Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 10: Mysterious power out of the East China Sea

With this breath alone, Luo Hu could feel that when the ancestor Yang Mei left, the situation was not very good, otherwise, this breath would not be so weak.

Luo Hui and Hongjun Daozu are both in a state of frequent death, and it is estimated that Yangmei Ancestor is similar.

According to some mythological memories in the previous life, the ancestor Yang Mei appeared in the Dao Demon Controversy, and the Dao Demon Controversy disappeared. As for where he went, no one knows.

And the myth did not say when the ancestor Yang Mei would come back, which made Luo Hui a little passive.

However, Luo Huo had already begun to adapt to this situation, and the future events would become more and more out of his memory. After all, his appearance had already made great changes in Honghuang.

It was originally barren in the West, but now it has become barren in the East. It was originally Hongjun Daozu who became the Dao. Luo Hu blew himself up and opened up an extraterritorial demon.

But now it was Luo Hu and Hongjun Daozu who both lost, or that Luo Hu won, and the first sermon next was Luo Hu.

After Luo Hu became a holy, when he preached, there might be three thousand demons to listen to the preaching!

As for the three thousand purple skiers in the myth, there may be a lot less.

Luo Hui put away the small sword and returned to the predecessor. Once the small sword mutated again, Luo Hui had an impatient idea, that is, to understand the specific function of this small sword!

Luo Hui always felt that this little sword didn't look like a prehistoric thing, and the Void Mirror didn't look like a prehistoric thing!

The appearance of these things made Luo Hui always feel uneasy!

But Luo Huyou couldn't tell what the anxiety came from, he could only feel the slightest anxiety by feeling.

After returning to the wilderness, Luo Hu did not go to Mount Xumi, but went to the East China Sea and the three overseas islands. Luo Hu only found one, and there were two more to be discovered.

There are good treasures on Penglai Island, and there should be many treasures on the other two islands.


Above the prehistoric East China Sea, a phantom walked out of an island the size of an abbot. This phantom was one of the two great abilities that enslaved the evil spirits.

This Abbot Island has drifted to the East China Sea.

"The breath of the hour has disappeared, has it left Honghuang?"

At the time of the war, he didn't know it. He had been in retreat all the time. Recently, the realm has been further improved, and he has the idea of ​​being born.

Only after this came out, he realized that Shi Chen's breath was gone, and Yang Mei's ancestor's breath was gone!

What's happening here?

Looking at the prehistoric continent again, I found that the luck of the East was loose, and the luck of the West was strong. This is very different from what I saw before!

Could it be said that the second ancestor of the great and wild has already fought a battle, in that case, it seems that the demon ancestor should have won.

"What a Luohu, an inferior demon **** who is able to deal with so many great abilities is really impressive. It seems that this seat is born and needs a good plan!"

Originally planned to be born high-profile, but now changed his mind, Luo Hui is strong, and Hongjun Daozu is not dead, it seems that you need to find Hongjun Daozu.

This mysterious power disappeared in place, the surrounding space did not move, he just disappeared.

If Luo Hu were here, he would be extremely shocked, even the ancestor Yang Mei could not do so!

Which power is this? And it seems to know Luo Hu, and call Luo Hu the inferior demon!

Looking at it this way, this mysterious power should also be the devil in the Chaos Period!

And it may be one of the four great demon gods, it may be the demon **** of cause and effect, or the demon **** of reincarnation!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is the devil of destiny!

In the Chaos Period, the Demon God of Destiny had another name, called the Supreme Demon God. Only the Demon God of Destiny had this name, and even the ancestor Yang Mei did not get this name.

Rather than talking about the four great demon gods, it is better to say that one is the highest and the three great demon gods!

However, they were destined not to meet again. Luo Hu came from a position in the northwest of the prehistoric state, and the mysterious power was from the East China Sea to the southwest.

Just missed.

The South of the Primordial Wilderness is extremely lively, and all the great abilities have gathered to the Southern Wilderness.

It’s not far from Nanming Volcano, about a million miles away!

Above a sacred mountain, Taishang, Tongtian, Taixuan, Queen Mother of the West, and Ao Zheng are all here.

Not only them, but also these great abilities are here.

Patriarch of Styx, Taiqing, Primitive, Patriarch of Kunpeng, Patriarch of the East, Patriarch of Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Patriarch of Chiyu...

An ordinary sacred mountain has gathered so much power!

In front of them, this is a huge natural formation, but in the formation, Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong are among them.

Before measuring the robbery, they were trapped in this formation, which is why they have not returned to Mount Xumi.

It stands to reason that even if Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong are trapped here, it is impossible to gather so much power!

Because these great abilities were all guided by the secrets of heaven, there were innate spirit treasures born here, so they all ran over.

For innate spirit treasures, no one would have too many, and can cause such a big disturbance, it must be a very high-grade innate spirit treasure.

Looking at this great innate formation, few magnates are able to pay attention to Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong inside, they are all concerned with the treasures inside!

"Tongtian, you were the first to come, how could the two juniors be here?" Tai Shang looked at Tongtian.

Tongtian said: "I used the magic path secret method to communicate with the two juniors. It turns out that they were also attracted, but they were attracted before the calamity, but we were after the calamity!"

"In that case, it's all about whether there are any treasures in this big formation. If there are, how can Brother Sun Yuan and Senior Brother Yuan Hong be trapped here?" Queen Mother Xi said puzzled.

The superior nodded, whether there is a Lingbao here is really the same thing, and even if there is, Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong should have obtained it.

"If you want to find a way to rescue the two juniors, you can't keep them trapped in the formation." Tai Shang said firmly.

Since their brothers are here, they must rescue Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong.

"This emperor will try this big formation." Ao Zheng said coldly.

For Ao Zheng and Luo Hu's disciples, they have never regarded him as a mount, because Ao Zheng is stronger than them, and one more thing, Ao is the first to follow Luo Hu.

"Ao Zheng, are you sure?" Tai Shang asked.

Ao Zheng's expression was also cold, Taishang's expression was also cold and arrogant, and the conversation between the two of them seemed to be hostile.

Of course, I don't know what their personalities are, and they really think so, but if they know, they know that they are very good.

"I don't know, but this formation doesn't seem to attack, it's just trapped." After Ao Zheng said, he walked to the front of the big formation step by step.

The sacred mountain is extremely high, but this formation is covering the sacred mountain, but Ao Zheng's entry into the big formation made other great powers unable to sit still.

"I heard that he is the mount of the Demon Ancestor, the Dragon Emperor Ao Zheng of the Dragon Race?" The Ancestor Styx looked at Ao Zheng's back, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Although he was in the realm of quasi-sages, he was in the early stage, the kind of quasi-sages at the bottom, and Ao Zheng was considered to be the highest peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

"It's just a mount." The Eastern Prince showed disdain in his eyes.

"A mount can cultivate to such a level, it seems that following the Demon Ancestor has a lot of benefits!" Hongyun Ancestor said lightly.

Although he repented a bit from the teachings of the Dao of Heaven last time, there is still no way to change this quick remark.

"It is surprising that Fellow Styx became a quasi-sage. I wonder if you can get the law of the quasi-sage?"

At this time, the ancestor Kunpeng came to the side of the ancestor Styx and smiled lightly.

The ancestor of the river has long been concerned about the ancestor Kunpeng, because the ancestor of the river has felt deep fear in the body of the ancestor Kunpeng.

As for the Eastern Prince, the ancestors of Hongyun, he didn't dismiss it at all, but some powerful ants.

"The quasi-sage's law is in the hands of the second ancestor of the primordial ancestors. How can Poor Dao have this kind of law? The realm of the quasi-sage is nothing but good luck."

However, his smile looked a little gloomy in the eyes of others, and there was a trace of hideousness.

In a blood robe, the face of the ancestor of the Styx is not very good, and it can even be said that it is a bit oozing!

"After this matter is over, I don't know if you have time to go to the sea of ​​blood to discuss the road?" Ancestor Styx looked at Ancestor Kunpeng and said.

"I have nothing to do, I can go there naturally." How can the ancestor Kunpeng refuse this kind of thing? How to say, the ancestor of the Styx is a quasi-sage!

"The two Taoists talked about the Tao, I don't know if the poor Tao can go there?" Old Ancestor Hongyun said with a smile.

But at this time, Zhen Yuanzi pulled the ancestor of Hongyun, apparently he didn't intend to invite others.

Ancestor Styx cast a glance at Ancestor Hongyun, did not speak, but strode towards the big formation.

Since it's a treasure, how can you get a treasure if you don't enter the battlefield?

Not only did the ancestors of Styx take a step, even the ancestors of Kunpeng, the prince of the east, the ancestors of Chiyu... etc. also flew towards the great formation.

But at this moment took a step too far, before coming to the big formation, looking at the powers who want to enter the big formation.

A cold voice sounded.

"The two poor juniors are trapped inside. Before Ao Zheng comes out, no one can enter the big formation."

Tongtian, Tai Xuan, and Queen Mother Xi all came behind Tai Shang and looked at these great abilities. Although there were a large number of them, they did not show the slightest fear!

"Could it be that this sacred mountain is your dojo? Your junior brother is trapped, what to do with us?" Old Ancestor Cang Yu laughed.

At this time, both Taiqing and Yuanyuan are looking at Taishang, and see how Taishang will deal with this matter!

Especially Taiqing, he felt that the closer he was too far, the greater the touch of being swallowed!

Taiqing understands that when it comes to killing, it is estimated that he is far inferior to Taishang, and that's why he was touched!

"Of course it has something to do with you, because if you step out in the next step, Poor Dao will make you feel different!" Too Shang's cold voice sounded again.

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