Prehistoric Luo Hu Asking the Way

Vol 3 Chapter 111: Pangu's eyes

"Well, get up!" Tai Shang said lightly.

Then he looked at Tongtian again: "Going out this time, Junior Brother should get some chance,"

"I can't hide anything from the big brother, and got a high-grade innate spirit treasure, some special, unusual high-grade innate spirit treasure."

As Tongtian said, he took out the dragon rope.

Taishang looked intently and nodded, but this is a good treasure, with extremely powerful binding power on it.

"Yeah." Too nodded.

Tongtian returned to Mount Xumi. He wanted to take Duobao to visit Luo Hu, but he found out that Luo Hu was in retreat in the great freedom, so he didn't bother him.

The Heavenly Demon Ancestor was not in Mount Xumi, and Duo Bao could not be seen. Next, Tong Tian asked Duo Bao to visit those uncles and the big brother Kong Xuan one by one.

After that, let Duobao practice peacefully in Mount Xumi.

A hundred years later, Duobao came to Shangzu Palace. He hadn't done what Taiqing had confessed to him.

Of course, Duobao would not reveal the matter of Taishang to Taiqing. After all, his heart still leans towards the magic way. As for the profound door, even if it is destroyed, he will not blink his eyes.

"Master, disciple Duobao please see me."

Duobao was outside the palace gate, waiting respectfully. After ten breaths, a boy opened the palace gate!

In Mount Xumi, if you want to set up a palace, you need to be the Demon Ancestor, and only the Demon Ancestor can have a boy. Taishang has opened up one and has become the Demon Ancestor.

"Brother, please come in, the master has please." The boy made a please gesture.

"Thank you." Duobao thanked him, and then entered the palace.

At this time Taishang sat on the main hall, closed his eyes slightly, as if he was wandering around Taixu.

Duobao walked to His Highness slowly, took a look too high, did not speak, and stood respectfully below.

Dubao had a feeling that he looked indifferent as a master, but it was not the case, especially for people in the same vein.

This stop is a century.

Tai Shang opened his eyes, looked at Duobao, and said faintly: "Your intention is already clear to me. Three-volume Huang Ting is a blessing or a curse for you, but it is not suitable for cultivation now."

Duobao was shocked. He didn't expect Tai Shang to figure out his thoughts. He was shocked.

"Thank you for your advice, there is one more thing Duobao would like to ask Master Master." Duobao said respectfully.

At this time, Duobao is more respectful to Taishang, and his heart is shocked. Is this the magical power of the demon ancestor?

I don’t know how powerful the Heavenly Demon Ancestor is, and the most noble Demon Ancestor Luo Hu!

"Tao come." Tai Shang spit out two words.

Duobao took a deep breath, and then said: "The disciple got three volumes of Huangting in Kunlun Mountain. Naturally, he has to do something for Master Taiqing. I wonder if Master Master did anything special in Zhoushan."


Rao was too indifferent to this kind of character, and was also amused by Duo Bao, but he didn't expect Duo Bao to say it this way.

But this is fine, after all, there is no need to involve a junior in matters of the elders.

Duobao is just a disciple.

"You tell your uncle Taiqing, this seat has laid a net of heaven and earth in Buzhou Mountain, and just wait for him to get the bait." This time, Taishang did not say with a calm face, but said with a smile.

Tai Shang found that his nephew was really good, not only loyal to the magic way, but also more proficient in calculation.

It's far smoother than Tongtian, and that's good. In the future, they will all become holy, and they must be separated. At that time, Taishang can't always protect Tongtian.

With Duobao, a disciple who is proficient in calculation, around him, Tongtian shouldn't suffer any losses.

"The disciple would like to abide by the decree of the master, so I will go to Kunlun Mountain." Duo Bao said immediately.

Taishang didn't stop Duobao. Since Taiqing was so scared, let Taiqing be afraid.

The arrangement of Bu Zhoushan was placed under the hands of the Supreme Master, in order to kill Taiqing. Now, Taiqing has been aware of it, and there is no need for Taiqing to hide anything!

The more you let Dubao pass the letter, the more careless Taiqing will be, although some helpers will be called!

But if Dubao doesn't spread the letter, won't Taiqing call a helper?

Taishang just made Taiqing fear for a while, and then relax for a while. This will affect Taiqing's emotions and make Taiqing crazy during the war!

Once Taiqing became enchanted at that time, Taishang wanted to kill him, as simple as pinching an ant to death.

At this time, Tongtian came to Shangzu Palace and walked in directly.

"Big brother, what did Dubao do?"

When Duobao came to the ancestral palace, Tongtian discovered it. When Duobao left the upper ancestral palace and flew out of Mount Xumi, Tongtian was a little puzzled and came to ask.

As for the fact that Taishang would harm Duobao, Tongtian would not believe this. He thought it was Taishang who asked Duobao to do something.

"Junior Brother, you have accepted a good disciple!"

Tongtian wondered why Taishang said so, but looking at Taishang's expression, he was not angry. In other words, Duobao did not anger Taishang.

"Taiqing taught the three-volume Huang Ting Duobao. You can see that the three-volume Huang Ting runs counter to the Taishi Demon Sutra. Once you practice, you will advance by leaps and bounds in the early stage and burst into death in the later stage.

"How could this be? Why did Brother Taiqing harm Duobao!" Tongtian didn't believe it.

"The three-volume Huang Ting is harmful, but it is also beneficial. This is the supreme verse of the Xuanmen. If Duobao cultivates in the future, once he has passed the killing, he will definitely be a fellow practitioner!"

Taishang has already planned a future for Duobao. As the chief of Demon Dao, he is in charge of the major events of Demon Dao, so Taishang will naturally take care of Duobao's affairs.

"How is this!" Tongtian was so angry that Duobao was his eldest disciple. Why did he harm Duobao for no reason?

Taiqing's move is to step on the brotherhood.

But even so, Tongtian didn't have any intention to kill Taiqing, he was just a little dissatisfied.

Tong Tian's expression was naturally clearly seen by Tai Shang. He was a little helpless. Although Tong Tian was decisive, he did not fully understand the situation.

This is not as good as Duobao who just entered Mount Xumi.

Dubao still knows that Dao and Demons are not at odds!

"Junior Brother, you go back! Dubao's affairs are handled by this seat." Tai Shang said softly.

"Thank you, big brother."

Tongtian left in a daze. He didn't expect Taiqing to be so vicious that he wanted to murder his disciple.

Handing Duobao to Taishang, Tongtian felt relieved, since Taishang took the matter personally, there is no need to worry about Duobao's safety.

With great freedom in the sky, Luo Hu walked on the world tree, watching the chaotic process once again.

Feeling the greatness of chaos, it has nurtured infinite laws, made endless creatures, and evolved into the supreme treasure!

Facing the vast chaos, Luo Hu felt like a grain of sand in the beach of thousands of miles, not enough!

With one step out, Luo Hu entered the chaos, here is the historical reflection of the World Tree, not really chaos.

But when Luo Hu entered this history, he felt an extremely powerful binding force.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's later cultivation base was instantly suppressed to the realm of quasi-sage, and Luo Hui was already prepared for this.

Entering history, with Luo Hu's current cultivation base, he couldn't raise anything about history at all.

For example, when practicing the law of time, even if you understand 70% or even 80%, it is difficult to reverse time and space and go back to the past!

If you want to change the past, you can't just comprehend the law of time.

The two most basic laws that want to change the past are time and space!

Luo Hui's highest comprehension now is the law of 40%.

Of his 3,000 laws, only one reached 40%, and the rest were 30%.

In this way, Luo Hu has reached the late Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

This shows the difficulty of comprehending the Three Thousand Rule and the power of comprehending the Three Thousand Rule.

Luo Hu entered the historical echoes, as if he had traveled through the chaos again, but he couldn't change anything.

He watched himself traveling in the chaos at the time, but he couldn't point out where there was a spiritual treasure.

Otherwise, he can completely change the history, go to the place where the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian is, before Pangu is pregnant, refine the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian!

In this way, Luo Hu has two chaos treasures.


Luo Hui thought of one thing that is why there is no World Tree in the history of history. He remembers that the World Tree appeared once during the Chaos Period!

Why is there no such a scene?

Is it because the world tree can change history, leading to no world tree in history?

But in this case, then the 36th-Rank Chaos Creation Qinglian shouldn't appear in history either.

No, there are other chaotic treasures that should not appear.

The treasure of chaos, transcends above the law, contains three thousand laws, and can be said to be the omnipotent treasure!

Every Chaos Treasure is a supreme existence.

It can be said that there is no strong or weak chaotic treasure, only the main function!

For example, the Pan Gu axe is the most attacking treasure.

Destroying the world has the power to destroy the world!

Luo Hui jumped and returned to the World Tree. In the history of history, Luo Hui always felt that someone was watching him!

That feeling made Luo Hu very uncomfortable and could not help himself. This was not what Luo Hu wanted.

Otherwise, Luo Hu wouldn't try so hard to get out of the way.

For some reason, Luo Hu felt that this time he climbed the World Tree very quickly.

Although it was the same as last time, it was all in the blink of an eye.

But the last time he returned to Honghuang, he learned that it took ten thousand years.

This time, although it was a blink of an eye, Luo Hu had a hunch that this time must be much less time than the last time.

It's time for Pangu to become a prehistoric.

Luo Hui stared closely at Pangu's fallen body, then looked at Pangu's eyes!


At this time, Pangu's eyes looked at Luo Hu!

That's right, this is looking directly at Luo Hu!

Luo Hu couldn't help taking a step back. He felt the sharpness of Pangu's eyes, which was an unwilling and crazy look.

"What does he want to do?"

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