entire order, so Zhunti controlled a few soldiers, and a few soldiers stood up and faced King Zhou:

“The King!”

‘King Zhou’ was very angry and said:

“Take down the entire temple of the original Tianzun for me!”

Bigan hurriedly said next to him:

“My lord, I can’t make it, that’s Sage!”

A few soldiers were controlled by Zhun Ti. Zhun Ti did not want to control all the human races, but a few ordinary soldiers still faced the’King Zhou’:

“Yes! King!”

Ling Bao saw Zhunti controlling a few people to direct and perform themselves, and then recorded them all.

When everyone did not react, a few soldiers came directly to the Yuqing Temple and knocked down the statue of the original Tianzun.

Then the temple was demolished. When Bigan saw this situation, he didn’t know that King Zhou had been controlled, so Bigan said to King Zhou heartily:

King, you are confused!”

Then he reprimanded Fei Zhong and You Hun:

“You two ministers!

Fei Zhong and You Hun smiled wryly and did not speak at all, because at this time the two were also controlled by Zhunzi.

Under the control of Zhun Ti, the ‘King Zhou’ paid homage to Nuwa hastily and left. Nuwa saw this in Nuwa Heaven and asked Ling Bao next to him:

“Husband, why did this king become like this? I thought he was very virtuous, and he managed the dying big business well.

As a ZTE master, how could he do such an unwise thing!”


Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Hmph, it’s not a good thing that Western teachers have done!”

Nuwa smiled and said:

“It turned out to be him. I really didn’t dare to be disrespectful to me and put the fuse of (Qian Wang Zhao) on the head of Yuan. It is also right. Only people with good faces like the original can care about the human race. It is estimated that the catastrophe is still Let’s start with the original!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, yes, it looks like it is because the original toilet was out of anger!”

Nuwa closed his eyes and felt the original Yuxu Palace, Yuan Yuan shouted very angry:

“Damn human race, damn big businessman, dare to do this to me! If I don’t show my holy, you really don’t know that Sage is not insulting!”

After talking about the original appearance in the sky above Dashang, I was about to make a move and saw Dashang’s national fortune, and then coldly said:

“It seems that you still have sixty years of national fortunes. In that case, take me to help you!”

Looking outside the city after speaking

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