Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Too murderous, the power of heaven


The Da Neng who was present all took a breath, Cang Yu ancestor was also a Da Luo Jinxian, although it was only the late Da Luo Jinxian.

But in this period of great power zeroing, it is already a great power.

When Taishang said this, it was obvious that he was going to fight this Cangyu ancestor.

Hong Huang Da can pay attention to face, and it was said that if the ancestor Cang Yu did not act, he would probably not have any right to speak in this great land.

At this time, Ancestor Styx was staring at Taishang closely. He was very sensitive to murderous intent. He felt that Taishang really moved the killing intent, if this Cangyu Ancestor really took that step!

It is very possible to be killed by Tai Shang, and for Tai Shang, the ancestor of Styx has a thought that he does not want to be an enemy with him.

It's not that the ancestor Styx is afraid of being too much, but because the ancestor Styx knows how to see the general situation clearly, in the future, it is very likely that the second ancestor's world!

In other words, if you want to be at ease in Honghuang, you probably need to take refuge in one of the second ancestors.

So the ancestor Styx will not offend Taishang in a short time, nor will it offend the Taiqing of Hongjun Daozu!

Regarding the Demon Ancestor and Dao Ancestor, the Ancestor Styx didn't know who would truly win, so he chose not to sin on either side.

However, how many powers in this predicament have the vision of the ancestor of the Styx?

Even the ancestor of Kunpeng did not think of this.

If Luo Hu knew the thoughts of the ancestors of the Styx, he would definitely praise him, he deserves to be the longest living great power in the myth of the previous life!

Old Ancestor Cang Yu is now furious in his heart. If he is too savvy to say something else, then he can pass by with a smile, but too savage is to force him on the way to the end!

If you don't take this step, how will the great power in the future see him?

Annoyed in my heart!

How to do?

Looking at the great abilities behind the upper body, Old Ancestor Cang Yu felt that he was better off. Although face is important, life is even more important!

If he is really cut by too much, then he wants to regret it but it is too late!

Old Ancestor Cang Yu took a step back.

This move stunned all the mighty powers, including the Taishang!

Taishang's idea was to cut a mighty spirit to kill these mighty spirits first, but he didn't expect to meet a counselor!

Of course, this may not be counseling, but knowledge of current affairs!

"Cang Yu, you are so cowardly, poor Dao disdains to be with you!" Old Ancestor Chiyu glanced at Old Ancestor Cang Yu and snorted coldly.

Then he looked at Taishang and said in a deep voice, "There are many dao friends here, can you stop all the dao friends?"

Taishang glanced at Tongtian, and he understood what Taishang meant, and immediately stepped out, and a divine sword appeared in his hand, it was the Qingping sword!

Many great powers are looking at Tongtian, at this time Tongtian has come to the front of the ancestor Akabane.

"Why? Do you want to do something with Pin Dao in full view?" The ancestor Chiyu gave a deep cry!

Tongtian didn't speak, because he disdains this kind of stuff. He will be soft on Taiqing, but he won't have any pity for other people who have nothing to do with it!

As soon as the Qingping sword moved, a sword lotus appeared in the air, emitting a cyan light, and flying towards the ancestor Akabane with powerful power.

"Huh." Chiyu ancestor snorted coldly, he didn't expect that Tongtian would really dare to do it!

Immediately, the ancestor Chiyu sacrificed a divine sword, but it was a high-grade innate spirit treasure. A sword light cut out and slashed towards the sword lotus that struck.

The other powers retreated.

The sword light slashed on the sword lotus, but it caused the sword lotus to collapse. Then, the sword lotus turned into nine sword lights and struck.

The ancestor Akabane was shaken in his heart and quickly dodged.

The divine sword in his hand blocked the light from the attack. Although he barely blocked it, he was a little embarrassed, and his robe had cracks open.

"Could it be that all fellow daoists just looked at the devil's way to be fierce!" The ancestor Chiyu looked at the onlookers.

After all, there are more than twenty great abilities present, all in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian and above, if they unite, how afraid of the magic way!

But he didn't know, in the midst of the wild, who would help you for no reason?

Those eyes that could look at the ancestor Akabane all had a mocking look, they wouldn't offend Demon Dao because of this!

Tongtian shot again, this time Tongtian used the twelve layers of magic moving world passed down by Luo Hu!

In an instant, a huge momentum appeared, unusually thick, and a shadow of the sea appeared behind the sky.

Although Tongtian did not comprehend the law of water, Mo Dongtian's attack style can also bless other laws!

Twelve powerful forces attacked the ancestor Akabane!

Faced with such an attack, the ancestor Akabane showed fear in his eyes, this was no longer an attack he could block.

He is only the late Golden Fairy of Da Luo, and Tongtian is the pinnacle of the Golden Fairy!

But at this time, a red light appeared in front of the ancestor Akabane, and together with the ancestor Akabane blocked the attack.

"Pan Dao Hongyun, please look at the thin face of Pang Dao, let go of Daoist Akaba, we can wait here."

The figure that shot was the ancestor of Hongyun.

Zhen Yuanzi looked next to him, there was the figure of the ancestor Hongyun, and looked at the ancestor Hongyun on the battlefield, Zhen Yuanzi was speechless for a while!

Tongtian looked at the ancestor Hongyun in front of him, and looked at him with a smile. This made Tongtian a little difficult to start. He stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiley person, and he said that he was willing to wait here.

At this time, Tai Shang was talking.

"Tongtian, the cause and effect has been established, we must kill."

Hearing Taishang's words, Tongtian thought that their cause and effect had already been established. If this ancestor of Akabane was not killed, there would be future troubles!

"If fellow Daoist refuses to let go, the divine sword in the hands of Poor Dao is ruthless." Tongtian finished speaking, and then condensed the next attack.

Tongtian is ready to kill with one blow!

The ancestor Hongyun wanted to continue doing peace and old things, but Zhen Yuanzi quickly flew up, grabbed Hong Yun, smiled faintly at Tongtian, and then retreated.

The next moment!

The sky-reaching attack formed, the sword light of ten thousand feet, like the light that opened the sky, containing the boundless sword aura, cut down with one sword, it seemed that the world was turbulent!

Seeing the sword of Tongtian, many great abilities began to ask themselves whether they could block this blow instead!

In many powerful hearts, it is impossible to stop it!

This blow is very powerful, and contains the sharpest sword energy in the attack. If you want to resist, you can only attack. If you rely on defense, it is impossible to stop it!


Suddenly, the sword light of the sky slashed on the body of the ancestor Akabane.

A sword fell, powerful death!

There is no procrastination.

Tongtian took away the divine sword that appeared after the fall of the red feather ancestor, and then returned to Taishang's back!

For a while, the mighty power of Tongtian was so terrifying, many great abilities looked at Tongtian, and their eyes were full of fear!

The ancestor of Styx nodded secretly, this attack from the sky was considered to be in his eyes, but compared with his killing sword, it was still somewhat inadequate.

The ancestor Kunpeng had a deep complexion, lost in thought, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Taiqing's eyes towards Tongtian were a bit complicated, and he didn't know if Taishang's actions in the future, and if Tongtian would join him, when he saw Taishang.

Both of them looked at each other, revealing killing intent!

Yuan Yuan showed a happy look, Tongtian was so powerful, he was naturally happy, but there was also a little jealousy in his heart.

Tongtian's attack just now, even if it is changed to him, it is not easy to block.

As the elder brother, Yuan Yuan didn't want to be surpassed by Tongtian.

"Can you wait now?" Too cold eyes glanced at you Mighty.

When I saw Ancestor Styx, I was a little bit jealous, but didn't think much about it. If the Ancestor Styx dared to make a move, their joint efforts would surely make the Ancestor Stygmy unable to please!

"Since there is the magic power inside, let's wait outside for a while, it's okay?"

"It's okay, what we have is time."

"The Taoist fellow is too polite."

Those great abilities of Da Luo Jinxian in the middle or late stage all said with a smile.

Seeing the power of Tongtian, wouldn't Taishang, the chief of the magic path, be even more powerful!

They naturally didn't dare to have any more ideas, of course, if they had the power to fight the superior, they wouldn't mind falling into trouble.

Otherwise, it's better to watch from the sidelines.

After all, the Xiantian Lingbao hasn't been born yet, and they can't lose their lives because they offend the Dao!


At this time, a crack appeared in the big formation, Ao Zheng's face was pale, his left arm had disappeared, and it was obviously cut off.

Behind Ao Zheng, there are Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong. Of course, neither of them is in a good state.

"What's the matter?" Tai Shang asked quickly.

At this time, Tai Xuan quickly used the law of good fortune to heal Ao Zheng.

"Big brother, there is a fierce beast in it, as if the fierce beast was left behind by the calamity." Sun Yuan said to Tai.

Too stunned!

There are fierce beasts!

Isn't the fierce beasts extinct? How could there be fierce beasts?

Obviously, the strength of this fierce beast is not low enough to hurt Ao Zheng like this ~ should have the initial cultivation base of Quasi-Saint.

Suddenly, a temporary plan appeared in Tai Shang's heart.

"Tongtian, you quickly return to Mount Xumi with Ao Zheng and two junior disciples." Tai Shang commanded.

Although Tongtian didn't know what Sun Yuan said to Taishang, but he obeyed Taishang's meaning, supported Ao Zheng, and then left here with Sun Yuan and Yuan Hong.

Entering the clouds, Tong Tian asked curiously: "Junior Brother Sun, what is in the big formation? Ao Zheng was injured so badly!"

"Originally, my brother only thought that this formation was a difficult formation. After all, my brother and Junior Brother Yuan Hong were not harmed, but when Ao Zheng broke the formation in the end, a fierce beast appeared and his strength was extremely powerful! If it weren't for Ao Zhenghu Now, I'm afraid we will fall into the mouth of the beast!" Sun Yuan said with lingering fear.

Tongtian stopped and turned around to look at it. He finally understood why too much asked him to send Ao Zheng and the three back to Mount Xumi!

"Big brother, are you going to do it?"

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