Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 110: Too much worries

Obtained the three volumes of the Huang Ting Jing from the Taiqing Dynasty, and Duobao has obtained a treasure, this is the Supreme Heart Sutra of the Xuanmen!

It was the three volumes of Huang Ting handed down by the ancestor of Hongjun Dao, but Tai Qing didn't take any kindness, he just wanted to use these three volumes of Huang Ting to destroy Duobao!

The Taishi Mojing and Huang Ting's three volumes are not complementary to each other, but they restrain each other. Once Duobao cultivates these two scriptures, the early stage of cultivation will increase rapidly!

But it will explode and die later.

Duobao is a disciple of the Demon Dao, how could Taiqing really treat him well? In Taiqing's eyes, Duobao is a pawn, a **** that can be discarded after use.

But how could Taiqing know that Duobao had been on his guard and had obtained the three volumes of Huang Ting, and Duobao would not practice directly.

After spending several years in Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian returned from the East China Sea and came to Kunlun Mountain.

Both Taiqing and Primordial meet each other. To Tongtian, Primordial is very happy, but seeing Duobao makes Primordial disgust inexplicably.

Not only because Dubao is an oviparous and hairy generation, the most important thing is which kind of eyebrows and rat eyes Dubao has, which makes Primordial hate to the extreme!

In fact, Duobao itself is such an image, and he cannot change it. It is impossible for him to keep Duobao in a phantom body forever!

"Thank you for the two elder brothers, Duobao is here to mess up the two elder brothers." Tongtian gratefully looked at Taiqing and primitive.

In any case, Duobao was not harmed here. For this, Tongtian should thank Taiqing and Yuanyuan.

"Third brother, are your affairs finished?" Tai Qing said with concern.

"Brother trouble trouble, the matter has been settled, this is not the case, come to pick up Duobao back to Mount Xumi, he worshipped at the gate of this seat, he has not been to Mount Xumi!"

Tongtian said with a smile.

At this time, Taiqing was looking at Duobao. He had reached an agreement with Duobao, so he naturally had to pay more attention to it.

As for the original, he quickly left, but he didn't want to look at it.

As if Dubao has a special physique, it will be bad luck at a glance!

Duobao knew that Yuanyuan didn't like him, but he didn't hate Yuanyuan, because Yuanyuan had not said anything extreme to him at least!

However, Duobao felt that this enthusiastic Taiqing was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and now he is using him even more.

"For the care of the two uncles, my nephew will be rewarded in the future!" Duo Bao said respectfully.

"Well, practice hard and come to Kunlun Mountain more in the future." Taiqing smiled.

Yuan Yuan nodded and didn't say anything.

In Tongtian's heart, he was overjoyed. The meaning of Taiqing was obvious. That sentence was very happy, Dubao, and let him move more in the future.

That being the case, if Duobao came to Kunlun Mountain in the future, he would have nothing to stop him.

Tongtian took Duobao and left Kunlun Mountain and flew towards Xumi Mountain.

Duobao was so excited that he was going to the Demon Dao Holy Land!

Mount Xumi has a unique position in the West. As a creature of the devil in the West, Duobao naturally has special emotions for Mount Xumi!

He had never imagined that one day he would be able to go to Mount Xume, and he would be a demon ancestor and grandson!

"Master, will the disciple's heels and feet arouse the uncle or uncle's disgust on Mount Sumi?" Duobao said worriedly.

Duobao wouldn't care about primitive disgust at all, but Duobao would care about the power of Mount Xumi.

After all, these great abilities are their true elders, who will be together for a long time in the future.

"Your master gave the Ninth-Rank Black Lotus, which means that your master values ​​you very much. As for your uncles and uncles, they also get along well." Tong Tian smiled lightly.

Duobao felt a little uneasy in his heart. He was worried that there would be an existence like Primordial, so he loathed him somehow!

Of course, Duobao also found out later that everything was because of his heels. His body belonged to the inferior third-rate, which caused Primordial dislike.

Above the primordial land, Wan Ling's body is divided into nine streams!

The upper third stream is the congenital sacred, such as Siqing, Zhenyuanzi, Taixuan, Kunpeng, Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi... etc.

The middle and third stream are equivalent to the second-generation creatures born of Kong Xuan.

The inferior ranks are transformed by weak creatures like Dubao, such as mice, scorpions, and ants.

Kunlun Mountain is not very far from Buzhou Mountain, and the west of Buzhou Mountain is the West. The speed of the master and apprentice is also extremely fast.

In a short period of time, he has already flown over Buzhou Mountain and entered the West.

Re-experiencing the aura of the West, Dubo has a kind of cordial feeling, maybe this is the feeling of home.

On Mount Xumi, Taishang sat cross-legged in the upper ancestral palace, inferring that Taishang's ruthless Dao, his cultivation method has been changed.

Ruthless Dao, has gradually been too perfected, but this path, too high does not want to teach others!

Ruthless Demon Dao, it is best to be alone, because the ruthless Demon Dao will eventually conflict with the sentimental Demon Dao!

There is only one person who wants to avoid it.

But things are impermanent, and Taishang is not sure to let the ruthless magic way only exist in his heart!

At the beginning Luo Hu asked him to take a shortcut. This was in the feeling of mentoring and apprenticeship, and this was tolerating him.

Too firmly believe that Luo Hu must know that the Tao he comprehends is the ruthless magical Tao, which is contrary to Luo Hui's thinking and becomes the opposite!

But Luo Hu still let him open up one. Why?

Still for his achievements.

Too great can't guarantee that in the future, if you encounter creatures who are predestined with the ruthless demon way, they will not spread the ruthless demon way!

Too perfect, too ruthless Demon Dao, also created a scripture, too ruthless First Demon Heart Sutra.

This Heart Sutra is exactly the opposite of the Taishi Demon Sutra. Once it spreads out, it will inevitably shake the entire Demon Dao and cause the Demon Dao’s luck to be scattered!

At that time, the sentimental demon way and the ruthless demon way are divided into two systems, and the aura of the demon way will be divided into two.

Therefore, Tai Shang will not spread the Ruthless Demon Dao anyway.

Suddenly, Tai Shang opened his eyes and looked beyond Mount Xumi.

"Tongtian is back."

Tai Shang muttered to himself, and found that there was an obese young man beside Tongtian.

And this obese young man was actually practicing Taishi Mojing, so there is only one possibility, and that is that Tongtian will accept him as a disciple.

One step out, Taishang appeared on Mount Xumi.

When Tongtian saw Taishang, he flew over quickly.

"Big brother."

"Junior Brother, is this your disciple?" Too frowned, but he stretched out.

Although Duobao's body is inferior and third-rate, Taishang will not judge it, and no one above Xumi Mountain will judge it.

"Disciple Duobao, pay homage to the master." Duobao knelt down and bowed directly.

In the past, Duobao had heard of it, that the chief of Mount Xumi, the Supreme Demon Ancestor, was second only to the two Demon Ancestors!



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